Challenge Week November 29th - December 5th

KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member

Hi, everyone!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. What will you commit to this week? (Keep in mind, this can be anything from a nutritional or exercise goal to a personal goal -- *anything* that moves you forward on the path to health and well-being!) Please check-in during the week and let us know how you're doing! We are worth the changes we are making.

I commit to three days of exercise on my treadmill - minimum half an hour. It will be up and running tomorrow! Yay!



  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Good morning, y'all. This is my last day in Boston. I've been here for two weeks and will always remember it as the place I started my daily walks. My commitment has to be to continue the daily walks when I get to Austin. I also commit to keep better track of my food since I can't use the excuse of being away from home anymore. Time to get serious. :)
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    Good morning from CA where it's a freezing 31 degrees! I'm waiting for it to warm up a bit before I make a mad dash to the gym.

    My commitment this week is to add one more day of weight training to my routine. I do it twice a week already but in order to see the results I desire, I know three days a week is best for me. When I started with a trainer I was doing it three days a week but have moved it two days as of October. Now I have the skills and knowledge to add another day of weights on my own.

    Even though I have been working out consistently for awhile I still get nervous and uncertain in the gym...but I just try to focus on my efforts while I am there and not worry about what I look like to others. I am sure they are actually doing the same. :)

    Have a great week everyone!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Goals: Add variety to my diet. I truly like to eat the same thing every day
    This week is going to be another rough week as I 'm working a few double shifts on top of my regular work week so. I need to focus on resting when the body wants rest and exercise when it fits in.
  • cshock93
    cshock93 Posts: 92 Member
    I didn't do so great with having two thanksgiving dinners to go to last week. So this week my first goal is to get my eating back on track.
    Also, I've been suffering from a status migraine for over a month now, so I haven't been very active. I can't exercise a lot cause it makes it worse, but I'm at least going to try to do a little bit each day.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    As I said in the wrong thread, my goals for the next week are to eat better and log all my food as well as get in some practise on my Judo falls. I keep procrastinating on practising as I can't get it right so I get frustrated. I am also scared of getting hurt, especially the knee that recently had surgery, but the point of practising the falls is so you don't get hurt when you get thrown, which happens often as I can't get the throws right either, so my opponent normally throws me before I throw them. I am on leave this week so I will be able to get in lots of training, I must just focus on eating properly!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Hey @CaptainBoing Nice to see you here I think I'm going to give up our other group as nobody was participating except us. LOL
  • livingyoung28
    livingyoung28 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! I will continue to work on getting to the gym on a daily basis this week as well as trying to stay at calculated calorie intake. Did not get to the gym today:( but will make it my priority for the rest of the week. Feel so good when I go!
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    Good day all, hoping everyone gets off to a great start this week! Every movement starts with a single step . . . glad we're walking this path together.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Hey @CaptainBoing Nice to see you here I think I'm going to give up our other group as nobody was participating except us. LOL

    All my other groups are dead quiet so I went looking for new ones!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Great day today. MMA fitness class, then practised some judo falls and rolls. My Body 20 session was double booked so walked around the shopping centre looking for presents for a few hours. Found a few gifts and bought myself Spiderman clothes (boys sizes cos they don't make them for woman!) Heading off for a weights session and then some BJJ! Oh and I decided to become blonde for a change.

    How was everyone else's Monday?
  • mamaof2blueeyedbabes
    Committing to exercising 4 days this week! Got the first done this am!
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Good Morning, everyone! @CaptainBoing & @mamaof2blueeyedbabes -- welcome to our group! So glad you are here. The more the merrier, & the more support and encouragement we have here, the further along we will get! ---- Captain, that is awesome you've found something you enjoy so much for fitness. It's kind of like work. Find something you love to do and it won't be work. I think the same holds true for exercise. New Blonde! Did you dye it yourself? My hair is light brown and it would always turn orange when I tried to go lighter. lol

    Alright, time to get a move on. Treadmill movers are coming, and I need to sweep up the cat litter that's all over the utility room where they'll be moving it from. Gah!

    Have a great Monday everyone! Oh, as of this a.m., I am a little over 1 lb. away from the 180's! :)
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    As of this morning, I have done two days of weight lifting! I have another session with my trainer scheduled for Wednesday at 6am. My weight is up 1.6 since last week, which I attribute to too much wine over the holiday week, as my eating wasn't too out of out control.
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, Trish! Way to go with the weight-lifting! I have to say, I give all of you early-morning workout people a lot of credit. I'm still sawing logs at 6 am! lol! I'm sure the 1.6 lbs. will come off quickly -- extra water w/ lemon will help. :) Is it still cold in Cali? 31 degrees sounds like Minnesota!
  • option3girl
    option3girl Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning all! I'm brand new, but excited to be here! I'm committing to at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday this week. I started on Saturday with my commitment so I'm 3 for 3 this week already!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Well it took 3 weeks but the scale finally moved and I'm down a lb. LOL but I lost inches so I'm happy with that too. I exercised this morning another Leslie Sansone dvd and then ran errands so I can try and have a somewhat orderly life even though I'm working non stop. Now it's eat and get ready for work.

  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    KrisM111 wrote: »
    Hi, Trish! Way to go with the weight-lifting! I have to say, I give all of you early-morning workout people a lot of credit. I'm still sawing logs at 6 am! lol! I'm sure the 1.6 lbs. will come off quickly -- extra water w/ lemon will help. :) Is it still cold in Cali? 31 degrees sounds like Minnesota!

    I am a teacher, so I am used to getting up pretty early. My alarm goes off at 4:45 every morning, because I get up, make coffee, and have a pre-workout drink before I head to the gym.

    It was 33 degrees this morning when I went to the gym at 5:45. I get all bundled up to run outside to the gym, then have to take all of the layers off once I get there. It's very cold for us CA people! I don't know how you Midwesterners do it. We have a high of 55 degrees for today.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    Well it took 3 weeks but the scale finally moved and I'm down a lb. LOL but I lost inches so I'm happy with that too. I exercised this morning another Leslie Sansone dvd and then ran errands so I can try and have a somewhat orderly life even though I'm working non stop. Now it's eat and get ready for work.

    Inches and body fat percentage are much more important than weight! It took me a long time to get used to that. Our weight can fluctuate so much within a given a day and as women, our weight can vary up to 6 pounds within a given month.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    @MrsVelapanur Yes but I'm not telling my hubby I lost 2 inches in my bust. LOL In May I was a 36DD July/Aug 34D and now I'm a roomy 32 and probably C cup. He could care less I lost inches in my waist and hips but the bust he is minding. LOL I'm thrilled it's finally decreasing.
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    That is awesome, @2020pinktogo ! LOL @ not telling your hubby you're losing inches in your bust! Ha! Well, his back doesn't have to carry them around! LOL I have *never* had back problems until this past few years when I put on so much weight. I'm sure that's why. Yet another reason I need to stick with this.