"Ladies only" discussion, help appreciated



  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    When you mentioned having the Mirena, it brought up some memories of experience for me. I had spotting and bleeding the whole four years I had mine. I still continued to have terrible cycles after removal which led to a total hysterectomy three years ago. I feel the mirena also created the endometriosis that I'd never had before. This is probably not even keto related, imo.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Eek. Nasty...
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    A couple months into LCHF I started getting TOM about every two weeks for a week or more, with spotting between. It lasted a few months and then became more normal. Now it's more normal than it has ever been, and I mean ever, as I've had irregular periods since the very beginning. Now I have a period every month that lasts 3-4 days instead of every couple months for two weeks like I used to have.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I have been Keto for 8 months last year, and 8 months this year. If it was going to settle down it would have.

    What happened during the times you were not Keto? Were things more regular? I tend to also think it isn't keto related, there is probably something else that is a contributing factor.

  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    I have been Keto for 8 months last year, and 8 months this year. If it was going to settle down it would have.

    What happened during the times you were not Keto? Were things more regular? I tend to also think it isn't keto related, there is probably something else that is a contributing factor.

    That's a good question.
  • cynlyn2010
    cynlyn2010 Posts: 73 Member
    I wonder too if this is even Keto related. I have two different friends who suffered from PCOS and infertility. After Keto one is having normal periods for the first time in her life and the other had several fibroids completely disappear and is now pregnant, after having been told she would never have children.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    I have been Keto for 8 months last year, and 8 months this year. If it was going to settle down it would have.

    What happened during the times you were not Keto? Were things more regular? I tend to also think it isn't keto related, there is probably something else that is a contributing factor.

    It was nowhere near as bad when I wasn't eating Keto over Xmas last year. This is why I think it's Keto and extremely low carb related. Keto = heavy bleeding, no Keto = not too bad and possibly eventually returning to normal (not sure I was only eating extra carbs for about 3 months).
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    I have been Keto for 8 months last year, and 8 months this year. If it was going to settle down it would have.

    What happened during the times you were not Keto? Were things more regular? I tend to also think it isn't keto related, there is probably something else that is a contributing factor.

    It was nowhere near as bad when I wasn't eating Keto over Xmas last year. This is why I think it's Keto and extremely low carb related. Keto = heavy bleeding, no Keto = not too bad and possibly eventually returning to normal (not sure I was only eating extra carbs for about 3 months).

    Then I would do as totaloblivia suggested and maybe raise them to 100g for awhile and see what happens. That is still low enough on the carbs to continue to see benefits for health and weight loss.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    edited December 2015
    Also here's the problem. I have been to the Dr and the gyno several times about this over the last couple of years. I only work part time now despite having good qualifications and references and applying for nearly 100 full time jobs this year. The job market in Australia is screwed thanks to the current government. Last week for example on the main job website in Aus 1900 people applied for 26 listed new jobs (in Adelaide). This fortnight after paying my bills and buying a little food I had $10 left (and that's even without paying the water bill which is due). Because I have a job a visit to the Doctor costs me $60. A visit to the gyno costs me $300. If I was unemployed I could go for free (and would probably have more than $10 left over a fortnight). This is the world we live in here. I simply can not keep going back to doctors and getting no answers, I need to eat.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Maybe keto levels don't agree with you (there are some), and a more LCHF approach is best for you. Especially if you've seen the difference already. I understand being "Dr. poor". It seems we are punished for working. It's no better in the US. Hope you get relief soon! Hugs hun!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Under 100 gives benefits of blood sugar control to a lot of people, without the possible hormone trouble of keto. So try the switch for 6 weeks and see if it helps.

    I feel you on the healthcare. I have to choose between kids getting care and keeping them fed with a roof over their heads. I haven't seen a dr, except an urgent care clinic for an ear infection, for over 2 years. Our system is screwed over here in the US as well.

    I hope changing up the carbs works PDQ for you. My cycles are mercifully regular, my skin is clear during, and I'm not a demented psycho for 2 weeks anymore, but I bleed for 9 or 10 days now. PITA. I can't imagine it non-stop.
  • SuesNewImage
    SuesNewImage Posts: 743 Member
    I'm thinking after the reading I've done that I might try increasing carbs to 100g, which I really didn't want to do but if it helps I guess I have no choice. I'm 10 - 15g a day at the moment and maybe it's just not working.

    You are very very low carb at moment. I'm aiming for 25 but hit 35 or 40 a few days a week. Don't up to 100, try for a month at 50g which is nearly 3 times your goal now and see how it works. I have still lost weight and stayed in ketosis at 50g so it maybe the best of both worlds for you. Sending you love.
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    Have you considered an endometrial ablation? I had never heard of it until my periods went crazy and a friend told me about it. My cycles got so bad (they never figured out why) that they were lasting for weeks and were so heavy I couldn't be away from a bathroom for more than an hour. They had also become extremely painful. The ablation is an out patient procedure where they burn out the inside of your uterus. Basically, the uterus is less able to build up the lining that gets shed every month because there is nothing for it to "stick to". You have to be done with having children. To get pregnant after an ablation is very dangerous. I had mine two years ago. By medical standards, it was not a success because I still get a period every month. BUT, for me, I'm very happy with the results. My periods last just 2 days now, are very light and much less painful. Talk to your gynecologist. Mine was covered by insurance because it was deemed medically necessary due to the heavy bleeding.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    People wonder at our "socialist" healthcare in the NHS in the UK, but I thank god for it almost every day. No-one should have to choose between eating and health-care for themselves or their kids. God defend the NHS from this government!
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Bleeding that much and for that long is not normal. Something is going on for sure. The first thing that stuck out at me is how many different BC methods you've had. The Implanon is notorious for either stopping periods to almost nothing or causing very heavy bleeding for months, similar to Depo-Provera shots. Hormonal BC messes with your own natural hormones.

    It could be your diet because you are extremely LC by the looks of it. If you can't afford to see another doctor, I say do as the other ladies have said and increase your carbs for awhile. I'd say 4-6 months minimum and see if you improve.

    I hope you find an answer and get better soon.

  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Thank you all for your input. It's been helpful. I'm going to up my carbs a little for a while and hopefully after Christmas I can afford to go to the Dr and ask about endometrial ablation and whether that might help.

  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Endometrial ablation is the cats meow... I had mine approximately 7 years ago and I am one of the lucky ones to "suffer" the possible side effect of no more flow! My mom had the "laser" version almost 20 years ago with the same side effect (woohoo). Women on both sides of my family are cursed with this anomaly.... Anyway, ablation is only a solution for mennorrhagia... i.e., heavy bleeding not due to other specific causes such as fibroids. Hormonal issues are usually ruled out first too. Personally, I had to go through lots of testing to confirm it was "simply" mennorrhagia