november goals



  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    christch wrote: »
    Honestly going from a women's only gym where I knew how to use all the gear and could lift the weights to a big space, lots of machines that I have no idea what you use them for or how, weights and racks, all those guys both young /old and knowing what they're doing, for the first couple of nights I would walk through door and was so nervous I just wanted to throw up. Then after Fri nights effort with the rack and not setting safeties I was about to give notice. But after getting some great advice from some sensible women here, I'm getting over myself. I still get nervous but it's only week two by end of month it'll be fine.

    It took me a while to go over to the rack. My only instruction came from books, random posts in "Fitness", and watching videos of Mehdi and huge guys/big, bearded guys on youtube. I felt so self-conscious at first. I got over it. I had a guy tell me I was monopolizing the rack for my squat sets. He wanted to use the safeties for curls. I actually chuckled at him. I chuckled at an older person who's been lifting for decades, so not me. From where did that confidence come? A little while later he came up to apologize, because he "could tell I was serious". We're friendly, now. Some of the guys that work there compliment me on my working weights. I'm no power lifter, yet. But you don't see a lot of heavier lifting at my Y. The people that do work for it recognize progress.

    Don't take guff. Do your thing. Get strong. Feel incredible. Maybe channel Wonder Woman. I'm looking at some fun Converse with stars to replace my ragged-y Skeletoes. Mind over matter ;)
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    My goals:
    Stick with IF (8 hr eating window)
    Continue with accessory work (ICF, basically)
    Continue practicing power cleans
    Add weight to hip thrusters
    Lose 2lbs to get to 123 by Thanksgiving
    Do KB workout at least once a week

    Doing well:
    Yes (IF)
    Yes (workouts)
    Yes (power cleans)
    Yes (hip thrusters)
    Yes, lost 1.2 lbs (weight loss)
    Yes (KB)
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    My goals:
    Stick with IF (8 hr eating window)
    Continue with accessory work (ICF, basically)
    Continue practicing power cleans
    Add weight to hip thrusters
    Lose 2lbs to get to 123 by Thanksgiving
    Do KB workout at least once a week

    Doing well:
    Yes (IF)
    Yes (workouts)
    Yes (power cleans)
    Yes (hip thrusters)
    Yes, lost 1.2 lbs (weight loss)
    Yes (KB)

    WTG @Sumiblue! You are killing it!!!!!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    You're a lot braver than you think! You are a bada$$ and don't forget it!

    This, absolutely this!! I would never have ventured there previously. Now I observe gym etiquette and work as hard as anyone else, so I have as much right as anyone to be there. I know it, and they know it. And now it is the place I look forward to going the most!
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    @Bluefish86, thanks! I feel like I'm killing it
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    most of my goals for this month: nah.

    well, most of the sl weight goals seem like they may be on track, but
    i'll see. feeling cautious about being too aggressive for my back muscles' ability to keep up.

    all the ambitious extras that i threw in there on top are more dubious. glute bridges are in the fahgeddabahdit bucket this month; i know that.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    edited November 2015
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    Fitness Goals
    1. To be able to squat my bodyweight and deadlift 1.5X my bodyweight
    2. Incorporate at least 1 ab workout per week
    3. Run 5km per week

    Diet Goals
    1. Pack my lunch daily
    2. Stay within 50 calories of my daily goal
    3. Stay within 5% of my macro goals

    Week 3

    Fitness Goals
    1. Close, but no banana.
    2. Yes.
    3. Yes (x3).

    Diet Goals
    1. 5/5 - 100%
    2. 1/7 - 14% (fail)
    3. 1/7 - 14% (massive fail)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Okay, almost near the end and some definite fail this month along with the easy success that I managed before now even.

    Get back to lifting routine after vacation. - success as you know
    Figure out jog/lift schedule for winter. - so far success but holiday is a we'll see a little bit, but so far, 2 jogging, 4 lifting
    Work on gym decision. - not at all
    Weight/Nutrition - back to business indeed. At about 138 now, so almost to the before vacation weight.

    50-75k on novel for NaNoWriMo - hahaha. I have almost 20k now and will work lots of hours. I need to write tonight. I wanted a 10k day but not looking like possible even that. We'll see how much I get done but I'll finish the novel in December instead.
    Stories for I Write - yes if I can get them done in the next couple of hours.
    Work on the online catch up task - not even close.

    Think in December I need to find .5 things to use on the bar for upper body because I'm too close to my 1 max with my working weight. I am looking at shoes tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes as I need new jogging shoes and maybe shoes for lifting. Hope to get body weight to 135 in December but that will be in the next month post. For now it's survive the next work week as it's going to be hectic. Sales, tags, freight, different sales and end of month, all in one week that also involves Thanksgiving and Black Friday. I might hide next monday to sleep. Maybe...

  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    I told some guy today that i was still using the squat rack so he moved to the smith machine. *snickers*

    It rocked.

    I failed my upper body lifts. That didn't rock. But after a rocky november i think i am back on track.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Final results for the month. Did okay but didn't reach all of the goals.

    + Get back to lifting routine after vacation.
    + Figure out jog/lift schedule for winter. - though I haven't gone on a long outside run cause brrr it's cold out there
    / Work on gym decision. - ish, if i switch, do think I know which one but not sure I want to switch at this point. Distance is a factor but so is cost and contract, though the one open now by work does make it an option. I need to talk to someone again about cost and such, maybe around New Year there will be a deal worth grabbing.
    Weight/Nutrition - not so much. I've hovering from 138 to 140 this month. Will need to crack down on tracking for December and try to get closer to 135.

    50-75k on novel for NaNoWriMo - not even close. I will have over 30k but less that 40k by the end of the night..
    + Stories for I Write - yep, made it through even though I was last minute on many of the weeks.
    Work on the online catch up task - not even close. Maybe in December.

    Well, we are done here and time to think of my December goals.

  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    christch wrote: »
    My goal is to start lifting in a real gym with racks without
    1 making a fool of myself in front of the guys
    2 workout out how top use new equipment workout hurting myself or breaking anything
    3 increase lifts for bench and oh press
    4 start using barbell for bench and oh press which means I might achieve 3
    5 gain more muscle

    But really if I can do 1 and 2 I'll be a happy girl. Have a session tonight with trainer.

    So survived November and met some goals.
    Yes managed to get used to new gear without embarrassing myself, so 1and 2 done.
    3. Increased bench to 32.5 kg just
    OH press still the same
    4. Doing that
    5. One can hope.
    Also the biggie DL at 2x5 70kg
    Front squat 50kg :smiley:

  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    1) Lift 3 times a week
    2) Improve form for OHP in order to lift more than the measly 22.5kg I have managed so far. (currently struggling with old Rotator cuff injuries)
    3) Squat 50kg (???reasonable goal, currently 35kg)
    4) Deadlift 65kg (???reasonable goal, currently 45kg)
    5) Do at least one session of cardio (spinning, bodycombat) a week because I enjoy it.
    6) Don't weigh myself more than once a week. And don't get hung up on what the scales say when I do get on them.
    7) Continue eating mostly healthy, most of the time. (November is my birthday month and the start of festive functions, so there's going to be some give and take here!)
    8) Continue tracking and working to TDEE or -15% (still getting used to the fact I need to eat more than the 1200 calories I have been kidding myself is right for the last umpteen years!)
    9) Drink more water - I have installed an app on my phone which reminds me!
    10) Smile - enjoy the progress, and be proud!

    edited - remembered I wanted to add the following:

    11) Do as many press ups (full, on toes) as possible after (or as part of) each workout day. Currently able to do 12 in one set, followed by 8.
    12) Don't skimp on the abs work.
    13) Don't make excuses!


    So, a successful month for me:
    1) yes, each and every week. Loved the consistency and the routine.
    2) managed a few reps at 30kg, steady at 25kg though so happy with this.
    3) Yes - got to 52.5kg with ease.
    4) Almost - did 62.5kg - happy with that.
    5) not really - preferring to lift rather than do cardio right now.
    6) result - not bothered about the scales, going by the fit of my clothes and comments from others instead!
    7) Yes - happy with the balance
    8) am getting pretty good at it.
    9) definitely better than before
    10) Oh yes, lots and lots of this,
    11) yes - working on form and doing alright. Hubby was impressed at least!
    12) could do more, but I think this one's covered.
    13) I think I've done pretty well on this one - the fact I have been consistent in going to the gym is evidence. Not been too tired/hungover/bleurgh!

    I'm happy with November - now to think of December's goals taking into account that it is party month!!!

    Well done everyone who has made progress - keep it going!
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    Fitness Goals
    1. To be able to squat my bodyweight and deadlift 1.5X my bodyweight
    2. Incorporate at least 1 ab workout per week
    3. Run 5km per week

    Diet Goals
    1. Pack my lunch daily
    2. Stay within 50 calories of my daily goal
    3. Stay within 5% of my macro goals

    Week 4

    Fitness Goals
    1. 1 out of 2... Squatted 72.5kg last Sunday.... just over my bodyweight. I didn't really expect to be able to DL 1.5x my bodyweight this month. Lofty goals. But it gave me something to work towards!
    2. Smashed it.
    3. Smashed it... 2-3 times a week!

    Diet Goals
    1. Everyday. :smile:
    2. Nope.
    3. Big nope....

    My diet has gone to *kitten* in the last month... too many temptations at work and at home. I've actually upped my calorie limit to accommodate. I'm going to bulk until after new year then cut/recomp. Hopefully I won't have gained too much by then. I just don't feel like stressing out over every Christmas lunch or dinner out during the holidays.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Meep, a little late but I was otherwise distracted so november is starting today for me (with a cold to boot. Oy vey)

    1. Squat bodyweight again (apparently 200lbs wasn't quit it yet :(). Perhaps for more than 1 rep
    2. Add in 1-2 cardio (LISS) sessions to my weekly routine, somehow. I need to start shedding the extra weight.
    3. Do yoga once a week and figure out a mobility routine.
    4. Eat better (it's vague but I'm not in a mind frame to log atm)

    1. Get the 50k for NaNoWriMo even if I only have 1500-ish words at the moment. (Yay, Nano crew checking in! :))
    2. Pace myself with catching up on TV shows
    3. Perhaps I should start journaling again. I'd been meaning to but pffft.

    Really not trying to break the bank. As someone else said earlier, this IS november, after all. Let's just get through not too much worse for wear if possible!

    Ah, so,
    1. Didn't happen. I had a single @195 and a fail but that was it. Ended up backing off the heavy weights this past week, too.
    2. I think I did cardio twice in the whole month. Oops.
    3. Yeeesh I think that's another twofer for the whole month
    4. Okay, that was decent, at least

    NaNoWriMo: check. It wreaked havonc on my back but I got through. Early. With really only officially starting on the 5th. So yay!
    TV: uh huh didn't have a choice. I was writing all my free time away for the most part!
    Journal: Nope. Ah well

    Meep, indeed.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    "My goals:
    Stick with IF (8 hr eating window)
    Continue with accessory work (ICF, basically)
    Continue practicing power cleans
    Add weight to hip thrusters
    Lose 2lbs to get to 123 by Thanksgiving
    Do KB workout at least once a week"

    -Yes-consistent with IF & it helped at -Thanksgiving

    Yes-consistent with ICF

    -Kind of-have practiced power cleans but not consistently

    -nope-didn't want to aggravate an injury so stayed at same lifting wt.

    -123.8 as of today!

    -yes-love the KBs!
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    klrenn wrote: »
    1. Gain 2lb ( more deficit - building muscle) I just want to be careful not to gain too quickly
    2. Run 2x a week
    3. Squat 135# - I've gotten to 125, I really want to put those big plates on the bar!
    4. Work on my flexibility - I'd like to get closer to my splits for aerials - need to seriously stretch every day.

    Well, month's over and I did not actually meet any of my goals:

    1. I gained 3lbs - not too far off, more than I had hoped, but - Thanksgiving :smile:
    2. Nope. I ran a few times, but not consistently.
    3. Nope. Working out some form kinks...working weight is hovering around 110lbs
    4. Nope. I don't think I sat and stretched once this month for splits.

    It's a new month - now to come up with some realistic goals for December.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Ariadnula wrote: »

    1) Keep lifting three times a week
    2) Get out on my bike three times - I've been getting lazy as it's got colder
    3) Stretch more. Yoga?
    4) Lose two pounds
    5) Do my Chinese study every week, no more turning up at class without having looked at my books all week
    6) Finish Ulysses before I go to Dublin at the end of the month!

    Oh dear.

    1) Done!
    2) not done. At all!
    3) a little bit
    4) nope
    5) kind of...
    6) made it through 3/4s of it! And was glad I did - there was lots of recognition of things while I was there
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »

    November goals

    1. Increase weights on Stronglifts 5x5
    2. Weight lift at least 3 x a week
    3. Kettle bell swing nonweight lifting days 20 minutes
    4. 8 hour diet window
    5. 8 power foods
    6. 8 cups of water
    7. Follow night time snacking prevention methods
    8. Lose 5 lbs
    9. 10,000 steps a day
    10. Do the five day fast diet

    1. Check!
    2. Check!
    3. I didn't do the Kettlebell swings every day but at least 90% of them.
    4. Check!
    5. Check!
    6. Still working on drinking 8 cups of water.
    7. Check!
    8. Check!
    9. This one I am not focusing on because of the weather and I am too busy remodeling my house.
    10. Check!

    I am very happy with my progress this month!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member

    1) Lift 3 times a week
    2) Start tracking food again, I've literally not tracked since getting pregnant 17 months ago... so yeah... need to sort that out
    3) Take Katy out in her carrier as the weather gets colder (it's so much easier than the pram and we can go on walks across countryside)
    4) Hit my 12500 steps goal each day (some days I obliterate it at like 20000 and others I barely get to 8000, so I'd like a bit more consistency)

    1) I had 2 weeks where I lifted twice due to being ill, but I am happy with that
    2) Nope. Just no! I'm actually not sure if I want to track again, I do need to look at my diet and clean it up, but I'm just not keen on getting obsessive about it. I will probably move back to a low carb type approach as it involves the least tracking for me (I don't get crazy, I eat veggies and just cut out "traditional" carbs in favour of fats and moderate protein)
    3) We've been out twice this month, but I could be better at this
    4) Hmm, nope. Still inconsistent.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    1. squats up to 100.
    2. ohp up to 60.
    3. bench 75 with good form and a feeling of comfort.
    4. deadlift up to 145.
    5. rows 75.

    extras: it's all about the legs.
    1. front squats to match all my warmup sets for the back squat. i'd rather push the form than the weight for this though.
    2. glute bridges
    3. negative chins.
    5. i want to do 100 bodyweight squats/day

    meh, none of this really.

    1. once or twice, and then i backed off. "backed", geddit? holding at around 90
    2. last workout. not sure i can really call it my 'weight' for ohp though. holding at 57.5
    3. same as squats. holding at 72.5
    4. made 140 and that was heavy enough.
    5. i've done this, but it's too heavy for my form to be good. bad form is not useful for rows. call it 70 right now.

    1. not consistently. kept it up for a week or so.
    2. nope. forget this.
    3. sometimes.
    4. i never actually had a #4 in the original list
    5. did it for a week or two, then doms and stiffness got in the way.