Sleeve or By-Pass?



  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    My insurance will only pay for one WLS for life, so revision sleeve to RNY isn't really an option.

    This is one reason I started thinking RNY before I ever saw a surgeon. I knew about this before my first consultation. It ended up with my other health issues that the RNY would be the outcome anyway, but I was leaning heavily towards already.
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    I attended multiple seminars from multiple providers from multiple facilities around me. I wanted to hear a lot of different opinions before deciding on my own. Was the insurance a factor? To a point, although mine would cover regardless which option I chose.

    I finally chose the VSG as my option. I wanted a less invasive and less rerouting of plumbing. I wanted something that would help me in my journey, be a tool. I also wanted something that had less of a recovery time, since taking off from work would be a factor as well.

    I am four months out and I am down over 60 pounds. BUT, I WORK MY PROGRAM! I follow my nutrition counselors diet to a T. I do not tempt myself, I avoid it. I enjoy going to dinner out with the family, but I order what is within my diet restriction. I do not do sugars, pastas, bread or rices at all. I don't add anything that isn't listed or allowed, because I want the results. I have been given this and I want to keep it. When my tiny tummy goes "WHOA!" I listen and stop. I am hoping that by my six month mark in February that I will have hit my goal, and I only have thirty more to go.

    Each option has pros and cons, and ultimately only you can decide for yourself. But either way you go, work it and you will get the results.
  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
  • creepykbear
    creepykbear Posts: 69 Member
    joysie1970 wrote: »

    Have you been able to maintain the 103 lb? I was in your boat, lost 120+ preop but was able to maintain for five years before pursuing surgery and have lost another 90 - with a sleeve and still losing! I am happy with my decision but its a very individual choice - good luck with whatever you decide!

    The 103 pound loss has been on the pre-op diet (low carb, low fat). I've been working it since June. So no maintenance yet, still losing while waiting for insurance. My surgery goal weight for myself is 299. In the past I have lost weight time and time again, then gained it back plus more. I want the surgery to help this stick.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    If you go back to eating higher carbs it won't stick, with or without surgery.
  • ChefBH
    ChefBH Posts: 26 Member
    I'm heading in tomorrow to have my vsg converted into a roux en y because of severe gerd..if there is any history of reflux pre surgery, seriously consider the vsg to not be a good option
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    joysie1970 wrote: »

    Have you been able to maintain the 103 lb? I was in your boat, lost 120+ preop but was able to maintain for five years before pursuing surgery and have lost another 90 - with a sleeve and still losing! I am happy with my decision but its a very individual choice - good luck with whatever you decide!

    The 103 pound loss has been on the pre-op diet (low carb, low fat). I've been working it since June. So no maintenance yet, still losing while waiting for insurance. My surgery goal weight for myself is 299. In the past I have lost weight time and time again, then gained it back plus more. I want the surgery to help this stick.

    Sounds like you are on the right path and starting good habits now that will stick with you and serve you well! Kudos to you! Keep working it and maintain those habits after whichever surgery you chose - you are going to do great!
  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    ChefBH wrote: »
    I'm heading in tomorrow to have my vsg converted into a roux en y because of severe gerd..if there is any history of reflux pre surgery, seriously consider the vsg to not be a good option

    This is exactly why my surgeon refused VSG and LAP