Angie 2.0



  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    I agree that the differences are odd. I feel very comfortable with the expectations of my surgeon and the way my body is responding to food. Everything needs diluted to be as thin as skim milk, so apple sauce is thinned with equal parts water. It is used to hide the insides of my Prilosec capsules. I made something that I saw as very yummy...1oz triple zero coconut yogurt, 1oz fat free fairlife milk, 1t unjury chocolate splendor. 50cal and 8.5g protein.

    Today I need to increase calories and protein, so I'm gonna try strained pacific cream of mushroom soup thinned with fairlife milk, fortified with unflavored unjury.
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Ssbeadlady, I had RNY
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    I got my protein up to 75g, and I'm getting 30-40oz of water a day. I don't have time for a nap, and I have to wake up at 6 to get it done...but I'm hitting nutritional goals hahahaha. Maybe I should pursue more balance. This is like learning how to walk again...I'm a scientist and a little ferociously Independant so it feels so fun and foreign to admit that I don't know exactly what to do. This is going to be such a fun and scary and amazing time in my life!
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Soooo...since I am clearly amazing at moderation (obviously NOT), I decided that I should make the nice and smooth transition from a 1/4mi walk once or twice a day since surgery, straight to a 2 mile hilly hike! Best idea EVER! Lol. I'm a bit sore, but it felt AMAZING to get out in the woods and see some wildlife. We MAY have been stalked by a deer hahaha.

    I'm very thankful for a Dad who realized that I was stir crazy and got me out of the house. My parents are awesome! They skipped out on a big Italian family dinner to stay home and support me. #blessed
  • bcedl1982
    bcedl1982 Posts: 140 Member
    Wow! Two mile nature walk just ten days after surgery? Congrats on all of your success! Thanks for keeping us updated on your progress!
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Thank you bcedl1982!!

    Today I hit my 100lb loss milestone! I couldn't be happier!!!! Now I'm panicing about going back to work. I planned on being off for 3 weeks, but my dr wrote me off for 4...tempting!
  • kimgravitt3
    kimgravitt3 Posts: 186 Member
    Congratulations Angie! I go back to work Monday. I took the full four weeks..
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    All packed up and headed to my house! I'm going to miss my parents, but I need to start resuming a bit of a normal life. I miss being spoiled and in a very stress (and responsibility) free environment. I have 4 pets and a husband at home that probably miss me...even though I may be a bit emotional right now hahaha. On second thought.....hmmmm

    Fingers crossed!
  • bcedl1982
    bcedl1982 Posts: 140 Member
    Good luck, Angie! Please keep us posted on how you're doing.
  • loveshoe
    loveshoe Posts: 365 Member
    Congratulations Angie.. I would take the four weeks if you've been approved for the time off. I went back after 2 weeks (I was bored) and although it was doable I wish I had taken more time. I went to work then I went to bed for the first 2 weeks after returning to work. It was hard getting all my fluid in after going back to work because I would get busy and not realize that an hour had passed without me drinking. I finally gave up put my phone on vibrate and set my timer at work for every 10 minutes.

    Again, great job!
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    I appreciate all of you soooo much. I've decided to take the full 4 weeks off. I do need to focus on my new body and integrate my new routines better before going back to a fast-paced and high stress job. Here's to learning to put me and my health first!

    Now it is confession time. I made a mistake of reading the recipe for Shelly's ricotta bake last week and buying the ingredients. I am soooooo sick of sweet flavors! My appointment with my surgeon is tomorrow, and afterwards I can switch to puréed foods (yay ricotta bake!). I couldn't take it today...I added an oz of low fat ricotta to my oz of applesauce that i take my Prilosec with. IT WAS MAGIC! Like riding a unicorn bareback through an enchanted forest style magic lol.

    I wish that I could have made it one more day, and followed my plan to the tee. However, I didn't, and that is my cross to bare. Stupid, delicious oz of low fat cheese!!
  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    Look for some savory soups. I was in love with Progresso's Butternut Curry, and their Tomato Basil (strained the tomatoes with a fork). Also buried in the discussions is a pureed foods thread with a few damn-good recipes. You may have to dig back a few pages though.
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Thank you anbrbr!! I'll have to find that thread! Those soups sound awesome!

    Today I had my 2 week follow-up, and they said that I'm doing phenomenally well. I had a lot of guilt because I'm not having a lot of the typical issues that others have had. They told me that the 100% clean diet, 80lb weight loss, and daily cardio/strength training (including sit ups) prepared my body for a much better recovery. I'm truly blessed to be doing this well!

    I'm taking one more week off of work to establish my new phase 3 puréed diet/vitamin routine, gain strength (I get very tired/weak), and integrate a 1 mile walk into my morning ritual. Pain body reminds me of my limits, and I'm getting better at listening.

    I have 0 regrets! I am Sooo excited about my future. I now feel like my body is truly part of "me"...I used to see "me" as only my boobs and up lol. I'm kinda toying with starting a blog. It would be great to collect my thoughts throughout my journey. It'll be awesome to review so I stay on track and can celebrate my changes. Does anyone have experience blogging?
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Fat free refried beans and light sour cream (with a touch of siracha)...delish!!! The next day I tried Shelly's baked ricotta! I figured...I'm Italian, of course my body will graciously accept cheese and lots of seasoning, garlic, and a slightly tangy sauce without any sugar!

    I took a tiny bite and waited 5 mins...AMAZING! No issues, so I put a couple of Tbsp's in a cup...MANGA! (Italian term meaning time to eat...not the cosplay Japanese anime thing)

    Advance 30mins....cue rocket propulsion! Thankfully I followed some sage advice and had gas-x quick dissolve strips. This quickly remedied the issue.

    Key learnings...
    Bland to start, flavor will come later
    Keep gas-x strips always
    Give myself time after a new food before you have to go into public...just in case
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    New fun update!!! For years I've only been able to shop at Catherine's for my clothes. As a matter of fact, when I started my journey, I was barely fitting in certain styles of 5x (their largest size). Today I had to buy an outfit for my husband's upcoming Christmas party. I'm used to hating my clothes and settling for anything that fits, leaving me wanting to hide. I prepared for battle, asked my best friend to go with me, and went shopping. I've lost 100lbs since the last time I went shopping at a store (vs sweats or khakis on line). I may have had an emotional issue when I tried on an adorable dress in a 3x and it fit! It got even more meaningful when my friend brought me one in a 2x and had me try it on. She really had to talk me in to laid beautifully, and was very flattering. I even got a pair of ankle boots with a heel and some accessories. For the first time in many years I felt good in clothes that I liked that really look good on me. I'm so excited to be able to shop at Lane Bryant so I can kiss Catherines's "not my style" goodbye...I think I'm about 25lbs away from that! This was a very emotional day, and even though it was heavy and uncomfortable and forced me to see things that I wasn't ready turned out amazinging and poweful!
  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
  • bcedl1982
    bcedl1982 Posts: 140 Member
    Think of how much pleasure you'll feel from being at the party in your new outfit (pleasure that is not related to eating)! Awesome!
  • Tawnykakers1
    Tawnykakers1 Posts: 207 Member
    Aw! Awesome update. Enjoy that Christmas party!
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Thank you all!! I'll post a pic when I go!
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    I MAY have panicked today. Last night (0235 to be precise) I noticed that my top drain incision scab had completely softened, was leaking, and had an opening in the center. I calmly responded by sitting up holding the phone until the office opened at 0830. I was dressed and had make-up done before I could even call bahaha. There was no color change, no temperature, and no swelling. I sent them a pic of it. They called me back and said that this was 100% normal. It is just an inside stitch trying to get out because it didn't completely dissolve. Now it is fully scabbed over and looks like healing. I'm still stressen until it is beautiful for at least 48 hrs. I'm gonna take it easy today and bust out the coloring books!