Cravings and quest bars

I love quest bars. Love. But I don't know moderation when it comes to them. I bought a box and I literally ate 4 in one sitting. I've found that they give me cravings. If I eat one in the morning, I am more than likely to go over my calorie limit because they make me hungry. Am I the only one who's addicted to quest? Or gets sweet cravings? How do you handle your sweet cravings?


  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    edited December 2015
    I find that they do make me want sweets/feel cravings, and I suspect it is the sweeteners used in them. Just because high fiber "cancels out" the carbs in theory does not always convince my body that that is the way it should react. :) Avoid them or make your own with ingredients that work for you. Google to find recipes, there are LC variations out there.

    edit to add my favourite recipe link (though I found it before this blogger went vegan! doh)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I have the same problem. In theory they're good as a convenient on the go snack/meal replacement but I don't feel that full and I do end up craving more sweets later.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    edited December 2015
    Yep yep yep. I will not buy them again. I did good with the Russell Stover sugar free candies. Quest bars made me want more quest bars it was the weirdest thing.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Same here. I only keep a few around and will only eat 1/3 or 1/2 in the way I may have had an occasional cookie in the past. I consider them candy bars and I will not allow more than 1/2 at one time and try to keep that to a couple times a month.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    In complete agreement! The cravings are as if you've eaten carbage. So, I put them into that category quickly!
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    edited December 2015
    I have to say that Fiber one bars are my treacherous food.. I am fearful of even trying a Quest bar!!*** with lower carbs, tempt happy no stores locally sell them..

    Am fighting to get FiberOne bars out of my life too..did well for many months..but having them around is too tempting..17 carbs, with 12 net is way too many for the 6 gr protein they allow. (economy was the 40 cents they were a good emergency fill in since I am on a vegetarian LCHF WOE…

    I just have too many food limits without meat protein/cheese/most nuts so they became an issue for me ( Used to keep nuts and cheese sticks in the car, can't now)

    …am giving myself to end of year to use use(eat) what I have and buy no more… trying to limit carbs when bacon/meat/real cheese isn't an option makes it far I have NOT bought any bread/bagsls/cereal.. hanging tough with veggies, and an occasional low carb tortillas

    **UPDATE: just looked up these.( wish I had months ago) I had NO idea they are so high in protein!!! Wipes out my daily allowance..and even with 14 fiber, 20 gr carbs is higher than Fiber one bars.! so really they seem a "trick" might as well add shredded sawdust to a candy bar and claim the fiber makes the rest OK. I need that attitude to FIber One also..'vilify them'
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    I found that Quest Bars made my blood sugar go up a bit more than eating real food and wasn't entirely comfortable with that, so I stopped buying them. If I buy them, I'll eat them anyway instead of saving them for the rare occasions that I could truly benefit from their convenience.

    For sweet cravings... if I don't eat anything sweet, if I don't use artificial sweeteners, I just don't get them very often. Months between cravings, literally. And that craving can be killed by bacon or a steak if I just ignore that its a SWEET craving and go make something else that I really like. If I allow myself to go too high in carbs, even though still low carb, I'll start to see cravings too. Right now I use a very small amount of Torani sugar free syrup in my green tea every morning. I want the tea but w/o the syrup I don't like the taste. As long as I limit myself to that and no other sweetened things, I seem to have no problem with cravings.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    To manage sweets cravings, I drink something like Kombucha (a naturally fermented tea), make a barely sweetened version of a shake, or add midday fasting. Something about the extra keto boost I get there helps me not crave sweets as much for a time. I'll admit, though, to being a sweets junkie, so I have to be careful. I work hard to sweeten to tolerance, not to taste. Sweetening anything to taste makes me crave more...

    Sugar alcohols and I are not friends, so I've not yet braved a quest bar.