December 20th - 26th



  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Today has been wonderful. I ate too much, but so what? I already know I will get back on track tomorrow.
  • livingyoung28
    livingyoung28 Posts: 34 Member
    Happy Holidays!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Stayed in my calories today not hard when my Mom fixed my daughter's favorite food but food I really don't like. LOL But the company was good and I wasn't at work. :)
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    It's the day after Christmas, and I'm back on track. Got up early, got some exercise in, had a preplanned breakfast. Reread some mfp profiles and success stories. Feeling motivated. Yay!
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    I feel tired; didn't want to to get on the scale or exercise this morning. But, I did. The scale was kind, I only gained .2 lbs this week. Today I exercised about 1/2 of the time I usually would, fully back on track tomorrow. The past two days I only ate dishes and desserts that I really wanted. There were many freshly baked desserts and in the past I would have tried some of each. This year I was a sampler of those that won't be back for another year or I won't make myself. Overall, it was a wonderful holiday for my family. I hope the same was true for you!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    I have to work today and am feeling sluggish. I did work out but only a partial. I'm exhausted and am trying to let my body rest a bit.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    One more week left of 2015. We can do this ladies! 2015 has been a great year for me but I am definitely excited about all of the great things that 2016 will have in store.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Yes, we have a few more days to start 2016 just a little bit healthier. Let's do it!
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    I started my current MFP program in October and often wasn't as diligent as I could have been. In the back of my mind I knew the holidays were coming and that's the toughest time for me to stay on track. Happily, I will celebrate the New Year with a head start on my resolution. I am actually looking forward to Summer 2016 because I know I will be slimmer. This is a great group. Yes, "Let's do it!"
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I realised the other day that I was one of those people who kept with the New Year get fit plan this past year. I started at the MMA gym on Monday 5 January and have never looked back!! So excited to see what next year has in store for me...
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    @CaptainBoing Congratulations! Very few people stick to their New Year's resolution for the entire year.

    I started my "get fit plan" on March 23rd, and although I haven't been as strict with food and exercise as some of you I am proud to still be with it and on my way to making a permanent lifestyle change.
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    @CaptainBoing Congratulations on following through in 2015. You're dedication is inspiring!

    @NewOR2015 Congratulations on sticking to your plan for 9 months. It will be March before you know it and you'll be celebrating one year too!
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    edited December 2015
    @Living360 With support from you and others in this group sticking to my plan is much easier now. Thank you! BTW, I know Kris said she was going to have a trying week, but I thought we would hear from her yesterday. I hope she's doing okay.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    I started my fitness/fat loss journey at the beginning of June, so I am to about 6 1/2 months so far. I am looking forward to taking this journey through the next year.

    I hope Kris is okay. Has anyone sent her a private message?
  • livingyoung28
    livingyoung28 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! I know this is a personal question but I'm wondering if anyone has or is going through menopause? I have been overly emotional lately (more like the last year), eating everything, lack of energy and depressed (I know sounds like a sad song). I have twenty pounds to loose to get to my happy weight and am struggling to get myself on a consistent routine. I see my gynecologist tomorrow, hoping she will shed some light on this situation. I keep telling myself I will be better tomorrow with my eating and exercise only to do it again. I think I need to find my motivation - what will drive me to stay on a healthy lifestyle
    ? What drives everyone else to get healthy and stay healthy?
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Yes I entered menopause early and the hormones being off kilter is a killer. I have hot flashes then the chills. I do best if I watch how much white flour I consume one it kills my stomach and 2 it does seem to trigger the hot flashes. This time of year is hard as everyone keeps sending us cookies and it's hard to say no to a cookie. Emotionally this X-mas was hard things are changing plus the menopause I felt incredibly depressed the day after. I have to say when I work out I feel a lot better but as my coworker has decided to take vacation time and the other has decided to be ill I am now working everyday and have overtime again. I'm not getting in all the exercise I need to keep my hormones in check. I feel more hormonal than usual. Right now I just say as long as I don't gain weight and I just stay status quo it's a win. I'm hoping to get everything back on track in January. My motivation to get healthy is my nephew and I are a match for a kidney. So I need to be in the best possible shape to donate one to him when he needs it. Every time I lose my faith I think of him.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging comments. I'm still amazed at what I have achieved this year, even with a couple of months off thanks to knee surgery.

    Menopause is not relevant to me yet, but as for motivation, I find that firstly I need to do some form of exercise that I enjoy. If it is not fun (most of the time at least), I will struggle to get the motivation. Then, when I exercise regularly, I eat properly, without much thought or effort. This year I have tried many new things and discovered that the exercising style I most enjoy is actually the one I always thought I hated. I just needed the right trainers to show me and I actually needed to try it for myself. It is nearly a year since I first walked through the door to the MMA club and there are so many positive changes that have happened in this year as a result of training with those people. Not all of them are health and fitness related either.
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    @livingyoung28 It's good that you have a doctor appt tomorrow. If I remember correctly there is a blood test that will tell if your pre-menopausal. Your doctor will be able to discuss options for treating your symptoms. It can be a tough time so stay on top of your health, do your best to handle the obstacles with grace and remember this is one season of your life. You will make it through and you won't want to look back and think the days, weeks or months that it lasts were wasted. Look up all the words to this song and make it your theme song:

    "Pick Yourself Up"

    Pick yourself up...
    Take a deep breath...
    Dust yourself off
    And start all over again.

    We are here for you!
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Menopause and motivation, huh? Well, since you asked, I'm 59 and had endometrial ablation surgery about 8 years ago and was too busy with life to notice any menopausal symptoms. My husband walked out, and I had to "pick myself up". My motivation to get in shape came about a year and a half ago when I retired from teaching and finally had time to think about myself. And the timing has been great because I learned about mfp last spring and have now found some wonderful supportive friends in this group. I don't "add friends" because I become overwhelmed with technology and obsessed with keeping up with others. I have joined only this one group and participated in a monthly "challenge", but I don't think I will do any more challenges in 2016. I plan to continue the way I've been doing, slow and steady. I tutor at an elementary school and am a new grandma. I am enjoying my slow-paced life now and want to be healthy to enjoy many more years like this one. This may be more than any of you wanted to know, but there it is.
  • livingyoung28
    livingyoung28 Posts: 34 Member
    @2020pinktogo - your nephew is a great reason to stay healthy, he is very lucky to have you!
    @living360 - love those lyrics! I will let you know how I make out tomorrow. I have never felt so out of control emotionally.
    @NewOr2015- wow you have been through quite a lot but looks like you have turned it all around - slow and steady is and you have given me hope. My main goal is to just be healthy. I have also had a turbulent time the last few years but am trying to find something "good" out of every bad I have gone through.
    You are all great! I am 47 married and recently empty nested. I suffered a stroke in 2013 (near full recovery), a heart attack 3 weeks later with heart surgery, and diagnosed with graves disease (hyper thyroid). I went through what they call a thyroid storm. I take many medications now but I am just glad to still be around to enjoy my husband and two grown sons. I want to be healthy so I can fully enjoy my family, travel and stay active. I'm sure this more than anyone needed to know also but felt comfortable enough to share. I will update was a good calorie day:)