New to clean eating

I've just started my clean eating journey and would love any input or suggestions as far as snacks and meal plans and calorie intake, I'm 5' 4 and 168 lbs I want to loss weight and start exercising to strengthen my body but need some help in where to start. Thanks!!!


  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    clean eating for me is eating as fresh as possible, the less processed the better. I try to only buy fresh foods. Lots of veggies, fruits meats, nuts etc. I eat a lot of eggs, avocados, zucchini and fish. Not sure about your calories, but there is a ton of great recipes and info on the net. I snack on fruit, nut and raw veggies and my dinners are made of meat/fish and tons of veggies, I very rarely eat rice or potatoes but I do make quinoa with my meals sometimes.
  • suzan06
    suzan06 Posts: 218 Member
    Welcome! We all have a bit different definitions of clean eating, but I think that is ok (at least it is ok with me!). And sometimes I suck at it, like today when I bought peppermint ice cream at the store, it is like a delicious childhood memory! And I tried to buy one of the better brands that was more cream and less junk- but of course only the cheap brand had peppermint!

    Anyway. That was not helpful, lol.

    I eat 2000 calories a day, 5'8" woman currently weighing in at 165 and trying to get to 160. My fitbit says I typically burn 2400 calories a day, so that is how I arrived at the number.

    My goals:
    -lots of beans
    -lots of veggies
    -whole grains
    -good fats (grass fed butter, etc)
    -minimize sugar and processed junk

    I am a vegetarian.

    Typical snacks:
    -handful of mixed nuts
    -Wasa cracker with cheese
    -Siggi yogurt (very low sugar but just enough not not taste nasty-kudos to those who can choke down plain yogurt!)
    -Cut up apples (for some reason, like 2 year olds everywhere, I will eat cut apples but not bother with a whole apple)
    -Homemade easy to grab baked good like cornbread muffin, pumpkin bread, etc, I sweeten them minimally and use honey or maple syrup

    Typical breakfast: oatmeal or fried eggs with sauteed veggies (bell peppers and mushrooms)

    Typical week of dinners:
    -Homemade pizza with sourdough crust, pesto, and various veggies
    -Pasta with either pesto or tomato sauce
    -Black bean or refried bean tacos
    -Taco salads
    -Beans and rice (we love our beans!)

    Always with a veggie side of some kind

    Lunches: big salad with beans or dinner leftovers.

    Obviously that may not appeal to the non-bean lovers!
  • RuthDuckless
    RuthDuckless Posts: 9 Member
    I just came back to MFP and joined this group. I'm going to also try following my problem is that I try to eat clean and healthy but trying to plan meals that fit all the guidelines is too complicated for me. The meal plans that are suggested with programs are always too elaborate. I want affordable easy quick meals and snacks. Any suggestions? Thanks
  • kpurcell627
    kpurcell627 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you!!
  • ctevis36
    ctevis36 Posts: 32 Member
    I just came back to MFP and joined this group. I'm going to also try following my problem is that I try to eat clean and healthy but trying to plan meals that fit all the guidelines is too complicated for me. The meal plans that are suggested with programs are always too elaborate. I want affordable easy quick meals and snacks. Any suggestions? Thanks

    I needed affordable and healthy too. I think I found tge following site on Pinterest. I don't always follow the meal plan specifically, but I do eat what's on the menu for the week.