Week December 21 Goals and Progress

barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
Dangerous week... Baking!! Eating Out! Pot Luck
1. Four good workouts..
2. Under net calories 75%
3. Log 100%...prelog work days...
4. Enjoy Christmas with family and friends


  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    I should be fine food wise as the only day off I have is X-mas I need to rest as I'm getting cranky.
    Make sure I get up to go to x-mas mass with my husband. I know he is going to try and let me sleep in and sneak out to 6 am mass without me. What is one more day without sleep. I can come back and take a nap. LOL
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I'm trying to plan ahead as much as I can to get through this week while enjoying it but not regretting anything.
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    2020pinktogo.....I eat planned and healthy at work too.... Except for potlucks! My work week starts on Christmas Day.... Get some rest!
  • freyjac
    freyjac Posts: 205 Member
    The only one of my goals i accomplished last week was finish shopping. Ugh I really need to get back into my running.

    My goals this week will include
    1) 2 kettlebell work outs
    2) 3-4 runs
    3) drinking 10-12 glasses of water daily
    4)log everything
    5) enjoy spending time with my family
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I've decided to start walking/running on a regular basis. Was going to start this in January, but given my current plateau, I figure there's no time like the present! :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm visiting my parents, which should be good. Goals for this week are simple:

    1) Run lots, and enjoy the runs
    2) Relax and catch up on sleep, try not to spend time worrying about work stuff that I can't control
    3) Eat generally healthfully and cook when possible, enjoy holiday meals
    4) Spend time with family
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    Grrr.... Why is baking dessert so hard? Trying to stay on track....qab25x1uj9nc.jpg
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm usually the main chef for our small family affairs, and I usually bake something. Lately, I just don't feel like putting in the work, since I'd be as happy just having something less caloric/tempting like ice cream, and baking is a huge amount of work if one isn't that excited about eating the results (I know many people love baking for others, and I love that they love the results, but am not so much about the process other than pride in being able to do a good pie crust, and I can't decorate anything well). I'm a much more natural cook than baker (despite occasional desires to focus on baking while watching the Great British Baking Show).

    Anyway, I'm currently trying to get my sister to volunteer to make dessert. ;-)
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    If I have my choice I like Jello. LOL :D drives my family crazy

  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    barbhat13 wrote: »
    Dangerous week... Baking!! Eating Out! Pot Luck
    1. Four good workouts.. just two
    2. Under net calories 75% nope
    3. Log 100%...prelog work days...nope
    4. Enjoy Christmas with family and friends[ totally/quote]

    Whew! Time crunched so limited running and no swimming.... Got long bike ride in (42 miles)
  • CumberlandGrammy
    CumberlandGrammy Posts: 331 Member
    Merry Fitness - that's cute, barbhat!

    As far as my progress for this challenge, I am a solid 156.0. Not where I want to be, but considering how I've indulged on goodies and only exercised sporadically, I am relieved I don't weigh more. I will soon mark two years since I began using MFP when I weighed 8 pounds more than I do now. A year ago (my profile pic) I weighed 7 pounds less than I do now. And about 6 months before then I was down another 7 pounds from that, weighing 142.0, my lowest weight in many years. Not pleased with this yo-yoing I've done. I do know what I need to do to achieve a better weight for my 5'7" frame and a better fitness profile for my 58 years. I am proud of how hard my friends in this group have worked on their own journeys. Thank you for continuing to inspire and motivate others like me. And best wishes to all as we approach a new year.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm out of town until Tuesday evening, so today and tomorrow feel like part of last week. Checking in anyway:

    1) Run lots, and enjoy the runs [yes, and this should continue over today and tomorrow, and I got in some walking/hiking too, including walking 4 miles roundtrip up and down a steep hill to church on Christmas and Sunday]
    2) Relax and catch up on sleep, try not to spend time worrying about work stuff that I can't control [did pretty well at this, especially as the week went on -- I definitely needed some time away]
    3) Eat generally healthfully and cook when possible, enjoy holiday meals [did this]
    4) Spend time with family [did and doing this, since my mother has been in the hospital off and on and has ongoing health issues, it was a very important part of the time]

    This was a strangely relaxing and fun holiday week, and I'm hoping I can continue some of it over into the next month.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Well, after the holiday, I will not be making my December 31st goal. That said, I really enjoyed the holiday. Looking forward to a new year and many successes to come! <3
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    my goal was to be under 140 lbs by the New year I made it to 140lbs and held there for the last 2 weeks so I'm pretty close I'll just keep going slow and steady. As I didn't gain any weight over the holiday I consider it a win and will just move on. :)
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    Weighed today. Last weigh in was 2 weeks ago. After 2 long weekends at my mom's I gained 1.8 lbs back. I'll take it considering. Now back at it and start the year off right.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I'm hoping, that by December 31st, I will at least be back to where I was on December 24th.
    Looking forward to the new year and the new challenge. :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I have not weighed yet, but I'm pretty sure I maintained (I always retain water when flying so am giving it a few days). I'm really happy with my running and want to keep that up. I ate healthy but did not log.
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    edited January 2016
    Had a wonderful cabin vacation at state park... Ran on trails every morning..... 78 miles of biking.... Canoeing... No internet or cell reception ! So actual good excuse for not logging..... Ate healthy except for today.... Ran for two hours on trails... Rode bike one hour so just ate to get caught up and then for pleasure!! Race in the morning and back to eating healthy