Letting others cook...?

anna114400 Posts: 15 Member
I will start by saying I don't like to cook. Never have, but I have no choice cause I have kids lol. But whenever someone else offers I have been happy to kick back and enjoy. Since starting this woe I find thats more work then doing it myself. Hovering, asking all the ingredients used, did they slip something high in carbs in there that I won't notice etc. 20 carbs per day can go quick lol.
I've managed to catch a nasty cold and had no energy to cook, so I asked my husband to go get a burrito in a bowl from Qudoba. After eating it (1st thing today and it's 6pm) I struggled to log it. Don't know everything that was in, and according to their site I literally ate my entire carb allowance in that one bowl and I don't even know if I logged it all. Very disappointed. Well, at least it's late in the day and I probably won't anything else tonight.
How do you handle others cooking? Like friends, family or the times out to eat. I feel like a crazy person sometimes!


  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    For eating out, I literally choose the least complicated thing on the menu or sometimes just order meat. It's pretty hard to screw up a chicken breast or a steak.

    For others cooking, just no. If cooking happens, I do it. If I don't cook it, I won't eat more than a couple of bites to be polite. "I ate before I got here" or "I'm still stuffed from lunch, but thank you" work great. I just don't do it, because I can't afford to do it.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    It drives me nuts! My husband and I share the cooking, and It's a lucky dip when he cooks. This is the main struggle I'm facing with Low Carb... He also refuses to weigh anything, can't say I really blame him for that.

    I'm also hoping to hear how others deal with this.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I don't eat whatever I feel isn't low carb. I don't have a problem sipping water while others eat their carbage. Eating out is easy, imo. Very few places won't have a meat option. I have learned that eating it just to be polite is wrong for me. So now I choose to be honest with the cook about what I don't eat. People think I'm crazy, but I don't care.
    I'm the cook at home, though. Hubby does a little sometimes, but I do watch him because he doesn't pay very good attention, lol!
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    My wife does most of the cooking. I try not to hover. Or digital food scale has a small plastic bowl with it and sometimes what I do is just serve myself right in that bowl. So let's say she makes a slow cooker chicken dish I will weigh and eat right out of it. I don't let myself get too hung up in the minutiae of worry about logging the few Tbsp of tomato sauce, or whatever that the chicken was cooked in. I don't have any medical conditions beside overweight so if there is a little bit that doesn't get logged I won't drive myself nuts over it. I'm focused on the big picture. Small amounts of a sauce or whatever are not what made me fat.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I do all of my cooking. I'm a celiac (and my kids are GF too) so I rarely eat out and I can't trust many others to feed us safely due to contamination issues (like crumbs in butter or flour in the sugar bag. That being said, I tend to guess my serving amounts and just try to guess high. If I cooked a kg of beef in a casserole, I will just try to estimate what portion of the casserole that I ate and work out the calories and macros from there.

    I do tend to eat more carbs when I do eat out though. It's not often so I don't worry about it.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    My family eats fairly clean and I cook half their meals - but its a pain, since there is almost always something that I can't have, they are sugar and gluten free [real GF sensitivity], but the flour alternates are mostly high carb, and they love to add honey, and 50% of the meals have rice. I couldn't resist last night and had pizza - I think that alone is 3 times my daily limit. The only thing that's safe for me that they cook is fish.