Farmhouse Culture Gut Shot

ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
Just wanted to share something that I ran across this week-end with all you ketofiles out there. The brand is called Farmhouse Culture and the product is called "Gut Shot." They offer five different flavors of fermented juice from the process of making sauerkraut. They also make Sauerkraut and Kimchee. I picked up a bottle of their Gut Shot "Classic" flavor this past Saturday mainly because I'm always looking for ways to get more salt into my diet (I struggle with getting enough sodium). I wasn't sure whether I was going to like it or not, but I was pleasantly surprised that I did. 1.5 ounces is a serving and contains less than 1 carb and less than 1 sugar, and yes it is salty to the taste but not in an unpleasant way. Best of all, I like the fact that in that 1.5 ounce serving there is 260mg of sodium! The #'s for each flavor differ of course with the Classic and Smoked Jalapeno being the lowest in carbs and sugars. The flavors they offer are: classic, smoked jalapeno, garlic dill, ginger beet & sorry but I don't remember what the 5th flavor was. Surprisingly, their website doesn't yet list any information about their Gut Shot product. I found this stuff at Whole Foods in the refrigerated section near the Tofu, Shiritaki Noodles & Kimchee stuff for anyone interested. Have a great day everybody!
