
silver9051 Posts: 14 Member
Hi :) Brand new here. I think I've got the concept down pretty well except I'm still confused about one thing. I finished a reset a few weeks ago, and now I'm eating TDEE -15%. This is my cut, correct? So while you're in a cut, you cannot/do not gain lean mass, even if you lift heavy? Or just not as much as you would if you were bulking?

Also, you cut for 4 or 8 weeks depending on how much fat you have to lose?

I've been tracking calories here since January 2012, and I'm getting to the point where I'll only do a partial day and never end up completing my entries :/ anyone have any special motivating tips for wanting to count every thing again?


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Right anything minus your TDEE is a cut amount, anything over is the bulk.. you can't gain lean mass, but you can keep what you have.. and if your newer or your body isn't used to certain exercises you may see an increase from that.. Also you can cut for 8 weeks, or like most of us we just cut then take a week break here and there.. but the break is important to eat more than your cut.