Waist size stuck

Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
Sadly I don't usually measure my waist, so I don't have measurements for this year. I do know I've lost 3 or 4 inches in the last 6 months and lost over 20 lbs. A shirt I bought 2 months ago that was snug is now loose. My pants (size 52) fall off unless I pull my belt tight - so I measured yesterday expecting to be 50 or less - I feel I should be getting to 48, but the tape measure says 52 - not even 51.


  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Odds are, then, the weight came off your hips and butt, and maybe thighs. Also, your supposedly 52" waist before may have actually been larger. Between vanity sizing and tape measure errors (either user error or the tape measure itself having inaccuracies), you could very well have had a 53 or 54 inch waist and not realize it.

    I can sympathize, though. I've yet to figure out where, exactly, the weight that I've lost came from, because I noticed changes in my clothes, too, but the tape measure doesn't register much, if any change. But, that does just mean it's coming from places that I'm not measuring, or I've got slight differences in measuring technique that's masking any changes that are there. Nothing like fitting back into size 16 jeans that used to be too-snug, but having no idea where the inches were lost from.

    What it boils down to is that it's nice to have the numbers to see the progress, but what matters at the end of the day is whether you can fit into those smaller jeans, or drop down a belt notch, or whatever other changes you're seeing in your clothes. It sounds like what you're doing is working for you, so remember how loose those pants are, and maybe go get yourself a pair of 48s so you can watch yourself shrink into them. :)
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    Weight loss is weird.

    I have a fellow low carb friend who is 10 lbs heavier than I am, but has 6 inches less on his waist.

    Keep calm and keto on, it will all take care of itself for the most part.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    And trust me, the doctors will recognize this too. My endo commented that I hadn't lost any weight really since my appointment 6 months prior, but I explained how i was down a full pants size and shrinking out of my undergarments and he lit up like a Christmas tree. It was cool. I went from a status unchanged to a status improved when that factor added to my positive blood lab work results.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Where are you measuring your waist? The bellybutton is the traditional measurement location.

    Do you wear your pants at that location? I wear mine a couple inches lower.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    My belly seems like it's the relocating port for the fat in the rest of my body. My butt, thighs, back all look substantially smaller and my gut looks and feels much larger proportionately than it should at this weight. I'm back in my smaller shirts, but not my slacks. My progress is being measured by what old clothes I can fit back into. I kept all my small clothes in bins and hope to get back into them again.

    My point is, fat stores itself in different places in different people and even in the same person. My waist was smaller as I was gaining weight up to 150, than it is now coming down. (Then again, it could have been my resistance to move into a bigger size when I was going up, but my pants had to have been REALLY tight and I don't remember that. I prefer to wear loose clothing.)

    Body type probably has a lot to do with where the weight is stored. Be patient.
  • robosphere
    robosphere Posts: 66 Member
    edited November 2015
    It depends where you got your pants. The actual circumference vs what is listed on the tag varies wildly from manufacturer to manufacturer.

    this article is from 2010, but I'm sure it hasn't changed much
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I forgot to say that I know I lost inches - cause of which belt hold I've been using - and 2 weeks ago had to punch a new hole in both belts.
  • ndvoice
    ndvoice Posts: 161 Member
    Bob314159 wrote: »
    I forgot to say that I know I lost inches - cause of which belt hold I've been using - and 2 weeks ago had to punch a new hole in both belts.

    If you had to punch holes, then your waist IS smaller. Did you actually measure your waist with a tape measure before you started loosing? Or were you just wearing 52's? Either way, it sounds like you did loose in your waist.
    Since I've been loosing, I've lost a lot from thighs, hips, arms & legs. I've lost some in my waist, but not as much as the other areas.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I lost whatever decolletage I had. Oh well.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Bob314159 wrote: »
    Sadly I don't usually measure my waist, so I don't have measurements for this year. I do know I've lost 3 or 4 inches in the last 6 months and lost over 20 lbs. A shirt I bought 2 months ago that was snug is now loose. My pants (size 52) fall off unless I pull my belt tight - so I measured yesterday expecting to be 50 or less - I feel I should be getting to 48, but the tape measure says 52 - not even 51.

    So use the tape measure to measure the largest size pants you were wearing regularly - or on the largest belt hole you used. My fiance and I measured some of his recently. He has a pair of shorts that are a 44 - and they were 48 inches. His pants were off between 1-4 inches from the "size," which we all know is supposed to match. However, relaxed fit tends to have a 2" or more ease. There's all kinds of wackiness there. Out of 5-6 pairs of pants/shorts - 4 of them were 2" off from the "size." Measure your largest pants/largest size belt hole, and you'll know approximately what your starting waist size was. If you were using the belt at "maximum" and you've had add holes at the snug end, I'd wager you've easily lost 4+ inches.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    The only measurement that truly counts is your weight. Focus on the fact you've dropped 20LBS, and as others have mentioned by how your clothes are fitting. Using a tape measure really only works on skinny folks. I'm about your size and I can get multiple different measurements using the same tape measure. By simply standing a little straighter I can effect the measurement by 2 inches. If I were you I would throw away the tape measure and just keep doing what you are doing b/c it is obviously working. JMO
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    daylitemag wrote: »
    The only measurement that truly counts is your weight. Focus on the fact you've dropped 20LBS, and as others have mentioned by how your clothes are fitting. Using a tape measure really only works on skinny folks. I'm about your size and I can get multiple different measurements using the same tape measure. By simply standing a little straighter I can effect the measurement by 2 inches. If I were you I would throw away the tape measure and just keep doing what you are doing b/c it is obviously working. JMO

    I find the opposite to be true for me. My scale currently is being obstinate, but my clothing size is shrinking, as are my tape measurements.

    That's why I always suggest to folks to look at the scale, measurements, pictures, AND clothes size, because you never know how things will play out for you personally.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I must disagree with you @daylitemag. The tape measure has kept me on plan these last five months without weight loss. If I hadn't seen the difference in inches lost (went from women's size 20 and now in 14 during that time). I believe is a very good tool when used consistently by measuring at the same spots (holding your tongue just right, lol!). But no, weight isn't the only true measurement that counts. I think that you will wish you would have used it too when the scale stops moving.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    A way to be sure you're measuring the same each time is to either take a photo of yourself and write on it with a marker or snap shots in the mirror while holding a measure in place. It will give you frames of reference to help, too.
  • crunchketo
    crunchketo Posts: 49 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    A way to be sure you're measuring the same each time is to either take a photo of yourself and write on it with a marker or snap shots in the mirror while holding a measure in place. It will give you frames of reference to help, too.
    Great idea!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    re: measurements: you can also use body markers as the spot to measure, for instance 1/2 way between your lowest rib and top of your hip bone for waist, or measure your hips where your wrist bone hits when standing, or measure thigh at tip of longest finger when standing, etc.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I just bought a new size 52 belt, and it fits me when moved down 2 notches =48" - which matches what I expected. Also I found in a box of "don't fit me clothes" a pair of pants size 48, that is not tight fitting and does not need a belt. So I'll ignore the tape measure.