retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
Wow, 2015 is almost over, can you believe it??? Now we have one last chance to change a bad habit, lose some weight or whatever you feel you need to do to end the year on a productive note.

I want to thank all the regulars, occasional posters and the lurkers too, for making this group such a wonderful one to be a part of, you do make a difference for so many of us on our weight loss and fitness journey.


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
    My challenge is to get back on track with my fitness classes, my daily step count, and logging.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    Yes, lurkers... that's what my niece told me I was doing with Facebook. "You're supposed to SHARE," she said.
    My challenge is to do resistance training 3 times a week, meet 10,000 daily step goal, and do the PT routines every day. I have been incorporating parts of the PT into the resistance training, so the PT can be shorter on those days, while still doing them.
    I will eat more "fat," but it will be healthy fat, now that we're closer to where we can get avocados at a less dear price.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    This is going to be yet another busy month with medical. DH does not go back to work until the 16th but he can now drive and between now and then I am going to attempt to squeeze in both a procedure for my tear duct with the opthalmologist and a colonoscopy plus continue the 2x a week physical therapy! When this year is over I truly do not want to see any doctors for a while

    My main goal this month is just to survive everything without gaining! And to do that I will

    1) continue the 5k steps per day
    2) try to journal though I have not been good about that I am keeping a rough estimate of what I eat, avoiding eating out and not snacking
    3) stick with the intermittent fasting (ok, I do 9 am and 6 pm so almost there)
    4) gelatin and metamucil
    5) do the stretchy band workout 3x per week (I bought band from them and have it here on a doornob at home)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
    My challenge is to get back on track with my fitness classes, my daily step count, and logging.

    So far, I have gone to the body flex classes, have logged daily, and my daily step count is averaging over 9K, so I should be back on track with that this coming week. It feels good to be doing the right stuff again.

    I hope the holiday season isn't getting too many of you off track. At least it only comes round once a year :).

    Happy Hollies.

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    Missed step goal 2 days. Ate out at Vietnamese restaurant and was ill those 2 days. Cilantro?.
    Missed PT one day. Not doing so great on keeping up resistance routine yet.
    Got a Misfit Flash on sale yesterday so I can track any swimming, but I'll still use Fitbit HR for the whole day tracking. (It's not waterproof). Got ready for the pool, but turns out the aquasize group was meeting.
    Getting to play tennis ocassionally. \°/ yay!
    Weight on Sunday was still within range for maintenance, despite the discovery of a trove of ancient dark chocolate toffee candy and bingeing on it.
    We can keep on track through the holidays if we're mindful. ;-)
  • keyauwee
    keyauwee Posts: 22 Member
    Happy Holidays, All!
    Constant mindfulness really is the key! Thanks for the reminder!
    My travels are over until Christmas day, so I'm looking forward to having a couple of weeks when I'm in control of my daily life (except for a few holiday events.)
    My December Challenges:
    1. Log in every day!
    2. Walk at least 60 minutes every day. Get in some longer hikes -- 5 miles or more.
    3. Maintain my daily calorie goal and drink 8 glasses of water.
    4. Keep the alcohol consumption very low.
    5. Weigh less at the end of the month.
    5. Have fun!
    Peace and joy!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm back on track and happy to be there. I was using the excuse that with DH home it was hopeless, but when I found out he was going to be home for so much longer, it was just too much for me to deal with. He will just have to get on track! For one thing, there was this little nagging feeling of guilt/fear every day that sliding into back habits would snowball and have disasterous results!

    I had my last session of physical therapy and I do NOT want to backslide with that! My shoulders are SO much better.

    Today I plan to write out the exercise plan that I was envisioning for the new year and stick it on the frig. There is no point in waiting! We do plan to drive down to the beach to see Christmas lights and have dinner one evening, and will probably indulge a little on Christmas Day, so there is no reason to put it off. How well I remember the days when I was working and people were always bringing in tons of goodies for the nurses and my home health patients were baking things for me. I sure don't miss all of that!!!! lol
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    We are finally settled in one place for a while. Oceanside, CA. It's wonderfully warm and sunny, although everyone here thinks it's chilly. We were delayed up north with RV repairs and doctor appointments. It was just chaotic with lots of eating out or not eating because we couldn't get into the RV for meals while it was in the shop, so my challenge was to just maintain as best as I could. But now I'm ready to get back on track.

    Goals for the rest of this month.
    1. daily walking
    2. intermittent fasting schedule of 10am to 7pm
    3. logging every bite everyday even though it may not look good.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
    Wow we are nearing the half way point of December.

    My challenge is to get back on track with my fitness classes, my daily step count, and logging.
    I have my daily average back up to 10K, my rest days are less but the other days, I am always over again.
    Logging is going well too.
    I am attending 3 classes per week. Plus I do some dvds in addition some days. Just depends on how my muscles are feeling. Body Flex really works a lot of muscles I had forgotten I had, I have to rest those from time to time.

    Hope everyone else is meeting their challenges.
  • RuthDuckless
    RuthDuckless Posts: 9 Member
    Having just started I will start with only two goals - logging everyday and start walking on the treadmill 30 minutes a day.
  • Itreadlightly
    Itreadlightly Posts: 86 Member
    My goal is to do the IF this month to reset my metabolism - to deal with holidays ( only 2 meals)- to see if it will give me better energy and sleep as some say. This is a test!
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Keep looking towards my goal of weight loss, activity and energy!! I asked for a Fitbit for Christmas
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Me too!!!!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    I was nonplussed by seeing the scale tip toward the higher end of my 3-pound maintenance range when I did the Sunday weigh-in. I'm still experimenting with getting fat macro up to 25% without getting ill, relying on "good fat." I think that might be what's confusing my system. I don't intend ever to get above that magic upper number. ;-)
    I'm still meeting most exercise goals.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
    Having just started I will start with only two goals - logging everyday and start walking on the treadmill 30 minutes a day.

    Good goals, happy walking & logging :)
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    Eek! Just now weighed. I'm just above my goal weight. I've been trying to eat most exercise calories back. Probably part of the Fitbit burn HAS been phantom-- maybe due to the altitude.
    Evaluation time. Am getting in 5 miles steps, exercise, resistance exercise, etc. WILL stop eating back as many calories, will bump protein back up, and will cut back on starches.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    ok, between now and New Years I just plan to ease back in. I started journaling again today, I am working on my 5k steps and I posted and exercise schedule on the frig that will carry me into the new year. I think just getting back into the journaling will level me out and get me refocused. I am really looking forward to starting this new year!!
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    Checking in the evening before reporting day . I managed to stay very close to to maintenance goal weight. Slacked on resistance training, and ate healthily in spurts. ;-) Think I have a grip again, despite masses of candy and sweets still being in the house. This was the first holiday in three years that I allowed myself to indulge.
    Must. Maintain. Control. !
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
    Still haven't made it back to 10K, but the weather has not been inviting for long walks. The DVDs are getting boring too. The Beatles got me moving some more since the 24th. My treat meals are all done, so eating is getting back on track now. I am still in my 3 lb. range I allow myself. Christmas Day the fitness center was closed so no Body Flex that day, but tomorrow is another class day, so back on track with that as well. New Year's Day, they will be open, so Body Flex is on for that day too.

    I have lost an average of 1 lb. a month this year. That includes some very stressed periods, @4 months of metabolism reset. I can now eat in the 1700 to 1800 calorie range and not put on any weight and I lost weight where I wanted to lose it, so I think 2015 has been very good to me.