


  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hello, cshock93! Life does seem to happen, doesn't it? This season let's help life happen in a healthier fashion. That's what we all want, so let's go for it!
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Trish and I am 30 years old and live in the SF Bay Area with my husband. I have been using MFP consistently since June, which is when I began to work with a personal trainer. Since early June, I have lost approximately 40 pounds and have gained a lot of strength, stamina, and health. I am looking for an on-going group to help keep me accountable and encourage me when I fall down. My "ah ha" moment was back in early June when I saw a picture of myself and didn't even recognize myself anymore. I had stopped taking care of myself and was just ignoring my weight. It's been an amazing and challenging journey so far. I have about 25 pounds to go to the goal weight that my trainer and I feel is good for me. I am continuing to shape and tone my body through weights and cardio. I have been counting calories 90% of the time. I drink a lot of water. My one vice is wine. I need to do a better job of enjoying my favorite drink in moderation.

    I look forward to getting to know you all! Good luck!
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, Trish! So glad you're with us! Wow -- how inspiring to hear about the changes you've already made since June. That is so great! I hope to follow in your footsteps. :) Right now, we're committing to something each week -- we each set our own goal which can be anything nutritional/fitness/spiritual/personal (anything that will help move you forward). I start a new thread every Sunday. Thanks for joining us!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Howdy from sunny South Africa. I have been using MFP on and off for years with no major progress. In January I joined a mixed martial arts gym to improve my fitness for fencing. By mid year, I was fitter than I have ever been and the weight had dropped quite a bit, then I discovered Brazilian Jui Jitsu and my body has totally transformed since June. I damaged my knee and needed surgery late in September so had a couple of months out of training, but I'm back now (still a few niggling issues but I work around those). Training really hard for a competition in late February, my first BJJ competition! I need to drop weight to fit in my desired division and I still have some more that I would like to lose. It is frustrating as I am not dropping at the moment. I need to get stricter on my eating!
  • option3girl
    option3girl Posts: 166 Member
    Hi all! I just joined this group today. I've been on MFP, off/on, since 2010...mostly off! I find that I am constantly thinking about losing weight and getting fit and will start off strong and then within a month or two am beginning to back slide again. My goal this time it to stick with it...get my head in the game, and then stay there! I have an ultimate goal of losing a little over 60 pounds and have already lost 6. If I maintain a 1.5/week loss then I would be close to a 50 pound loss by July 1. That would be AMAZING! I live in Oklahoma, am married to a very supportive guy and have four fur-babies! I am really looking forward to being a part of this group!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Hello, my name is Marcella. I'm 57, married, mother of 2 adult sons & 2 spoiled cats, living in Georgia, USA. I've been a member of MFP for about a year. I have lost about 30 pounds so far and have about 30 to go. During 2015 my focus has been on getting better sleep, reducing/managing stress and eating less processed.
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Welcome to our group @CaptainBoing , @option3girl & @JMarcella57 ! So glad you all could join us! :) Option3girl, I think what you describe is very common as far as losing weight and getting fit -- starting out strong, but then backsliding. I know I've done that more times than I care to admit in the past few years. One thing I am changing this time around is reaching out for support (in the form of this group and other support). We will stick with it together this time!
  • 25_percent_off
    25_percent_off Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for creating this group. I'm in my late 30s and began a wellness program at a local gym a few months ago after having a rough year of life changes after many previous challenging years. So, here I am -- trying to get "on track" and beat this self-care challenge that is new, foreign to me, but so badly needed. I want to be a role model and pass on healthy habits, attitude and skills to my little ones -- it starts with me and there's no one to "delegate" this important shift in my life to make it happen. One step at a time, with a growth mindset and positive attitude, this too shall change and improve. Glad to be here and thank you for the virtual place of support.
  • irishsungirl
    irishsungirl Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! This looks like a great group and I'm excited to join. My name is Leah and I'm a NC fattie working to get fit. Coming up on 45 and dang if it isn't starting to suck...mostly because I can see very clearly that if I don't get my rear in gear and take care of this (this being my body), aging gracefully is not going to happen. I'm not so much looking to be skinny as fit. Strong. Flexible. Balanced.

    I've tried for many a year and have had some good success, but, yes but, here I am about 30lbs over what feels good for me. Again. This time I'm adding in online support in the hopes that getting and giving support will be the change that makes this time the last time I need to start over.

    Thanks for starting the group and I look forward to getting fit with your help!
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi @25_percent_off & @irishsungirl! So glad you guys are here with us. We are all in the same boat, or at least in similar boats rowing towards the same shore. ;)

    @25_percent_off -- you're right; we are ultimately responsible for our own self-care, which is not always easy in a world that is filled with social gatherings that revolve around food, but I keep reminding myself -- my health and well-being is worth it. It's about so much more than weight for me now, and maybe that's what I needed to see to actually get my butt moving. Thanks for being with us!

    @irishsungirl - Hi, Leah! I can completely relate. I just turned 40 and this isn't going to get any easier if we wait another 5 years! LOL I, too, have tried to really shift my perspective as far as what my ultimate goal is.Yes, I would like to fit into my clothes again, but as you said, being healthy and fit---in both mind and body---is more important. Glad you're with us!
  • 4MyHealthyFuture
    4MyHealthyFuture Posts: 17 Member
    Looking for some fun with this group. Seems like a lot of great people!
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    It is! Welcome.
  • AllieUK
    AllieUK Posts: 22 Member
    Hello, Just joined the group.

    I used to be really into the gym, but new job, new city (where travelling anywhere is a nightmare, let alone the gym) and a boyfriend that likes to cook and eat out has meant I've put on a stone quicker than I'd like to admit.

    I am currently up on a client site during the week, which means travelling up every monday and living on expenses (which makes it extremely easy to make the lazy choice and eat out/get take-away) and then travelling back to where I live on Friday. All this travel makes me exhausted and I have to admit even when I am home at the weekend, I still find myself eat very unhealthy because it is so quicker. I need help motivating myself to make better eating decisions.

    Don't really have a goal in mind, more a lifestyle change.
    Need to start eating better, making better food choices, especially when eating out! And also finding ways to do more exercise.

    Glad I found this group and I'm ready to get stuck in!