Determined December: Week 4 Challenge Check-In (12/22-12/31)



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    I found out my dear aunt passed away yesterday. I'm kindof having a hard time pulling myself together. I knew she was dying, she had terminal lung cancer. She was supposed to have more time. I had to write and send the condolence card this morning and it made me a bit depressed. I'll get the new weekly thread up in a bit.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    On second thought, do you all mind if I just roll the last couple days of the month into this thread?
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Fine with me. Not like losing an aunt, but after a grusome few days I made the decision to put down my beloved cat. She deteriorated so fast and I'm feeling so sad to lose my little friend.
    So my end of this check- in month results are that I lost about 3 pounds. For the holiday season beginning in October, I'm down about 8. So. I guess that was a success in some ways.
    For the new year, i hope to continue keto with renewed vigour, and i will continue to check in about that regularly - as well as log and weigh-in, but really i promised myself that i would have a non weight/body resolution for a change.
    This year my plan will be to declutter my home and life with the hope of making room for friends and love. It feels lije the last major blockage in my journey.
    Be well everyone. I'm going to try to reflect on some of the positive progress of this past year... And I truly have made progress.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Wow. Just remembered I do have a major body goal! It involves saving up for a corrective surgery. Losing so much weight has done a number on how I look and how I feel about how I look. Some stuff I will fix, some I will live with. I don't really see that as a daily resolution but I will acknowledge that I plan to accomplish that this year. It is more like a background savings goal as I go about the daily work of House and Mind cleaning. Maybe the surgery is like the Big Kahuna of rewards at the end of the journey!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Fairly new to this group, just a question: how do you monitor electrolyte balance? What is an optimal balance? Any references would be appreciated, thank you.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I found out my dear aunt passed away yesterday. I'm kindof having a hard time pulling myself together. I knew she was dying, she had terminal lung cancer. She was supposed to have more time. I had to write and send the condolence card this morning and it made me a bit depressed. I'll get the new weekly thread up in a bit.

    I'm sorry for your loss. :(
    elize7 wrote: »
    Fine with me. Not like losing an aunt, but after a grusome few days I made the decision to put down my beloved cat. She deteriorated so fast and I'm feeling so sad to lose my little friend.
    So my end of this check- in month results are that I lost about 3 pounds. For the holiday season beginning in October, I'm down about 8. So. I guess that was a success in some ways.
    For the new year, i hope to continue keto with renewed vigour, and i will continue to check in about that regularly - as well as log and weigh-in, but really i promised myself that i would have a non weight/body resolution for a change.
    This year my plan will be to declutter my home and life with the hope of making room for friends and love. It feels lije the last major blockage in my journey.
    Be well everyone. I'm going to try to reflect on some of the positive progress of this past year... And I truly have made progress.
    :( oh no. I am sorry to hear about your cat.

    Have you read The Life Changing Art of Tidying Up? Great book. It made me actually want to clean and organize!
  • jyvonne27
    jyvonne27 Posts: 91 Member
    @baconslave sorry to hear about your aunt :(
  • jyvonne27
    jyvonne27 Posts: 91 Member

    SW 12/21 (started keto): 190
    CW: 180
    GW for December 31: 178
    Final GW 135

    My goals for December:
    Carbs: 20 net carbs - under!
    Logging and measuring daily - done!
    Getting in exercise at least 3x/wk--no exercise again :(
    Water- 64 oz-- check, got my 64 oz in

    Missed my check in yesterday

    SW 12/21 (started keto): 190
    CW: 180
    GW for December 31: 178
    Final GW 135

    My goals for December:
    Carbs: 20 net carbs - under!
    Logging and measuring daily - done!
    Getting in exercise at least 3x/wk--got in a 30 min walk with my daughter today :)
    Water- 64 oz-- done, at 80 oz today

    Not sure if I'll make the 178 for Dec 31st but I'm still real happy with my progress so far!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    mxchana wrote: »
    Fairly new to this group, just a question: how do you monitor electrolyte balance? What is an optimal balance? Any references would be appreciated, thank you.

    Drs. Stephen Phinney and Jeff Volek, the authors of both The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living and The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance, suggest the following:
    sodium: 3,000-5,000mg
    potasium: 2,000mg
    mag: 300-400mg

    I supplement potassium with K-rich foods and NuSalt (potassium chloride) sprinkled in flavored water.
    I pour salt into said flavored water or drink salty broth. I take a mag supplement before bed. The three best absorbed are mag glycinate, citrate, or malate. But mag oxide is the cheapest, and I find that for me, it works okay in a pinch. You can also absorb mag through the skin through epsom salt baths or magnesium oil. Your skin stops absorbing when you have enough.

    I monitor my sodium as it is chosen as one of my 6 picks on my diary. It's easy to monitor mag as I take the same dose nightly. And potassium, I just have to use it liberally in water and on food and hope I get enough.

    I will say that once you become adapted to the WOE you can probably get away with the lower end of the sodium range. I can. But for the first 4-6 weeks, I recommend keeping it at 4,000 or higher. Without good sodium and mag supplementation, you'll experience fatigue, general malaise, and sometimes headaches.

    Hydration is very important as well.

    HTH. I'm trying to shoot this off really quick. I gotta get rowdy brats in bed. :wink:
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @baconslave, I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. And sure, we can definitely roll the rest of the month into this thread!

    @elize7 I'm sorry about your cat. And I agree about the book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It's got some interesting concepts (it's translated from Japanese and there are some Shinto ideas in there) but overall it's really helpful and I love it. I've gone through purging and organizing over half the categories so far. It feels amazing.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited December 2015
    Re electrolytes, I've been watching my sodium for a while b/c my BP runs low (I usually end up between 2000 and 4000. I should be more careful to stick with at least 3000; a few mornings lately I've woken up light-headed and checked and my BP was indeed low.) I don't pay enough attention to potassium and magnesium. I really should.

    Anyhow, for my check-in:
    SW 11/2 (started keto): 150.6; 12/1: 142.6
    CW: 136.0! (scale dropped again after about a week)
    GW for December 31: Was 139.6. Happy with anything under that. :)
    Ultimate GW: 133 but I might aim for 130, or start a recomp once I hit 133. (Depends on how the clothes I want to fit back into fit by then!)

    Carbs: 21gm net
    Calories: Under.
    Logging and measuring daily--check
    Getting in exercise at least 3x/wk--I was on my feet most of the day cleaning.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    @baconslave, thanks so much for taking the time to post that info ... and my condolences on the passing of your aunt. May you be comforted by your best memories of her.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    jyvonne27 wrote: »
    macchiatto wrote: »
    Oh and I'm excited I got the Body By You book and the YAYOG DVD's for Christmas! Planning to start those after my 12/31 DietBet weigh-in (after losing the last two rounds I don't want to risk anything making the scale bounce up right before weigh-in!).

    @macchiatto what kind of DVDs are those?

    YAYOG is an acronym for: You Are Your Own Gym. It's a bodyweight exercise program for strength.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member

    Mon, 12/28:

    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: Kettlebells check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 55/50g total Nope.
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes! check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead: Yes! check.jpg

    Tues, 12/29:

    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: Kettlebells check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 50/50g total check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes! check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead: Yes! check.jpg

    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:
    Week 4 haul:

  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited December 2015
    @baconslave I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

    Starting Weight on 12/1: 142.8 lbs
    Write (+2)
    80 oz water (+2)
    No Alcohol (0, more of a guideline.)
    5,000 Steps (+1. +3 if I get over 10,000)
    Exercise (+1 for basic stuff. +2 for targeted exercise.)
    Affirmation NSV (+1)

    12/18 - 12/28 are a whirl! I did log my food but can't be certain about anything except what my fitbit app says in terms of steps and my attempts to record water. Most days I was between 15,000 and 20,000 in terms of steps. Highest was just over 23,000. So there were lots of points getting earned over the break. None for writing. I think hiking Disney World counts for targeted exercise.. so let's say I buried the needle and I won't bother counting trees for the rest of the month. ;)

    I did get sick, and I blame that on my cortisol levels being through the roof. I'm trying to ZC my way back to health. That family vacation was super stressful, and I seemed to be the only one 'in charge' at any given moment! It was too much. Next time someone else can be the planner!

    Tuesday, 12/29:
    (+1) Write: :) Just a touch. The person in front of me on the plane threw her seat into recline and nearly snapped my laptop screen clean off the hinge, so I was a little paranoid about taking it out again after that. >:)
    (0) 60/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: I tried a shot of "overproof" white rum that my husband got for Christmas. BLECH! It shouldn't count if I hated it, right?
    (+1) 6,149/5,000 Steps
    (+1) Exercise - Running through airports in a hurry, carrying 30+ lbs of luggage
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: I got home from my 12 day vacation and was able to say I made it through without succumbing to the many MANY temptations of Disney. I thought I was going to have to make myself so many keto fauxsnacks (ice cream, cookies, cakes, etc) when I got home to get over the various things that were put in front of me the whole trip, but I got home and ... I was fine! I hard-boiled some eggs, then bought four pounds of steak to eat for the rest of the week, and only am upset I forgot to buy the goat cheese I wanted to have with it. ;)
    4 of a possible 11

    Last recorded weight: 139 lbs, Dec 29
    Down 2.2 pounds since the beginning of my trip! Partially that had to be a bit of dehydration but I also feel like I'm about to have a big whoosh with the return to normal, so cross your fingers for me! I'd love to finish out the year under 140!


  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited December 2015
    SW 11/2 (started keto): 150.6; 12/1: 142.6
    CW: 136
    GW for December 31: Was 139.6 for this month's DietBet round. Officially won the round today! :)
    Ultimate GW: 133 but I might aim for 130, or start a recomp once I hit 133. (Depends on how the clothes I want to fit back into fit by then!)

    Carbs: 35gm net.
    Calories: Under.
    Logging and measuring daily--check
    Getting in exercise at least 3x/wk--Cleaned for hours 3 days in a row so I'll count that. ;) (I did move often and lift heavy things; didn't sprint much. ;) )
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @baconslave, I'm so sorry for the loss of your aunt! Hugs for you!
    @glossbones! ROCKIN Disney, with success! So proud of your ability to remain on plan while surrounded by the temptations that go along with that magical place! Love your picture (you need some capris that fit, lol!)! Doesn't Disney make you feel like a kid again?!? Great new profile pic too!
    @macchiato, congratulations on winning the round of your weight loss competition!! That's awesome!!

  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    @glossbones! ROCKIN Disney, with success! So proud of your ability to remain on plan while surrounded by the temptations that go along with that magical place! Love your picture (you need some capris that fit, lol!)! Doesn't Disney make you feel like a kid again?!? Great new profile pic too!

    Thanks! LOL these used to be my tiny capris... Well, they've always been too long, but I am 5'3" so all capris look too long.

    I loved being in Disney but this trip was SO stressful because I tried to herd over 20 people/cats around the parks, and through holiday crowds. Never again! You see the relief on my face in that photo? It's cause I was alone! :P

    Starting Weight on 12/1: 142.8 lbs
    Write (+2)
    80 oz water (+2)
    No Alcohol (0, more of a guideline.)
    5,000 Steps (+1. +3 if I get over 10,000)
    Exercise (+1 for basic stuff. +2 for targeted exercise.)
    Affirmation NSV (+1)

    12/18 - 12/28 are a whirl! I did log my food but can't be certain about anything except what my fitbit app says in terms of steps and my attempts to record water. Most days I was between 15,000 and 20,000 in terms of steps. Highest was just over 23,000. So there were lots of points getting earned over the break. None for writing. I think hiking Disney World counts for targeted exercise.. so let's say I buried the needle and I won't bother counting trees for the rest of the month. ;)

    I did get sick, and I blame that on my cortisol levels being through the roof. I'm trying to ZC my way back to health. That family vacation was super stressful, and I seemed to be the only one 'in charge' at any given moment! It was too much. Next time someone else can be the planner!

    Tuesday, 12/29:
    (+1) Write: :) Just a touch. The person in front of me on the plane threw her seat into recline and nearly snapped my laptop screen clean off the hinge, so I was a little paranoid about taking it out again after that. >:)
    (0) 60/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: I tried a shot of "overproof" white rum that my husband got for Christmas. BLECH! It shouldn't count if I hated it, right?
    (+1) 6,149/5,000 Steps
    (+1) Exercise - Running through airports in a hurry, carrying 30+ lbs of luggage
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: I got home from my 12 day vacation and was able to say I made it through without succumbing to the many MANY temptations of Disney. I thought I was going to have to make myself so many keto fauxsnacks (ice cream, cookies, cakes, etc) when I got home to get over the various things that were put in front of me the whole trip, but I got home and ... I was fine! I hard-boiled some eggs, then bought four pounds of steak to eat for the rest of the week, and only am upset I forgot to buy the goat cheese I wanted to have with it. ;)
    4 of a possible 11

    Wednesday, 12/30:
    (+2) Write: :):) I'm struggling through a scene rewrite that's got me flummoxed, but I'm keeping at it!
    (+2) 87/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: None!
    (+1) 6,035/5,000 Steps
    (+1) Exercise - Parking far away (in the snow and rain!)
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: lots of friends I saw over the holiday commented on "how tiny" I've gotten. And I was very happy to talk to some people who were interested in how I ate (even if it was clearly just curiosity). And mom is getting back on the LCHF bandwagon with me in January, and is willing to try not just LC but Keto levels of carbs!
    7 of a possible 11

    Last recorded weight: 138.6 lbs, Dec 31
    Not dehydrated! This is for REAL. :D

  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I'm just checking in here for some accountability. I confess: I have succummed to the cookies. It's like a gravitational pull that I can't break away from. I even feel "fluffy". It's disgusting. We're having family over tomorrow, so, hopefully most of them will be gone when they go.

    CW: Not even going to check.
    Water: Never a problem
    Exercise: Could be better
    Bottom line: I need to treat myself better.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    edited December 2015
    glossbones wrote: »
    Karlottap wrote: »
    @glossbones! ROCKIN Disney, with success! So proud of your ability to remain on plan while surrounded by the temptations that go along with that magical place! Love your picture (you need some capris that fit, lol!)! Doesn't Disney make you feel like a kid again?!? Great new profile pic too!

    Thanks! LOL these used to be my tiny capris... Well, they've always been too long, but I am 5'3" so all capris look too long.

    I loved being in Disney but this trip was SO stressful because I tried to herd over 20 people/cats around the parks, and through holiday crowds. Never again! You see the relief on my face in that photo? It's cause I was alone! :P


    Last recorded weight: 138.6 lbs, Dec 31
    Not dehydrated! This is for REAL. :D

    You DO indeed look quite happy. Cute outfit.
    And yay on that hydrated-low!

    I'm just checking in here for some accountability. I confess: I have succummed to the cookies. It's like a gravitational pull that I can't break away from. I even feel "fluffy". It's disgusting. We're having family over tomorrow, so, hopefully most of them will be gone when they go.

    CW: Not even going to check.
    Water: Never a problem
    Exercise: Could be better
    Bottom line: I need to treat myself better.

    Those damn cookies. I made myself some mostly-good coconut flour/pecans/coconut-flakes/dark-chocolate cookies. So when there were GAWD-AWFUL brownies and peanut butter kisses by the boat-load on the counter, I had something not as bad to cram in my mouth when I got the urge. I budgeted them into my day.

    Probably shouldn't be having cookies every day, even though they are "legal."
    I have a loaf of keto bread to use up. And then I'll probably try to do a fat-fast or something to reset the sweet tooth again.

    This time of year is so stinking hard. Stupid sugar! :rage:

    Well, as for my screwed up life...
    Now my grandma is in the hospital. She's going to end up with a foot amputation.

    And from the sounds of mom (diabetic) and dad on the phone last night, mom may be back in there soon. Again. Doctors are trained REALLY well in recognizing boxes and what things you put into them. However when faced with something that doesn't fit into any of those boxes, they are at a loss. If a woman has been in the hospital 5 times for the same thing, even though her kidney labs come back fine every time...there's something going on. I don't have an expensive degree. And I get it. Why will they not get it. If you keep looking in the same place and finding nothing, look in a different gawd-damn place! :angry:

    Of course, if someone won't take care of themself, well the Doc can't do anything about that. Come on, MOM! Ugh! PEANUT M&Ms AND BANANAS DON'T MIX WITH DIABETES!!! And drink some damn water sometime...Jeezus!

    I'm probably going to have to go down there Monday for 2 nights. We can't get away sooner or stay longer. That's going to be expensive. I may not get another chance to see Grams if things don't go well with surgery and she gives up. Who could blame her? She just outlived her youngest daughter! She's 89, in pain, and tired. I made the mistake with my aunt and God-mother, not making the time, letting life get in the way of being connected and thinking there was more time. There won't be. Things can happen in an instant. If you think you'll get back in touch with someone next week, or the next if things get busy, do it freakin' now. You may not get the chance if you wait.

    Ok...I'm done ranting now.
    I'm celebrating my b-day tonite, even though it isn't technically until tomorrow. I'm having LC pizza and dessert and bourbon&Coke-Zero and keeping it all under carbs. :+1:
    I'm going to forget about that nonsense for a moment and enjoy myself.

    I'll post yesterday's and today's stuff on the morrow.
    And be brain-storming on a catchy name for this challenge in January.
    New Year, New You?
    I dunno.