Looking for a buddy or three



  • ctevis36
    ctevis36 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm looking for someone to kick me all the time, haha. Since starting my office job I've gained about 15 #'s. I've been using MFP on my own the past couple weeks. I'm exercising 3 - 4 times a week and mostly on a plant-based diet.
    I'm replying to your message because I need friends to turn to when I need motivation and someone that will give me "atta boys". I, of course, would do the same for you. If you're interested in one more friend, you are more than welcome to "friend" me.
  • ChristieShaker
    ChristieShaker Posts: 11 Member
    Add me, too! I put on some pounds in my twenties and have never really gotten them off. Last year, I lost about 15 lbs for my wedding but put about 10 back on. I'd love to get back to where I was, or even below. Would love the support and push, too!
  • owslshay
    owslshay Posts: 2 Member
    Add me ladies! I'm trying to lose about 10-15lbs too to get back to my ideal weight. I'm a vegan but not a very good one- I have a bad habit of eating non-vegan (but still vegetarian) dessert foods in the middle of the night a few times a month. I also have a tendency to binge when I think I've "already screwed it up for the day". Would love some friends for motivation and support!