Determined December: Week 3 Challenge Check-In (12/15-12/21)

baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
edited December 2015 in Social Groups
Welcome to Week 3 of the Determined December Challenge.
It's a little ugly up in here right now.
My laptop is in major surgery.
BBL when I have the time and patience to spruce things up while on the tablet.

EDIT: DH did it again. Fixed the laptop!

If you are new, feel free to hop right in and join us!

Here's a copy of our challenge blurb:
baconslave wrote: »
There's a statistic going around that something like 25% of people will gain weight between Halloween and New Year's. It's Holiday season. We're busy with work, school, get-togethers, and shopping. It's easy to just say to heck with it and cave. And wake up on New Year's Day and looking in the mirror, unhappy with what extra weight we've gained. It happens to the best of us.

Last month we focused on the basics in an effort to avoid gaining during a hectic time of year. There's lots of treats around. But many of us managed to hit our goals and not gain. Some of us even lost a few pounds, or gained insight into our own patterns when faced with pressure.

Planning ahead and keeping an eye on the basics are two of the most important focal points if we want to keep on the up and up in the face of all the junk and goodies rampant this type of year.

This month we are again going to focus on the low-carb basics. They really are so important to success. And keeping tabs on them reinforces good habits that will serve us through our weight loss journeys and beyond into Maintenance Land. We're shooting for Determined December. Some people choose to handle this time of year completely on-plan, supplementing low-carb recipes for all our bad-ol' favorites.

This may not be realistic for some. After all, there are many temptations in our faces this month. And a lot of celebrations. What I have done in the past was pick 1 or 2 events that were most important, enjoy them that day, and the next day was immediately back on track. No guilt, but no excuses. Every other time, I planned ahead. Eat before going to a carby event or bring plan-approved goodies. I actually lost weight in December of 2014. It can be done.

You can pick either strategy, but in this challenge monitoring our plan Basics are what makes the difference.

Consistency + Persistence + Time = Success

I really can't parrot that cliché formula enough. Because it's true.

Any low-carb plan is welcome. Just post your monthly goals and/or beginning weight, or if you are just planning to maintain through the month, or have NSVs to achieve, check-in daily or weekly with how well you did.

The Basics:
Staying under carbs
Staying under calories
Logging and measuring
Getting in exercise/movement if that's one of your goals
Keeping an eye on electrolyte levels
Getting enough water
Planning ahead

This thread will be stickied to the top of the Group, with links inside to the weekly threads. So if the weekly thread gets buried in our busy little group, you'll be able to easily find in in the sticky.

Share recipes, problems, thoughts.
Determined December is possible!
We are DETERMINED to maintain, and maybe even lose, this year.
We are DETERMINED to not let December run rough-shod over us, right?
We CAN do this.

To give you and idea of possible check-in entries here's mine for yesterday:
Monthly Goals:
To lose that rotten, stinkin, stubborn, no-good, malicious last half pound to goal weight by hitting the basics daily. Carbs under 50g total.
Three 1,000-cal fasts per week, and four maintenance calorie days, until I can hit my goal weight, 150, and stay there for an entire month. This is going to take me on past this month, but we have to start somewhere, right? :wink:
Be sparing with the alcohol, Jess. And plan for calories to be preposterous on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day.

Start weight: 152.4 (Thanks for the lil' extra, TOM. Swell of you to think of me so fondly!)
Goal weight: 150 and to stay there.

Sunday, 11/29:

Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
Logged Food: check.jpg
Exercise as Planned?: 60 min Dreadmill walk check.jpg
At or Under Carb Level: 37/50g total check.jpg
At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes! check.jpg
Planned Day Ahead: Yes! check.jpg

Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:



  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    "Spruce things up" as in your Christmas trees? LOL
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    On track with keto in spite of Friday night drinks. Lost 2 pounds this past week, totak of 4 for the month! Better than I thought! My hope is now to hit the 150's by the new year. I think it could happen if I KCKO! wow.
    Naturally increasing activity level is on track thanks to my new job being way more physical than I would have anticipated. It's great! Still dancing on Friday's, so there's that, too. Seems like its happening all by itself. Once I get a paycheck, I'm thinking the easiest way to add more activity will be to go out dancing twice a week. Easy Peasy!
    Mood and attitude is fluctuating up and down. Today is up due to weight loss, yesterday pretty blue. Only a couple more weeks to muddle through so I think i can make it. Thanks, pals. I love reading everyone's posts and gain so much strength from knowing we are in this together.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member

    SW: 159.2 (11/02/15)
    CW: 155 (12/12/15)
    GW: 155 (by 1/01/16)

    December Goals:

    Try a few new low carb recipes this month
    Walk 210 miles this month to achieve my yearly goal of 1,500 miles
    At or under 40 net carbs per day
    Daily Yoga challenge for December; whether it's 5 minutes or 1 hour, I will do yoga everyday! Failed on this one

    Week 1: Was a good week the only thing I didn't do was try a new low carb recipe. I have however been pinning some recipes to try (does that count??)!!
    Week 2: Was another good week - didn't try a new low carb recipe yet..but am tonight! Meatloaf!!! Ground Beef is thawing in the fridge and I need to pick up a couple of things at lunch to make it :)
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I am up today, so need to buckle down for the rest of the month except for Christmas Eve and Day.

    Have a good week, everyone!!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    SW 11/2 (started keto): 150.6; 12/1: 142.6
    CW: 139.4
    GW for December 31: 139.6. Met this morning! Woohoo! (Now to maintain through the holidays; I know that will be the hard part!)

    My goals for December:
    Carbs: No more than 20 net/day: 21 net today (I should probably shift my goal to 25 net since low 20's seems fine for me).
    Calories: 1350/day plus exercise calories: Well under.
    Logging and measuring daily--check
    Getting in exercise at least 3x/wk--Rest day again; I'm having a hard time fighting a cough/cold and barely slept the last two nights.
  • SoosannahK
    SoosannahK Posts: 238 Member
    On plan with eating. Down almost 10lbs since starting. Continuing with <50g carbs/day. I am staying in ketosis at this amount. I am logging my food every day and staying at my cals and macros. I want to work on being consistent with the gym. And I'd like to drop as close to 6 more pounds as I can before year's end and that will get me to my first major weight loss goal. I am pleased with my consistency with food, now to improve the gym attendance.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Tuesday Summary 12.15

    SW 11.30.15 148.2
    CW: ?
    GW 144 (1.1.2016)

    Water: OK.
    Logged Food: yes
    Exercise as Planned: No
    At or Under Carb Level: Yes
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes

    Ended up working late last night. It was pitch black by the time I left. I don't like to run at night and I also didn't make it to the gym. Ugg. Today for sure! Food is OK. Didn't weigh in this morning, but I feel on track. I skipped breakfast this morning so I am powering through with coffee and tea until noon. Today is going to be a crazy one.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting Weight on 12/1: 142.8 lbs
    Write (+2)
    80 oz water (+2)
    No Alcohol (0, more of a guideline.)
    5,000 Steps (+1. +3 if I get over 10,000)
    Exercise (+1 for basic stuff. +2 for targeted exercise.)
    Affirmation NSV (+1)

    Tuesday, 12/15:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 103/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (+1) 7,837/5,000 Steps
    (+2) Exercise - Parked far away everywhere.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Husband chose to have another cheat meal. My brain didn't even really register the smell of french fries. It would have been too much for me this time last year!
    8 of a possible 11


    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Last recorded weight: 141.8 lbs, Dec 15

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    I swear if this thing eats one more of my posts, I'm going to have a tantrum.

    Tues 12/15:
    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: Weight training check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 45/50g total check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes.check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead:check.jpg

    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:
    Week 1 Haul:

    Week 2 Haul:

    Week 3 haul:

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member

    SW: 159.2 (11/02/15)
    CW: 155 (12/12/15)
    GW: 155 (by 1/01/16)

    December Goals:

    Try a few new low carb recipes this month
    Walk 210 miles this month to achieve my yearly goal of 1,500 miles
    At or under 40 net carbs per day
    Daily Yoga challenge for December; whether it's 5 minutes or 1 hour, I will do yoga everyday! Failed on this one

    Week 1: Was a good week the only thing I didn't do was try a new low carb recipe. I have however been pinning some recipes to try (does that count??)!!
    Week 2: Was another good week - didn't try a new low carb recipe yet..but am tonight! Meatloaf!!! Ground Beef is thawing in the fridge and I need to pick up a couple of things at lunch to make it

    Day 1: Great day, walked 5 miles, did yoga and made low-carb meatloaf which we devoured. It was delish!! tree5.gif
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    SW 8/3: 195
    SW Dec 1: 159.0
    CW: 157.8
    GW for December 31: 159 or below, shooting for 157

    Whew. Made it thru most of the parties and events that I knew would slow me down. We're having a nice (low carb) roast beef dinner for Christmas Eve, and will be spending Christmas afternoon at my ILs house (probably pasta for dinner, but MIL is great about having lots of low carb antipasto, salad, and fibrous veggies in addition to the higher carb stuff as she is a type two diabetic). As long as I take it easy and avoid most of the cookies and candies I'll encounter next week, I should make goal before Jan 1. This month has been sluggish in terms of loss, but I'm down five lbs since the end of October. Considering that I would normally (in my pre-LC days) have put on that much by now, I'd call it a win.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    December Challenge

    SW: 159.2 (11/02/15)
    CW: 155 (12/12/15)
    GW: 155 (by 1/01/16)

    December Goals:

    Try a few new low carb recipes this month
    Walk 210 miles this month to achieve my yearly goal of 1,500 miles
    At or under 40 net carbs per day
    Daily Yoga challenge for December; whether it's 5 minutes or 1 hour, I will do yoga everyday! Failed on this one

    Week 1: Was a good week the only thing I didn't do was try a new low carb recipe. I have however been pinning some recipes to try (does that count??)!!
    Week 2: Was another good week - didn't try a new low carb recipe yet..but am tonight! Meatloaf!!! Ground Beef is thawing in the fridge and I need to pick up a couple of things at lunch to make it

    Day 1: Great day, walked 5 miles, did yoga and made low-carb meatloaf which we devoured. It was delish!!
    Day 2: Another great day, walked 5 miles and braved the cold to lift weights at the gym!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Wed Summary 12.16

    SW 11.30.15 148.2
    CW: 149
    GW 144 (1.1.2016)

    Water: OK.
    Logged Food: yes
    Exercise as Planned: Yes
    At or Under Carb Level: Yes
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes

    Hanging in there. So much to do, so little time. Still up, but I'm sure it's H20.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Wed 12/16 summary
    SW 11/2 (started keto): 150.6; 12/1: 142.6
    CW: 139.2
    GW for December 31: 139.6. Sooo glad to be under after losing Rounds 2 and 3 of my Transformer DietBet!

    My goals for December:
    Carbs: No more than 20 net/day: I blew this at the end of the day b/c I had a fever in the evening and wanted carb smart ice cream for my sore throat. I've also broken down and had a small spoonful of honey for my throat several times this week, so net carbs have been mid to high 20's but I've been losing weight!
    Calories: 1350/day plus exercise calories: Like 6 cal over, but I'd just had 1000-cal and 1100-cal days prior so I'm OK with that!
    Logging and measuring daily--check
    Getting in exercise at least 3x/wk--Rest day again due to darn persistent sickness.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    edited December 2015

    Wed 12/15:
    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: 30min walk check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 46/50g total check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes.check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead:check.jpg

    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:
    Week 1 Haul:

    Week 2 Haul:

    Week 3 haul:

    I am crabby forever any more. Le sigh...
    What happened to my keto-zen? Maybe, in addition to all my other problems right now, I need a lightbox.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting Weight on 12/1: 142.8 lbs
    Write (+2)
    80 oz water (+2)
    No Alcohol (0, more of a guideline.)
    5,000 Steps (+1. +3 if I get over 10,000)
    Exercise (+1 for basic stuff. +2 for targeted exercise.)
    Affirmation NSV (+1)

    Tuesday, 12/15:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 103/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (+1) 7,837/5,000 Steps
    (+2) Exercise - Parked far away everywhere.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Husband chose to have another cheat meal. My brain didn't even really register the smell of french fries. It would have been too much for me this time last year!
    8 of a possible 11

    Wednesday, 12/16:
    (0) Write: womp womp
    (+2) 105/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (0) 4,986/5,000 Steps: Blast! I had no idea until I wrote this that I was that close.
    (+2) Exercise - Parked far away everywhere.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Got a Stitch Fix box yesterday and these slinky tight tops looked awesome on me! (I didn't keep them, but they still looked great!)
    5 of a possible 11


    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Last recorded weight: 141.8 lbs, Dec 16

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Checking in!
    Exercise is going well with walking and bike riding, so I'm sticking with that for now.

    The big thing to report is a 1lb. loss this morning, taking me to 189.4!!!! The 180s have been a dream that's now come true. Once I hit 180 I will have hit my original goal, though I'm reassessing that number at this point. I know I want lower now, because I know I can. Doesn't matter how long it takes either!

    Great work everybody!!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited December 2015
    Starting Weight on 12/1: 142.8 lbs
    Write (+2)
    80 oz water (+2)
    No Alcohol (0, more of a guideline.)
    5,000 Steps (+1. +3 if I get over 10,000)
    Exercise (+1 for basic stuff. +2 for targeted exercise.)
    Affirmation NSV (+1)

    Tuesday, 12/15:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 103/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (+1) 7,837/5,000 Steps
    (+2) Exercise - Parked far away everywhere.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Husband chose to have another cheat meal. My brain didn't even really register the smell of french fries. It would have been too much for me this time last year!
    8 of a possible 11

    Wednesday, 12/16:
    (0) Write: womp womp
    (+2) 105/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (0) 4,986/5,000 Steps: Blast! I had no idea until I wrote this that I was that close.
    (+2) Exercise - Parked far away everywhere.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Got a Stitch Fix box yesterday and these slinky tight tops looked awesome on me! (I didn't keep them, but they still looked great!)
    5 of a possible 11

    Thursday, 12/16:
    (+2) Write: :):):):) Got two writing sessions in!
    (+2) 103/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (+1) 5,286/5,000 Steps
    (+2) Exercise - Parked far away despite the rain, then running around packing
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: I ignored Chinese food tonight. CHINESE FOOD, people!
    8 of a possible 11


    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Last recorded weight: 141.2 lbs, Dec 18

    Karlottap wrote: »
    The big thing to report is a 1lb. loss this morning, taking me to 189.4!!!! The 180s have been a dream that's now come true. Once I hit 180 I will have hit my original goal, though I'm reassessing that number at this point. I know I want lower now, because I know I can. Doesn't matter how long it takes either!

    Great work everybody!!

    Awesome! It's so nice to cross those thresholds! Great work to you, too!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    That's great, @Karlottap!!

    My summary for 12/17:
    SW 11/2 (started keto): 150.6; 12/1: 142.6
    CW: 138.6
    GW for December 31: 139.6. Sooo glad to be under after losing Rounds 2 and 3 of my Transformer DietBet!

    My goals for December:
    Carbs: No more than 20 net/day: I think I ended up just over 30 net. I had a spoonful of honey with a drop of OnGuard in it a few times during the day to help my throat/cough. The evening dose pushed me over the edge. I'm having a great week weight loss wise though so maybe I'm not sensitive to honey or maybe I can raise my threshhold a bit? Not sure but I'm thrilled I've lost 4 lbs so far in December, 12 total in the 6 weeks since starting keto!
    Calories: 1350/day plus exercise calories: Just under
    Logging and measuring daily--check
    Getting in exercise at least 3x/wk--Rest day again due to darn persistent sickness.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    December Challenge

    SW: 159.2 (11/02/15)
    CW: 155 (12/12/15)
    GW: 155 (by 1/01/16)

    December Goals:

    Try a few new low carb recipes this month
    Walk 210 miles this month to achieve my yearly goal of 1,500 miles
    At or under 40 net carbs per day
    Daily Yoga challenge for December; whether it's 5 minutes or 1 hour, I will do yoga everyday! Failed on this one

    Week 1: Was a good week the only thing I didn't do was try a new low carb recipe. I have however been pinning some recipes to try (does that count??)!!
    Week 2: Was another good week - didn't try a new low carb recipe yet..but am tonight! Meatloaf!!! Ground Beef is thawing in the fridge and I need to pick up a couple of things at lunch to make it

    Day 1: Great day, walked 5 miles, did yoga and made low-carb meatloaf which we devoured. It was delish!!
    Day 2: Another great day, walked 5 miles and braved the cold to lift weights at the gym!
    Day 3: It was a so so day. I had a tiny piece of chocolate in the afternoon and boy did it spike my appetite. But I just snacked on pecans! Thank goodness I have lots at home!