Weekly Post - 23.-29.11.2016

flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
After a week with lots of social 'obligations', most including more than enough food, I am enjoying my successful fast day today.

No food related obligations this week, so I'm planning two awesome fasts and lots of good maintainance days inbetween :p Also have some runs planned with my care horse. I kind of missed exercising this weekend. A run planned for tomorrow and Thursday. Weather has turned cold, but as long as it's dry, I'll be out there B)

Have a great week everyone!!


  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    A good fast yesterday and a good day a few hundred cals below maintainance along with a 7k run in the crisp cold air with a horse at my side. Had a good day.

    Enjoy yours!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi everyone, The whole philosophy of 5:2 has changed my way of eating especially at night after a good day of fasting. Part of me wants to blow it but now a larger part of me says 'you can have that tomorrow'. It's simple, but it's really working for me. I don't weigh myself (have never owned a scale) but I've taken measurements at the beginning of my starting this (oct). So I can hardly wait until next Tuesday!!! I know I've lost weight because of my pants! The only planned exercise I do is walking my 10000 steps each day, sometimes it's 6day/wk, but I get it done and enjoy listening to podcasts while out there. So far so good, is anyone else walking 10000 steps and now feeling like they should add some other upper body weight lifting? I'd be interested in knowing what exercises people are doing if they're new to 5:2...... Enjoy your week people!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    I had my second fast yesterday which was mediocre at best. Not a total loss, but not staying within guidelines. Everytime that happens, I'm met with disappointment at a missed opportunity. Fasting isn't always easy, so not following through and sticking to 500 calories for the day (for me, at night) seems wasteful. But today is a new day and since Dec 23 marks the one year anniversary since I started 5:2, I'm going to buckle down, stay focused, and reach my goal weight by that date (holidays be damned). I'm going to plan accordingly, focusing on plant-based foods, and exercise most days of the week. There...it has been declared and made official ;)
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    I had my second fast yesterday which was mediocre at best. Not a total loss, but not staying within guidelines. Everytime that happens, I'm met with disappointment at a missed opportunity. Fasting isn't always easy, so not following through and sticking to 500 calories for the day (for me, at night) seems wasteful. But today is a new day and since Dec 23 marks the one year anniversary since I started 5:2, I'm going to buckle down, stay focused, and reach my goal weight by that date (holidays be damned). I'm going to plan accordingly, focusing on plant-based foods, and exercise most days of the week. There...it has been declared and made official ;)

    Hi! What happens for you at night? Are you watching tv and feel like something to munch on? I'd be curious to hear what you (& every one else) eat on on fast days. Try making time for a walk during the day....the fresh air helps get you tired and have a time (say maybe 7:50pm) to make a cup of hot water & lemon in a fancy cup then do your nails (assuming you're female here) in front of the tv then brush your teeth earlier than you usually do, floss etc, maybe a facial or a bath, but brush your teeth with extra toothpaste before either of those.....and try getting to bed earlier just to lay and read.... Think of your fd evening like a spa night , by the time you finish all that it'll be 9:40 and you'll be tired enough to lay down to read, then, you've made it!!!! Trick yourself a little you can do this!!!! I know I rambled but sometimes someone else's habits can kickstart your own... Let me know if anything helped & good luck!!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Your questions got me thinking, Mama. My nights don't typically involve mindless eating, which is good. Where I seem to get into trouble is late afternoon when I'm starting to make dinner. I start nibbling and, while I try to avoid drinking alcohol on fast days, I view a few glasses of wine as a reward. What better way to reward myself after a day of fasting, right? No, wrong! Because then my resolve to stay at 500 calories is gone. Even if I don't have a glass of wine, I do find myself starting to snack as I make dinner. On the days when I've been successful, I have made it a point to plan. I used to drink a fizzy water while cooking and I've stopped doing that, so I'm going to restart that habit to help hold me over until dinner. I definitely agree with your comment about going to bed earlier on FD so I'm not preoccupied with feeling hungry. Thanks for getting me to really think about my behaviors!!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    I hear ya on the wine while making dinner! That's a huge downfall for me too. I would mix club soda with my wine so it wasn't too too bad, but then I just had several more glasses, so that didn't work. My new trick is to down a glass of lemon water before I start making dinner. Yes "down". I chug it!! 1/4 piece of a lemon, tap water & chug! Seems to cut the desire to pour the wine so far! Cutting down on the wine in general, has only increased my craving for everything chocolate! I've been known to eat the entire bag of chocolate chips instead of making cookies... Then I'd lie to my kids and say I forgot to buy the chips!!! :#
    Cheers! (With lemon water of course)
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    I will definitely try the lemon water!! Thanks! My desire for chocolate waxes and wanes, so I don't think that will be an issue.
  • dryheatfitness
    dryheatfitness Posts: 97 Member
    I just picked up this group and enjoyed reading your encouraging posts for the week. I planned poorly this past week and didn't fast one day! Add in the US Thanksgiving and my week was a total loss. I'm hoping this group can help me get bad in the groove.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    I just picked up this group and enjoyed reading your encouraging posts for the week. I planned poorly this past week and didn't fast one day! Add in the US Thanksgiving and my week was a total loss. I'm hoping this group can help me get bad in the groove.

    Hi! I'm fairly new too.... (Oct) and i also read a lot to start out with, the success stories are so great. But still it's just me who has to eat smart and less, and exercise more... Sigh... Just log every day, every thing you put in your mouth... Log it.... Cheers!
  • dryheatfitness
    dryheatfitness Posts: 97 Member
    I just picked up this group and enjoyed reading your encouraging posts for the week. I planned poorly this past week and didn't fast one day! Add in the US Thanksgiving and my week was a total loss. I'm hoping this group can help me get bad in the groove.

    Hi! I'm fairly new too.... (Oct) and i also read a lot to start out with, the success stories are so great. But still it's just me who has to eat smart and less, and exercise more... Sigh... Just log every day, every thing you put in your mouth... Log it.... Cheers!

    Thanks for the encouragement. Looking forward to the team success!