Diet and excercise

What are you doing for your PCOS? What have you found to be successful with weight loss and/or management?


  • anniemcg92
    anniemcg92 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm trying to eat 1200-1300 cals a day and get at the very least 3 days a week in the gym. Aiming for 5. I think the biggest obstacle for women with PCOS is having patience. I meditate a lot when I get frustrated. The weight will come off, but it's just going to take double the time as most people.
  • mallorydudra
    mallorydudra Posts: 2 Member
    I've been trying to keep my calories around 1100-1200 per day and walking each day (i had knee surgery 4 months ago and still have some soreness). I've also been taking some supplements with fish oil as I read Omega 3s are supposed to lower testosterone lvls.
  • hlcavalieri
    hlcavalieri Posts: 28 Member
    edited January 2016
    My goal for calories is 1200 per day. I try to eat three meals and two snacks, and I keep them on a schedule. This helps with metabolism. Ladies with PCOS should stay away from sugar and carbs as much as possible (which totally sucks btw!). Lots of water! As far as exercise goes I try to work out a minimum of 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week. I alternate between kettle bells, zumba, elliptical, and circuit training. For vitamins I take a multi vitamin, D3 (helps with energy!) B12 (helps with mood, and just about everything else!) Biotin for my hair loss, and fish oil for those awesome omega 3s! Down 25lbs so far,67 to go!
    Good luck to you! :)