Why did you choose NRol4w?

christianteach Posts: 593 Member
Why did you choose this particular program over other out there, like StrongLifts? I would like to start one in a couple of weeks but can't decide which one to start with.


  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    I looked into both and watched lots (and lots) of you tube videos of each one. For me I chose this one because it was a bit more varied. I am only on my second week of doing it but so far its great. I am not saying I won't move over to stronglifts at some point as I do like the simplicity of it but as I am just getting in to lifting I wanted something that taught me a bit more about it.
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    a very enthusiastic friend recommended it to me! i figured i had to start somewhere, and i love it! i am sure i will try a different program after i'm done with NROL4W, just for fun/variety. i definitely recommend it though, i've seen good results and have fun doing it. i've also gotten another friend started (and loving) it too!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I think, in the beginning, it made *sense* to me that there was a program out there devoted to a WOMAN's physique. Now that I've also done other programs, I'm not as convinced, but I sure enjoyed NROL4W and don't regret, for one second, that it was my introduction to lifting heavy free weights (I had done the "Body for Life" program prior to NROL4W, but "Body for Life" uses lots of "machines").