My Sweet 17 Journey

ifaber Posts: 195 Member
Hi Guys! My name is Inesha and I am a sweets-a-holic, LOL! No seriously, I was reading another topic posted by stephanj in this group and her layout and daily postings inspired me to do one too! I am basically going to be starting a thread here and posting every day to maybe inspire someone who may be starting their journey on the 17 Day Diet, but mostly, I want to keep myself accountable and ensure my success as well. This first phase I would love to lose at least 10 lbs. That is my goal and I WILL achieve it!

Here are my rules:
30-60 minutes of exercise per day
75g carbs or less
100g protein or more

Current weight: 171
Cycle 1 GW: 161

Day 1 - 6/26
Day 1 - 6/26
Hi Guys! I am basically going to be starting a thread here and posting every day to maybe inspire someone who may be starting their journey on the 17 Day Diet and also to keep myself accountable as well. This first phase I would love to lose at least 10 lbs. That is my goal and I WILL achieve it!

Here are my rules:
30-60 minutes of exercise per day
75g net carbs or Less
1200 net
Current weight: 171
Cycle 1 GW: 161

Day 01 - 6/26
Day 02 - 6/27
Day 03 - 6/28
Day 04 - 6/29
Day 05 - 6/30
Day 06 - 7/01 Goal 168
Day 07 - 7/02
Day 08 - 7/03
Day 09 - 7/04
Day 10 - 7/05
Day 11 - 7/06
Day 12 - 7/07 Goal 165
Day 13 - 7/08
Day 14 - 7/09
Day 15 - 7/10
Day 16 - 7/11
Day 17 - 7/12 - Son's Bday!!!
Day 18 - 7/13 - Final Weigh In Goal 161

I'm so sincere about completing these next 17 days. The hardest time will be during the 4th of July when I am with my family for our reunion but I am going to stick with it and load up on my protein and veggies and just say no to the sweets. I can have them ANYTIME of the year!


  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Well, although my breakfast went to the wayside yesterday, I decided that yesterday would be my first day so I can enjoy my son's birthday without remorse or guilt or thinking I'm gonna mess something up. Aside from the bonked out breakfast I only had some cleansing veggies(in a veggie broth soup base), asapargus, and some mahi mahi burgers. Yummy! I lost some weight despite my bonked out breakfast so maybe it was a good idea to start yesterday.

    Here are my rules:
    30-60 minutes of exercise per day
    75g net carbs or Less
    Current weight: 171.6
    Cycle 1 GW: 161

    Day 01 - 6/25 171.6
    Day 02 - 6/26 170.4
    Day 03 - 6/27
    Day 04 - 6/28
    Day 05 - 6/29
    Day 06 - 6/30 Goal 168
    Day 07 - 7/01
    Day 08 - 7/02
    Day 09 - 7/03
    Day 10 - 7/04
    Day 11 - 7/05
    Day 12 - 7/06 Goal 165
    Day 13 - 7/07
    Day 14 - 7/08
    Day 15 - 7/09
    Day 16 - 7/10
    Day 17 - 7/11
    Day 18 - 7/12 - Final Weigh In Goal 161
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Confession...I have started out my morning with grits, cheese, and eggs. Its such a habit and psychologically it helps me to feel like I can eat whatever I want, even though I can't, LOL! But yesterday I said I was on a mission to get 'Sorry I'm Shredded' Fit and I meant it. I know there will be parties and cookouts but I won't over indulge. I will stay the course and allow myself one treat and that's it. The key for me so far is drinking my water. I have been watering myself like a thirsty plant lately and I plan to contiue it. I bought a 19 cup container way back when and I fill it up in the morning and finish my last drop at night. Good news is that I'm down another pound despite my breakfasts!!! Happy about that! Only 1.4 away from my first mini goal!!! Woo Hoo!

    Here are my rules:
    30-60 minutes of exercise per day
    75g net carbs or Less
    Current weight: 171.6
    Cycle 1 GW: 161

    Day 01 - 6/25 171.6
    Day 02 - 6/26 170.4
    Day 03 - 6/27 169.4
    Day 04 - 6/28
    Day 05 - 6/29
    Day 06 - 6/30 Goal 168
    Day 07 - 7/01
    Day 08 - 7/02
    Day 09 - 7/03
    Day 10 - 7/04
    Day 11 - 7/05
    Day 12 - 7/06 Goal 165
    Day 13 - 7/07
    Day 14 - 7/08
    Day 15 - 7/09
    Day 16 - 7/10
    Day 17 - 7/11
    Day 18 - 7/12 - Final Weigh In Goal 161
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Well...yesterday was a pretty emotional day which ended up with me eating a 2 inch red velvet bar, a chocolate chewy cookie, a petit four, and a slice of shadow cake (a chocolate and vanilla cake topped with buttercream icing and chocolate ganache). I felt a little bad about it because I just proclaimed that I wouldn't have anymore excuses yet there I was, eating things TOTALLY not alllowed on this cycle. I have yet to give this a full go and I'm already 3 days in, BUT I do not give in easy and I don't accept defeat. So I WILL complete this cycle and hit my goal. And that the odd goal weight number really kept nudging my rockers so I changed it to an even 160, LOL. I feel much better now.

    Here are my rules:
    30-60 minutes of exercise per day
    75g net carbs or Less
    Current weight: 171.6
    Cycle 1 GW: 160

    Day 01 - 6/25 171.6
    Day 02 - 6/26 170.4
    Day 03 - 6/27 169.4
    Day 04 - 6/28 169.8 Darn that cake, cake, and cookie!
    Day 05 - 6/29
    Day 06 - 6/30 Goal 168
    Day 07 - 7/01
    Day 08 - 7/02
    Day 09 - 7/03
    Day 10 - 7/04
    Day 11 - 7/05
    Day 12 - 7/06 Goal 165
    Day 13 - 7/07
    Day 14 - 7/08
    Day 15 - 7/09
    Day 16 - 7/10
    Day 17 - 7/11
    Day 18 - 7/12 - Final Weigh In Goal 160
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Hi all! As much as I enjoy writing here, I have officially joined two other groups that are more active. I will still be doing this way of eating but I'm not sure I'll be able to post here daily as I once thought. Posting here has been such a motivation for me to be conscious of what I am eating. So I will still post my daily weight here and what cycle I followed that day. I'm still excited about the changes that I am making and will continue to make though. By September I will be NICE! LOL

    Here are my rules:
    30-60 minutes of exercise per day
    75g net carbs or Less
    Current weight: 171.6
    Cycle 1 GW: 160

    Day 01 - 6/25 171.6
    Day 02 - 6/26 170.4
    Day 03 - 6/27 169.4
    Day 04 - 6/28 169.8 Darn that cake, cake, and cookie!
    Day 05 - 6/29 167.6
    Day 06 - 6/30 Goal 168 Actual 164.6!!! Wowzers! Let's keep this up!
    Day 07 - 7/01
    Day 08 - 7/02
    Day 09 - 7/03
    Day 10 - 7/04
    Day 11 - 7/05
    Day 12 - 7/06 Goal 165
    Day 13 - 7/07
    Day 14 - 7/08
    Day 15 - 7/09
    Day 16 - 7/10
    Day 17 - 7/11
    Day 18 - 7/12 - Final Weigh In Goal 160
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    From one day to the next the story ends...

    The past two days I completed a fresh juice only detox. I made fresh juice to drink throughout the day and drank TONS of water. Okay, I always drink tons of water but what does that matter. Anywho, I felt so energized, calm, and focused while on the detox that I want to continue drinking them and eating raw foods while maybe having a cooked meal for dinner. So while I enjoyed posting here and being accountable, it ends here. Maybe I'll come back to it, maybe not. But either way this has been an amazing time here in understanding what will work for me and some things to try every now and again.

    Here are my rules:
    30-60 minutes of exercise per day
    75g net carbs or Less
    Current weight: 171.6
    Cycle 1 GW: 160

    Day 01 - 6/25 171.6
    Day 02 - 6/26 170.4
    Day 03 - 6/27 169.4
    Day 04 - 6/28 169.8 Darn that cake, cake, and cookie!
    Day 05 - 6/29 167.6
    Day 06 - 6/30 Goal 168 Actual 164.6!!! Wowzers! Let's keep this up!
    Day 07 - 7/01 161.6 - I am sure its mostly water weight but its still inspiring!
    Day 08 - 7/02
    Day 09 - 7/03
    Day 10 - 7/04
    Day 11 - 7/05
    Day 12 - 7/06 Goal 165
    Day 13 - 7/07
    Day 14 - 7/08
    Day 15 - 7/09
    Day 16 - 7/10
    Day 17 - 7/11
    Day 18 - 7/12 - Final Weigh In Goal 160
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Hey I enjoyed reading your journey! I have fallen off the wagon but am back here to post daily and crawl back on lol. It's a dead thread but a good parking spot...
    Good luck with it all, seems like you got a good jump start!
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    LOL! I fell off without even getting on good! I agree...dead thread...GREAT parking spot. I think I will hop back on with ya. I don't know why but having someone that is doing something with me really helps keep me accountable. And really, its only 17 days at a time...who can't do something for 17 days, LOL!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I have been off and on so many times I have lost count. The trick is to be on more than off. Remember perfection is not the point, just try and do a little better every time, you get there!
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    So true...more on than off! Thanks for being so encouraging!