Hi! New~

123losinforme Posts: 73 Member
Hi everyone... I have been reading a lot of information about eating clean for about a week. I would love to transform myself from processed foods to more Godly foods. I am tired of being tired and fat. Counting calories works, but not if I overeat all the time because all I can think about is my next snack and I am sure it's the "addiction" to the processed foods. I am a very serious binge eater and sometimes the counting calories hurts more than counting them. I want to change so badly and I have decided to take it slowly. Breakfast, lunch and supper I can eat clean without a problem but I am still going to have my sugar and cream in my coffee. I only have one cup a day and I will wean off.
My question to all of y'all is are you still counting calories or are you just strictly eating clean? I want to change everything about eating and to me, this is it.

Thank you for letting me chat so much. I would appreciate all your advice for beginners. I am planning to start FULLY on Friday ( after the grocery store )

God Bless!


  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    Eating clean has multiple "schools of thought"

    the whole foods one (which is the one you are taking about)

    mainly relies on portion control and good foods,

    if you look at a portion plate, measuring cups, food scales, then only eat the recommended sizes,measures or weights of your chosen whole foods, then you shouldnt need to count calories,

    on the other hand counting calories never hurt anyone

    also please bear in mind that this is life not prison,

    Eating clean is awesome, it takes time for your body to adapt and if you can do it, then you will be glad,

    i try to eat cleaner, i struggle with guilty pleasures but then i counteract them with working out?

    if you want a simple clean diet ,

    try thinking of 10 meats/fish you like

    Beef, pork, lamb, turkey, chicken, salmon, cod, mackerel, sea bass, muscles (google a list if your stuck)

    alternate meat and fish for lunch and dinner


    monday lunch = fish
    monday Dinner = meat

    tuesday lunch = meat
    tuesday diner = fish

    then think of 10 vegetables you like,

    stick with "ground" vegetables, so stuff that is picked then eaten, i.e. brocolli, cauliflower, carrot , etc

    then add your grains or Carbs, try and avoid complex starchy carbs (potato and pasta) unless you need them for variety, so once a week maybe.

    stick with, brown rice, lentils, couscous, wholemeal pasta,

    once you have a list (i try and conjour up 35-45 whole foods i like. then you can mess around mixing and matching to make meals.

    1 meat or fish, 2 veg, *1 grain or carb *(not neccesary with every meal )

    i can send you examples of meal plans if you like?

    after all this effort, its then a case of sticking to it,

    thats the bit i tend to fail with, i know, rich right, im the worst kinf of dieter, my mum is a nutritional consultant and has worked for the government in school nutrition all my life. I know the ins and outs of balanced diets... can i practice what i preach? no i can not... i am human..

    Hope this helps, i really hope you can follow it, if you look at my food diary, you will see, i follow it (80%) of the time... the rest... well..

    who knows? GOOD LUCK

    *sorry for the length*
  • 123losinforme
    123losinforme Posts: 73 Member
    Eating clean has multiple "schools of thought"

    the whole foods one (which is the one you are taking about)

    mainly relies on portion control and good foods,

    if you look at a portion plate, measuring cups, food scales, then only eat the recommended sizes,measures or weights of your chosen whole foods, then you shouldnt need to count calories,

    on the other hand counting calories never hurt anyone

    also please bear in mind that this is life not prison,

    Eating clean is awesome, it takes time for your body to adapt and if you can do it, then you will be glad,

    i try to eat cleaner, i struggle with guilty pleasures but then i counteract them with working out?

    if you want a simple clean diet ,

    try thinking of 10 meats/fish you like

    Beef, pork, lamb, turkey, chicken, salmon, cod, mackerel, sea bass, muscles (google a list if your stuck)

    alternate meat and fish for lunch and dinner


    monday lunch = fish
    monday Dinner = meat

    tuesday lunch = meat
    tuesday diner = fish

    then think of 10 vegetables you like,

    stick with "ground" vegetables, so stuff that is picked then eaten, i.e. brocolli, cauliflower, carrot , etc

    then add your grains or Carbs, try and avoid complex starchy carbs (potato and pasta) unless you need them for variety, so once a week maybe.

    stick with, brown rice, lentils, couscous, wholemeal pasta,

    once you have a list (i try and conjour up 35-45 whole foods i like. then you can mess around mixing and matching to make meals.

    1 meat or fish, 2 veg, *1 grain or carb *(not neccesary with every meal )

    i can send you examples of meal plans if you like?

    after all this effort, its then a case of sticking to it,

    thats the bit i tend to fail with, i know, rich right, im the worst kinf of dieter, my mum is a nutritional consultant and has worked for the government in school nutrition all my life. I know the ins and outs of balanced diets... can i practice what i preach? no i can not... i am human..

    Hope this helps, i really hope you can follow it, if you look at my food diary, you will see, i follow it (80%) of the time... the rest... well..

    who knows? GOOD LUCK

    *sorry for the length*

    WOW! You are amazing! Thanks for all the tips and your so right, we are only human. I would appreciate anything that you could send me, thank you. If you have time I'm willing to read it.

    I would just love to start just cutting out as much processed foods as I can, going 100% "clean" probably isn't plausible but I will try to get as close as I can :)... I have a garden and tons of herbs and spices growing so I take full advantage of that.

    Anyways, Thanks again for taking the time to respond!
  • jannemarie74
    jannemarie74 Posts: 28 Member
    if you google "tosca reno - eat clean diet" and look up videos of "tosca reno" on u tube you will get a wealth of information on what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat. that is how i started and i have also bought three of her books on amazon. the books i have bought and find very helpful are 1. The Eat Clean Diet 2.The Eat Clean Diet Cookbook 3. Just The Rules. these are all by Tosca Reno.

    I had been counting calories, then started switching out the unhealthy foods and in with the Clean foods whilst still counting calories. now i think nearly all my meals are "clean" and for the last week i have not been counting calories. the good thing is that my weight is the same now as a week ago ( i am maintaining weight). because u are encouraged to eat 5 - 6 times per day, there is no time to start wondering about unhealthy snacks, cos u are so busy eating yummy healthy stuff!!! good luck and do give it a good try.
  • 123losinforme
    123losinforme Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you Jannemarie74~ I will check her out on youtube today ")
  • Nufraser
    Nufraser Posts: 87 Member
    Hi I am new to this group and I know my eating patterns are keeping me from my goals. Would love some new, easy ideas for food prep and snacking. I have a major sweet tooth and have been trying to focus on other things(reading, painting nails, etc) when the urge arise. My diary is open, thanks in advance.