Determined December: Week 2 Challenge Check-In (12/8-12/14)



  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Yesterday I think may have been my most rounded day yet! I met all goals with calories, carbs, water and I even got a lift workout in. I have a bit of a cold, so I'm feeling sluggish - but I still managed to hang. So far so good today!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    slimzandra wrote: »
    @baconslave, I love this thread and thanks for keeping it going.


  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Wow! It's December 10th!! I worked yesterday (first time in three weeks) and my body failed me a bit! Where I am working we begin at 5:30 am and we work until we are finished. Yesterday's finish didn't come until 3pm! So yea, overdone too, so my body deserved to hurt after being on my feet that long! I'm good today, but yesterday was not! I have to find a way to build stamina, without hurting myself. I attempted lifting some 2lb. hand weights last weekend, and had a migraine for the next two days! So that test was a fail!I do like the bike riding, and plan to continue that, so hopefully I can build some with that, soon!

    I don't have problems keeping carbs under control (what a wonderful blessing that is!). I'm able to attend the parties and choose not to eat if I don't see appropriate options for me. I know others feel I must be depriving myself, since I hear the , "You only live once." comments that are made, but I have no desire to make myself hurt (BEST MOTIVATION EVER!). Any higher carb food (fruit and veggies, I would hate to see what a piece of bread did to me!) creates pain for me, I've tested myself to see. The headaches get terrible, and the body aches will follow. I'm getting used to living without pain! I love this woe!

    I haven't been back on the scale since I know it's fluctuated up again. I will likely give it until Monday before getting on again!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Happy FRIDAY!
    Thursday Summary 12.10

    SW 11.30.15 148.2
    CW: 148
    GW 144 (1.1.2016)

    Water: OK.
    Logged Food: yes
    Exercise as Planned?: Yes
    At or Under Carb Level: Yes
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes
    Planned Day Ahead: Today my boss is taking us out to a restaurant I've never been to for lunch. I looked over the menu, it might be rough. Probably will go with sushi, otherwise I will need to pick at anything I order. Asian Fusion. Ug!
    Last night there was nothing in the fridge, so I had scrambled eggs with cheese, rather than getting take out. It paid off, I'm back to my starting weight for this month. 10 days of the month blown, but 20 days left! better make them count. Starting today!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    December Basics Challenge

    SW: 159.2 (11/02/15)
    CW: 156.6 (11/24/15)
    GW: 155 (by 1/01/16)

    December Goals:

    Try a few new low carb recipes this month
    Walk 210 miles this month to achieve my yearly goal of 1,500 miles
    At or under 40 net carbs per day
    Daily Yoga challenge for December; whether it's 5 minutes or 1 hour, I will do yoga everyday!

    Week 1: Was a good week the only thing I didn't do was try a new low carb recipe. I have however been pinning some recipes to try (does that count??)!!

    Week 2:
    Day 1 - good!
    Day 2 - good day but didn't do my yoga. I had a bad headache all day so went to bed early. Feeling better today though!
    Day 3 - good! Not quite enough exercise though.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Good day yesterday - stayed within all of my goals except I didn't exercise. The cold has me down some, but as soon as I feel up to it, I'm back on it. I'm hoping to at least get a lift in today or tomorrow so that I did it twice this week. The cardio will have to come in when it can...even if it's a nice stroll. The weather is supposed to be good, maybe some fresh air is in order!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting Weight on 12/1: 142.8 lbs
    Write (+2)
    80 oz water (+2)
    No Alcohol (0, more of a guideline.)
    5,000 Steps (+1. +3 if I get over 10,000)
    Exercise (+1 for basic stuff. +2 for targeted exercise.)
    Affirmation NSV (+1)

    Tuesday, 12/8:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 128/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (+1) 8,717/5,000 Steps
    (+2) Exercise - Founder Pose, Walked the Mall, Errands at lunch, parked far away everywhere.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Mom commented on how I have such a wide array of patterned leggings. Realized I never would have worn anything that would draw attention to my legs in the past. Yesterday I was wearing almost-neon flower patterned leggings from uniqlo.
    8 of a possible 11

    Wednesday, 12/9:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 103/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (0) 4,655/5,000 Steps (Bah, so close!)
    (+1) Exercise - Founder Pose. Didn't run many errands so parking far away had little impact (clearly, looking at my steps).
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Had what I felt like was a blown breakfast, only to log it and see it had a total of 9 g carbs. Perspective!
    6 of a possible 11

    Thursday, 12/10:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 140/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (0) 4,489/5,000 Steps (So close, again!)
    (+1) Exercise - Founder Pose. Walked a bit.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Just loved how easily I could skip lunch today! I had a nice breakfast, and broth for lunch. Dinner got rerouted from a full chicken recipe to a simple grilled burger with toppings. Drank my black coffee for dessert instead of loading up on dairy. Just an overall satisfying day where I really enjoyed being Keto.
    6 of a possible 11

    Trees this week: 14

    December's Joy Trees:


    Last recorded weight: 142.2 lbs, Dec 10

    I Did some IF yesterday, also avoided cream/cheese again; down a pound today. Cause/effect?

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Tuesday, December 8

    Original Weight: 185-190 lbs in late June, 2015
    SW: 152.4
    CW: 147.8!!!!!!!! Lowest i have been since university! And I am sure it will bounce up again tomorrow. LOL
    GW for Dec 31: Under 150 (at least most of the time)
    Final GW: ~140lbs

    December Goals:
    • Eat below 25g of carbs on all days except possibly Dec. 9th (dinner theatre and school party), 18th (party), 24, 25, and 31(hosting a party). Carbs have been fine lately
    • If I eat over 25g of carbs in a day, it is not to exceed 35g. N/A
    • I can eat over my calories on a few days but will cut back on other days to make up for it, without going hungry. Calories have been between 1200 and 1500 lately.
    • Do at least one fat fast (~500kcal of mainly fat) per week. Not today.
    • Use IF with BPC to eat meals/solid food (that sounds really weird...) between 2pm and 7pm on the majority of days. Ate first meal of lunch at 3:00pm. I think I left food until too late in the day
    • Complete Round 1 of P90X just before Xmas. Took Saturday and Sunday off. Monday I did chest, back and abs. Today is plyometrics; I am still sore from last week so it should be amusing.

    So far so good. I had a couple of days of high calories (over 2000) with a couple of days of moderate calories (1200-1500) has resulted in a whoosh of weight loss. Weird how that works. I'll take it. ;)

    The week has gone as expected, which is good. :)

    On Wednesday the scale bounced up to 150.8, but was a busy and good day. First thing I did P90X Shoulders and Arms, then we had a kids' theatre production in the morning, I was setting up the Winter celebration party for the kids' supervising homeschool school all afternoon, then my kids were in the talent show doing a martial arts demonstration with some friends (proud mommy moment), and then I sneaked out early for dinner theatre with my mom and her friends.

    The dinner theatre (solid gold 80's night - fun!) was a planned splurge evening. I had crab legs, shrimp, roast beast, chicken, hard bioiled egg, some vinegar & oil salad (tomato and ciucs), and for dessert I ate a scary amount of cheese (they even had blue!) and 3 sugar free gluten free parfits (in what looked like shot glasses). It was great and I ate too much.

    The only problem of the evening was my stupidity. I added some whipped cream to my parfits, but the whipped cream was for scooping onto a baked caramel pudding (not GF and I am a celiac). I took a dumb risk and used some from what looked like a clean, safe spot, but when I was eating it I found a large crumb. I actually spit it out. LOL I still ended up with a stomach ache for a day and I am quite tired now. It appears I was "glutened". I'll be more careful next time.

    Anyway, I am sure it was a huge calorie meal and my day was well over 2500 kcal. Maybe even 3000?

    Thursday the scale dropped a bit. I "fat fasted" for most of the day. I had BPC, a salmon patty and a laughing cow cheese. I did not feel hungry. I had no workout and I think I was still full. Plus I was out of the house and busy all day so there was less opportunity to eat. It was a good day for very low calories.

    Today the scale was 149.0. :) I was supposed to do a legs and back workout but I'll do it tomorrow. I feel too run down from the autoimmune reaction. Today will be a normal eats day again. I might keep it on the low side of 1500kcal since I'm not working out.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    HAHAHAAAA! Back up 3lb today.
    Lord, this yo-yo crap is killing me. Le sigh...

    so ...the kidney infection I thought I beat came back with an unholy vengeance. I had no choice but to spend 3hrs at the clinic this morning to see the dr for 5 min so I could score some antibiotics. It's obviously not going away on its own. I'm very uncomfortable. This infection ain't screwing around. UGH! Hate antibiotics!!!

    Anyway, what must be done, must be done.

    Thurs, 12/10:
    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: 45min Arms and Abs check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 46/50g total check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes! Bulking day :smile: check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead:check.jpg

    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:
    Week 1 Haul:

    Week 2 Haul:

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    @baconslave I bet that infection is playing a part in your fatigue too. :( Ugh. You're getting hit from all sides right now. Hang in there!
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    Original Weight: 224.4 12/4/2015
    CW: 220.8 on Weds., 12/9
    GW for Dec 31: 215 (roughly 2 pounds a week)
    Final GW: 145-150 (haven't decided yet)

    December Goals:
    • Eat below 20g of carbs every day, including Christmas (I'm seriously done messing around)
    • Eat 1500 or less calories each day
    • Drink 128 oz of water a day
    -Not too worried about exercise this month; just trying to get carbs under control.
    -Eat at induction until I hit 200 lbs; then do two more weeks

    Met all goals yesterday but went 50 calories over my goal. It was ROUGH day-- learning that i'll be getting some new responsibilities at work that I was not expecting, running errands at lunch AND in the evening, and hubby was out to a work dinner so I was flying solo with the baby that evening. Blah. So I just kind of ate some leftovers and some cheese. But hey, it worked and I was SOOOO tempted to just dive headfirst into a bottle of wine and snacks. As stressful as yesterday was I am so happy I could say that I at least stuck to my eating plan! Nothing worse than having a bad day and feeling fat on top of it. Today is going well and I'm hoping to stay on track with a family Christmas party tomorrow.

    Everyone is doing AWESOME and I'm so glad I found this group!!!
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member

    @slimzandra, nice job on forgoing the takeout--scrambled eggs is always a great standby and something I usually have in my fridge! That is definitely a weakness of mine.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Catching up on the last few days!

    SW 11/2: 150.6; 142.6 on 12/1
    CW: 141.2
    GW for December 31: 139.6 or below (DietBet goal for Transformer Round 4, should be reasonable, I hope!)
    My goals for December:
    Carbs: No more than 20 net/day. 12/8: 33 net (oops!), 12/9: 25 net, 12/10: 20 net, 12/11: 9 net
    Calories: 1350/day plus exercise calories: 12/8: 1611 (oops!), 12/9: 1235, 12/10: 1346, 12/11: 1349 (1127 net)
    Logging and measuring daily--check
    Getting in exercise at least 3x/wk--Exercised once this week.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    The work day I had on Wednesday (began getting patients ready for surgery at 5:30am, and stopped at 2:45pm with one potty break!) has zapped me these past couple of days! So, no extra exercise or bike riding since Tuesday. I have three days in a row next week! I sure hope I can get some stamina built to withstand these long days soon!

    Haven't been on the scale. I don't like to weigh when I feel pain since I know the pain is from inflammation, which shows increases on the scale. I'm waiting for a day when I wake feeling my best before I get on.

    We have hubbys employer Christmas Dinner this evening. It's a rather large, semi formal, to do. I've managed to get hubby to color coordinate with me for this one! I'm excited to get to wear my pretty dress!! I'm not telling what it looks like because I want to post a picture here later!! I think I look fantastic in it! LOL! That's still weird to say! But, we are going to look good!

  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    SW 8/3: 195
    SW Dec 1: 159.0
    CW: 157.4
    GW for December 31: 159 or below, shooting for 157

    Down a pound since Monday, but have a birthday party to attend this afternoon. Hoping not to do too much damage, lol, but at least I have a little wiggle room! Everyone is doing great! Keep it up!!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting Weight on 12/1: 142.8 lbs
    Write (+2)
    80 oz water (+2)
    No Alcohol (0, more of a guideline.)
    5,000 Steps (+1. +3 if I get over 10,000)
    Exercise (+1 for basic stuff. +2 for targeted exercise.)
    Affirmation NSV (+1)

    Tuesday, 12/8:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 128/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (+1) 8,717/5,000 Steps
    (+2) Exercise - Founder Pose, Walked the Mall, Errands at lunch, parked far away everywhere.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Mom commented on how I have such a wide array of patterned leggings. Realized I never would have worn anything that would draw attention to my legs in the past. Yesterday I was wearing almost-neon flower patterned leggings from uniqlo.
    8 of a possible 11

    Wednesday, 12/9:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 103/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (0) 4,655/5,000 Steps (Bah, so close!)
    (+1) Exercise - Founder Pose. Didn't run many errands so parking far away had little impact (clearly, looking at my steps).
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Had what I felt like was a blown breakfast, only to log it and see it had a total of 9 g carbs. Perspective!
    6 of a possible 11

    Thursday, 12/10:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 140/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (0) 4,489/5,000 Steps (So close, again!)
    (+1) Exercise - Founder Pose. Walked a bit.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Just loved how easily I could skip lunch today! I had a nice breakfast, and broth for lunch. Dinner got rerouted from a full chicken recipe to a simple grilled burger with toppings. Drank my black coffee for dessert instead of loading up on dairy. Just an overall satisfying day where I really enjoyed being Keto.
    6 of a possible 11

    Friday, 12/11:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 96/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: Rum before dinner! ^_^
    (+1) 6,520/5,000 Steps (So close, again!)
    (+1) Exercise - Founder Pose. Parked far away.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Two successful days fasting, while I heard my office-mates talking about being starving just an hour after lunch.
    7 of a possible 11

    Trees this week: 21

    December's Joy Trees:


    Last recorded weight: 140.8 lbs, Dec 12
    Down even further. Was it the fasting, or the dairy free, from the past couple of days? Today I already had cheese at breakfast, and I'm not sure I'll be skipping a meal today. Does the cheese make me hungry? Or is it weekend brain? It didn't help I was working on my novel in the kitchen today, to avoid sitting for long stretches. So when it occurred to me to eat, I was already looking in the fridge. Lunch was dairy free (MMBH's Cilantro Chicken OMGYUM). Dinner is pizza. I think I ruined my scientific method, but we'll see what happens. Life IS the experiment!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    SW 11/2: 150.6; 142.6 on 12/1
    CW: 140.8 (@glossbones, we're twins ;) ) Yay for a little more downward movement on the scale.
    GW for December 31: 139.6

    My goals for December:
    Carbs: No more than 20 net/day. 12/12: 23 net. Oops. I was doing so well but then I spotted sugar-free fudgsicles I'd bought pre-keto (7 net carbs) and it sounded so good for my sore, irritated throat.
    Calories: 1350/day plus exercise calories: Under
    Logging and measuring daily--check
    Getting in exercise at least 3x/wk--Exercised once this week.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Sorry I'm behind. The in-laws took the kids this weekend. I just did terrible Friday night. Which I will report below. It's over and done. I've been on track since Saturday morning. Waiting not-so-patiently for the antibiotics to work.

    Fri, 12/11:
    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: 45min walkcheck.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: Through the roof.
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Nope.
    Planned Day Ahead:check.jpg

    Sat, 12/12:
    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: 45min strength. Lower body and abs. 30 min shooting hoops check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 49/50g total check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yup. check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead:check.jpg

    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:
    Week 1 Haul:

    Week 2 Haul:

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Friday and Saturday were okay for me. Ate a bit more than I needed in the evenings, but I tend to do that when tired or ill and I am still run down from gluten exposure. Calories weren't too off I think... I was too lazy and busy to log though. LOL

    I haven't exercised for a few days. Only worked out 3/7 days this week. A bit disappointed in myself but I felt poorly so I am letting it go. I will get going again tomorrow and push through.

    The scale has been sitting around 149 for a few days so I am pleased with that.

    My son's b-ball team had a game yesterday. We had been undefeated so we were moved up a division and we were slaughtered yesterday. The poor kids. It was 50-10. Ugh. Hopefully they can shake that off. HOPEFULLY I can get us moved back down to our old division! Wish me luck!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting Weight on 12/1: 142.8 lbs
    Write (+2)
    80 oz water (+2)
    No Alcohol (0, more of a guideline.)
    5,000 Steps (+1. +3 if I get over 10,000)
    Exercise (+1 for basic stuff. +2 for targeted exercise.)
    Affirmation NSV (+1)

    Tuesday, 12/8:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 128/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (+1) 8,717/5,000 Steps
    (+2) Exercise - Founder Pose, Walked the Mall, Errands at lunch, parked far away everywhere.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Mom commented on how I have such a wide array of patterned leggings. Realized I never would have worn anything that would draw attention to my legs in the past. Yesterday I was wearing almost-neon flower patterned leggings from uniqlo.
    8 of a possible 11

    Wednesday, 12/9:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 103/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (0) 4,655/5,000 Steps (Bah, so close!)
    (+1) Exercise - Founder Pose. Didn't run many errands so parking far away had little impact (clearly, looking at my steps).
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Had what I felt like was a blown breakfast, only to log it and see it had a total of 9 g carbs. Perspective!
    6 of a possible 11

    Thursday, 12/10:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 140/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (0) 4,489/5,000 Steps (So close, again!)
    (+1) Exercise - Founder Pose. Walked a bit.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Just loved how easily I could skip lunch today! I had a nice breakfast, and broth for lunch. Dinner got rerouted from a full chicken recipe to a simple grilled burger with toppings. Drank my black coffee for dessert instead of loading up on dairy. Just an overall satisfying day where I really enjoyed being Keto.
    6 of a possible 11

    Friday, 12/11:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 96/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: Rum before dinner! ^_^
    (+1) 6,520/5,000 Steps (So close, again!)
    (+1) Exercise - Founder Pose. Parked far away.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Two successful days fasting, while I heard my office-mates talking about being starving just an hour after lunch.
    7 of a possible 11

    Saturday, 12/12:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (0) 61/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (0) 2,314/5,000 Steps merp
    (0) Exercise - Founder Pose.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Husband is talking about freeing himself up to eat whatever he wants when we get to Disney (as an adult with the power to choose his own path). Hearing all this has not tempted me to go, 'Oh, oooookay, I might as well eat ALL THE THINGS I SEE.' Very proud of myself, as I approach my 300 day LCHF streak!
    3 of a possible 11

    Trees this week: 24

    December's Joy Trees:


    Last recorded weight: 140.4 lbs, Dec 13
    Dehydration > Cheese effect.