Not losing

ive been doing keto for 4 weeks now and have only lost maybe 5lbs. I don't understand why I'm not losing at all....I don't eat carbs. I am always under my 1500 calorie goal. Excercise could be better but still.... I'm feeling frustrated and unmotivated. I just had my son almost 2 months ago, so I thought maybe it's a hormone thing. Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance guys


  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Well 5 lbs isn't nothing. If you lost another 5lbs over the next four weeks and so on you would reach your goal in a few months' time.

    I would say be gentle and patient with yourself. Your body is still recovering from pregnancy and giving birth - I have no idea of what factors might be involved, but I think just give it a bit of time to recover. Those articles about celebrities back in their bikinis 2 seconds after giving birth are a bit unrealistic imo.

    It's also difficult to offer any advice without seeing your diary so maybe if you opened that we could have a poke about and see if there's any more targeted advice we could give!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    There are many factors to "making keto work". One of the biggest is the amount needed to lose to begin with. If you more overweight you lose more, quicker (usually). How are you feeling overall, are your clothes fitting better, do you "feel" thinner (this is when you wish you would have measured yourself)? But, without being able to see your diary I am unable to get specific. 5 pounds is nothing to sneeze at no matter where you start and should always be celebrated! Best to you!
  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks! I thought my diary was open but I'll make it open right now. I did measure, I've lost about 3 inches off my waist since I got home from the hospital. ( from 37 inches to 34.5 inches last night) I weighed 189lbs 2 days after giving birth in the hospital and I weigh 178 lbs as of last night. So that's pretty good. Better than I thought. It's just been super slow the last couple weeks I've gone up and down the same 2 lbs.
  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    The last week has not been good for me btw as far as eating. I've been chronically not hungry and eating a couple low carb fast food options, so look back at last week and the weeks before, that's how I usually eat
  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    I just started back at work so I've been scrambling to eat on the go. I am going to go shopping and do meal prep this weekend so next week is cleaner and more prepared
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Balesalica… JUST had a baby…and if you are breastfeeding your body is functioning on 2,000,000+ years of instincts to stay alive and provide rich nourishment for the infant… not even sure strict dieting of any kind is recommended now..yes give up any sugar and junky, processed carbs…but go easier on yourself on weight loss..,there must be a lot of info on this for guiding new moms???
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    Balesalica… JUST had a baby…and if you are breastfeeding your body is functioning on 2,000,000+ years of instincts to stay alive and provide rich nourishment for the infant… not even sure strict dieting of any kind is recommended now..yes give up any sugar and junky, processed carbs…but go easier on yourself on weight loss..,there must be a lot of info on this for guiding new moms???

    This woman ate zero carb while breast feeding and although I've never met the kids, they say they're perfectly healthy :)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I agree that low carb is most likely a good way to lose weight so early on in the poat partum period, but your body may be holding on to some of it's fats for the sake of your litte one. I know weight loss was very slow for me after after kids even though my shape was changing.

    Don't go too low in calories. A 2 month old is so much work. You'll need energy, esecially if breastfeeding. If at all possible, I would go for losing slowly, or moderately rather really fast, and -1lb+ down per week is still a really good rate of loss. Really good! Especially since you don't have a lot to lose. Just hang in there and keep eating well and it will happen. :)
  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    Wow..thank you all for the seriously needed reality check! I love this group. He was a big baby and had blood sugar issues ( too low) when he was born so we had to start supplimenting right off the bat. So I am a part time Breast feeder. Plus I'm back at work full time already ( corporate pharmacies have no shame). The stress And perfectionism gets to me. I'm just going to take it easy and keep on keeping on. I am a low carb lifer as my body does not react to carbohydrates well at all! Inflammation, water retention, moodiness, etc. But I do think it is holding on to fat extra hard right now.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Also, stress can be a factor in your slow scale results. And that's ok. Maybe focus more on balancing home/new baby with the transition back to work and limiting stress and making sure to carve out some time to relax each day, even if only for a few minutes to listen to some soothing music or sounds and just breathe.
    It sounds like you could really benefit from a little de-stressing.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Stress seriously messes with stuff as @Sunny_Bunny_ says - you've got a lot on!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I didn't lose a lot initially. But sticking with it consistently has resulted in weight loss.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    ive been doing keto for 4 weeks now and have only lost maybe 5lbs. I don't understand why I'm not losing at all....I don't eat carbs. I am always under my 1500 calorie goal. Excercise could be better but still.... I'm feeling frustrated and unmotivated. I just had my son almost 2 months ago, so I thought maybe it's a hormone thing. Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance guys

    I was losing inches but I did not lose the first pound for six weeks and I was in ketosis. No I do not understand how one can cut off fat and not lose weight period but that was what happened in my case.

    Another clue cutting the carbs to <50 grams daily was working for me is my pain levels fell from the 7-8 range to 2-3 in the first 30 days of cutting out all grains and most all sugars.

    Now I eat for health vs dieting. If my health is improving I really am not concerned about how fast I lose. My failure over the last forty years of 'dieting' has been 100%+ regains. This time around I lose 10-15 pounds and then maintain for weeks or even months.

    I now know if I can not experience a 10% weight loss then maintain it for six months then there is no point for me to lose to start. Yo yo'ing weight has harmed by health for 40 years. With Low Carb High Fat for over a year is working just fine in my case. Weight is down so and health is better than 20 years ago.

    @balesalicia you are doing great. I started this effort 15 months ago and still am learning how to best do Keto in my case.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Balesalica..with this new info that you are also working right away, and have some stress you are to be admired for trying to lose weight at the same time.

    Since you want some control to do something about weight..maybe set a goal of 50 carbs a day..and for next few weeks just practice keeping at or under 50…see how you do. Then if it's going well plan to lower it, or change your fat or protein macros… you can enjoy the benefits of LCHF, and prepare your body to keep losing over time, while giving the baby the benefit of breastfeeding a while longer.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I agree with the others. You have a LOT of things working against losing weight, but you are still managing to do it. It's quite impressive! Just kep losses modest for a while do you can recover and baby is still well fed. :)
  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    Ive been doing 20carbs or less per day for these 4 weeks. (With one or two mishaps.) i need to start my meditations again. I have quit facebook because it was stressing me out and wasting time. Im going to meditate instead and work on not stressing about things. I do find it rather easy to stay in a ketogenic state though. I think it's the only reason why I have energy these days. Ha. Hopefully I'll have a good update soon! I'm staying the plan though, and even have my husband on board too so we're a low carb super team. My husband says were "health conscious chubby people"
  • balesalicia
    balesalicia Posts: 80 Member
    Here's a current stats picture of me
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Here's a current stats picture of me

    Just have to say, to me, you look awesome. Your current picture is very similar to the mental image I have for my GOAL picture. LOL
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    gsp90x wrote: »
    Balesalica… JUST had a baby…and if you are breastfeeding your body is functioning on 2,000,000+ years of instincts to stay alive and provide rich nourishment for the infant… not even sure strict dieting of any kind is recommended now..yes give up any sugar and junky, processed carbs…but go easier on yourself on weight loss..,there must be a lot of info on this for guiding new moms???

    This woman ate zero carb while breast feeding and although I've never met the kids, they say they're perfectly healthy :)

    Both of her kids are very healthy, the post after that one show them a few years later --

    If you notice, they even have the wider jaw that we're supposed to have, so they'll be less likely to have issues with all their teeth fitting.

    Also, an interesting (albeit tangential to this thread) note -- she just had bloodwork done and the results are amazing --
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Wow! that is one great low carb story/family. Having a patient that listened to his advice was a shock I guess. :)

    Something tells me the kids may stay this way even after they gain access to carbs. Homeschooling would help or she can send the lunches.