Tracking food

ssfrey Posts: 1 Member
Hi everyone,

I started trying to track my food, but I've run into a snag and I wonder if anyone has some advice. A lot of what I eat is from scratch, so I really have no idea of the number of calories, and I feel like calculating the amount of every ingredient would take too much time. For example, I had some pesto and pasta for lunch today. I made the pesto from herbs in our garden, so I don't know what the nutritional values are. If I have to figure out that it includes 1 Tbsp basil, 1/2 Tbsp olive oil, etc, I know I won't do it. Any thoughts?


  • jea5
    jea5 Posts: 4
    Hi S,
    I have entered some of my homemade recipes, but I also scroll through the database and I am able to find items that are very close to my recipe, so I use that.
    If you do want to enter a recipe, it will save so you don't have to keep doing it. You can choose a pre-filled categories, so if you had a pesto recipe with olive oil, go to "food" and "recipes"you just type in the item and choose oil - olive, they fill in all the categories. Then you name your entry and you can choose it again anytime. I will only do recipes on the laptop - it's way too much hassle to use my android.
    Glad that you have joined us!