If you're not losing, you're not alone.

gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
Hiya folks.

I just wanted to share a little post about how life goes so you know you're normal, not alone. I also wanted to maybe put things into perspective a bit. There's a bit of a feeling I get that, if you've eaten above your chosen carb/calorie level for the day (or heaven forbid, longer) or you've eaten that piece of pizza at the party, you've somehow failed, cheated, run a muck.

Well... I'd like to point out that in my books that's sometimes called, enjoying life.

Case in point: Halloween is the Beasts favorite holiday bar none. He takes the weekend off and we actually celebrate all month! This year was my first on LCHF. This year I ate more candy than ever before. In fact we laid on the floor playing video games, watching movies and eating m&m's like stereotypical Romans would have eaten figs and olives. And I didn't feel one bit guilty. In fact I loved it. 3 days of gluttony. We ate cake for breakfast, french fries for supper and non stop candy.

And now? I gained 9lbs in 3 days, my face is puffy and swollen and I feel completely satisfied and done and ready to get back at it. I actually think I needed that.

I haven't lost weight for about 3 months now. I've had various theories as to why and had been feeling progressively less well. Not ill or in pain. Just not as awesome as before. Cream had crept in on a daily basis again and I was drinking A LOT of coffee. I also wasn't eating very much (lack of appetite) likely due to the allergy medication I was taking for almost all the 3 months.

So now it's time to regroup, test my theories and get back at it. I'm half way to goal and my new approach is simply that as others are allergic to peanuts or dairy or gluten, I simply can't eat carbs if I wish to be the best me possible. It's non negotiable for my body. There's no winning or failing. There's simply knowledge as to the cause and effect of certain foods. What causes the effects I'm looking for. Seeing as how yesterday was my last day off until Boxing day... it's really important to be achieving optimum results right now.

I'm sure the 9lbs will come off pretty quickly, once I'm back into ketosis again so I'm not worried about that. I'm prepared for keto flu but sucking back the sodium like nobody's business.

And so if you're wondering, my new plan has only 3 parts:

No dairy. No coffee.
This will be difficult. Not because of the caffeine (I mostly drank decaf) but because I LOVE coffee.

I must log to make sure I'm eating enough
I stopped logging during meativore May and never went back. I HATE logging

My diet will consist of meat, eggs, butter, tea, coconut oil and soup broth, cal/mag pills and lemon juice only for the time being. Salads, dressings, conidments are only when I eat out and want to "fit in" easier. Otherwise these things sneakily affect my carb counts which seem to have to be almost zero for the weight to come off and energy to go up.

And then after my 54 days straight of 16hr work days (oh and of ketosis...lol)? You got it. Another week of "eat all the things" for Christmas. Thankfully valentines day, st-patricks day and Easter are not big eating holidays at our house! So I should be good after that until my birthday in May!

Keepin' it real. Lovin' life.


  • Lucille4444
    Lucille4444 Posts: 284 Member
    gsp90x wrote: »
    3 days of gluttony

    Some of us fall down and get up and try again. Others fall down and stay acquainted with the floor a little bit longer :)

    Glad you are back up and making plans.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I agree. I've had, for lack of a better term, a few "carb-ups" lately, and while the scale is still playing coy, I can't keep my darned pants up!!! So something is still going on... I've always maintained that we fight so hard the rest of the time so that when life happens, we're equipped to deal with it! Glad to see other folks who see that, too. Glad you enjoyed your time. I hope you encounter the success you're aiming for... (hugs)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Immensity @Knitormiss! I haven't lost a single pound since June 1st, but in was a size 18/20 then and am wearing some size 14 now! This is some of the freakiest things I have ever seen with losing weight! It's good that I haven't based my motivation on the scale I haven't "fallen off" either. I have eaten on plan (yes freaky, should have run for the cookies but chose not to!) The whole time! I'm happy with how I feel and what I see in the mirror. I will keto on!

    So glad you are jumping back in!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    Immensity @Knitormiss! I haven't lost a single pound since June 1st, but in was a size 18/20 then and am wearing some size 14 now! This is some of the freakiest things I have ever seen with losing weight! It's good that I haven't based my motivation on the scale I haven't "fallen off" either. I have eaten on plan (yes freaky, should have run for the cookies but chose not to!) The whole time! I'm happy with how I feel and what I see in the mirror. I will keto on!

    So glad you are jumping back in!

    My furthest off incident was a hit and miss 3.5 day stretch where half of my meals were on plan and half were carby, but it was a choice due to finances. I was eating up what was in the house to save funds... Other than a few mild headaches I shook off pretty easily with broth and salt, I didn't have any other readaption problems. and I'm right back to feeling awesome... Like so many others, I know I'll be some form of low carb for life, so I'm okay with it taking me a while to get where I'm headed...
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    gsp90x wrote: »
    3 days of gluttony

    Some of us fall down and get up and try again. Others fall down and stay acquainted with the floor a little bit longer :smile:

    I'm glad you survived.

    If I did that the chance of me waking up 6 months later 50 lbs heavier is way higher than I can risk.

    I don't "deserve" 3 days like that.

    Thinking that way is what got me to 350 plus pounds.

    I do not think I am alone in that regard.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    @gsp90x Glad you had fun. :)

    I don't tend to bounce back as quickly when my diet slips or I would do that too. Mmm, M&M's..... I've had just some carb creep up to 40 or so grams per day and my calories have gone up by almost 500 in response. I'm having a heck of a time resetting myself to a level I can lose at again. I think I'm at my 10th re-set day.

    For maintenance, this would be great, but I don't want to maintain this weight. LOL
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    @gsp90x Glad you had fun. :)

    I don't tend to bounce back as quickly when my diet slips or I would do that too. Mmm, M&M's..... I've had just some carb creep up to 40 or so grams per day and my calories have gone up by almost 500 in response. I'm having a heck of a time resetting myself to a level I can lose at again. I think I'm at my 10th re-set day.

    For maintenance, this would be great, but I don't want to maintain this weight. LOL

    Have you tried eating at the maintenance level of your goal weight? I've heard that can help with slow, steady losses, not stalling your metabolism, and mindset. I haven't tried it yet, because I don't have a true goal weight yet, as it's so far away...but I've heard it works for some folks.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I binged on Halloween candy, too (and in general that weekend), and the scale reflected that. One day of keto and it went back down. (There are definitely times I can get away with that and times when it backfires.) Thanks for sharing your plan!
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    I'm not suggesting that everyone go on a binge and then jump right back up like nothing happened.

    I went to a wedding in August and it was supposed to be 1 day of eating what they served (I was at the head table) and that turned into 3 weeks of trying to get back on the wagon every day. So, I"m not saying I'm invincible by any means. I'm simply saying that it's nice to not see ourselves as horrible human beings if we do chose to (or inadvertently) indulge. I *DID* spend 3 months not losing because of what seemed to be the tiniest indulgences, like cream in my coffee.

    As KnitOrMiss said, if it's going to be a way of life for the rest of our lives.... if it takes a little longer to get there, so be it. Enjoy the ride. But I do understand that for some people this is not an option because of the repercussions. And even a few months ago this would have derailed me for months. And there are certain things I just can't do. Like, I just can't do bread. No matter what the occasion. I'll end up like @nicintime suggested! And not to mention today has been horrid with the keto flu. But I knew that was coming and yeah, it's worth it.

    I'm just saying, if you don't follow your plan to the letter everyday, don't beat yourself up. You don't have to go to confession or feel worthless. Nothing is "wrong" with you for enjoying food. It's simply feedback. Knowledge. Actions and reactions. Take it one step, one day at a time and hopefully you'll enjoy the process a whole lot more.

    Sorry, must be the transition making my writing not so clear. I know what I meant but I don't think I'm expressing it well. :) It felt like a huge A ha! moment in my head :blush:

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I think I get it. :)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    @gsp90x Glad you had fun. :)

    I don't tend to bounce back as quickly when my diet slips or I would do that too. Mmm, M&M's..... I've had just some carb creep up to 40 or so grams per day and my calories have gone up by almost 500 in response. I'm having a heck of a time resetting myself to a level I can lose at again. I think I'm at my 10th re-set day.

    For maintenance, this would be great, but I don't want to maintain this weight. LOL

    Have you tried eating at the maintenance level of your goal weight? I've heard that can help with slow, steady losses, not stalling your metabolism, and mindset. I haven't tried it yet, because I don't have a true goal weight yet, as it's so far away...but I've heard it works for some folks.

    I think I have been doing that...approximately. I lost about 1 to 0.5 lbs this past month. I enjoyed my food but I just want to get this done now. I have no patience! LOL
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    gsp90x wrote: »
    I'm not suggesting that everyone go on a binge and then jump right back up like nothing happened.

    I went to a wedding in August and it was supposed to be 1 day of eating what they served (I was at the head table) and that turned into 3 weeks of trying to get back on the wagon every day. So, I"m not saying I'm invincible by any means. I'm simply saying that it's nice to not see ourselves as horrible human beings if we do chose to (or inadvertently) indulge. I *DID* spend 3 months not losing because of what seemed to be the tiniest indulgences, like cream in my coffee.

    As KnitOrMiss said, if it's going to be a way of life for the rest of our lives.... if it takes a little longer to get there, so be it. Enjoy the ride. But I do understand that for some people this is not an option because of the repercussions. And even a few months ago this would have derailed me for months. And there are certain things I just can't do. Like, I just can't do bread. No matter what the occasion. I'll end up like @nicintime suggested! And not to mention today has been horrid with the keto flu. But I knew that was coming and yeah, it's worth it.

    I'm just saying, if you don't follow your plan to the letter everyday, don't beat yourself up. You don't have to go to confession or feel worthless. Nothing is "wrong" with you for enjoying food. It's simply feedback. Knowledge. Actions and reactions. Take it one step, one day at a time and hopefully you'll enjoy the process a whole lot more.

    Sorry, must be the transition making my writing not so clear. I know what I meant but I don't think I'm expressing it well. :) It felt like a huge A ha! moment in my head :blush:

    Well said!
  • cynlyn2010
    cynlyn2010 Posts: 73 Member

    So now it's time to regroup, test my theories and get back at it. I'm half way to goal and my new approach is simply that as others are allergic to peanuts or dairy or gluten, I simply can't eat carbs if I wish to be the best me possible. It's non negotiable for my body. There's no winning or failing. There's simply knowledge as to the cause and effect of certain foods. What causes the effects I'm looking for.

    I completely agree. Before Keto, I would have never imagined that something like carbs was responsible for my ailments. Why isn't this common knowledge? Why doesn't everyone out there know that some people suffer from carb intolerance? Once I cut the carbs, not only did the weight start coming off, but my pain and inflammation from various auto immune issues decreased significantly.
    I will eat this way for the rest of my life for that very reason. When I do slip, I always suffer. It's not worth it. Now when I look at candy or icecream, I only see pain. I'm so glad my friend introduced me to the Keto WOE. It's helped me get my life back.

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @cynlyn2010, the pain is so much better that it keeps me from wanting carbs, at all. I relate to them as poison for me too! Is a wonderful motivator!!