5-day Egg Fast Dec 26-30 .... Hedonistic version



  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    CMYKRGB wrote: »
    @CrewZen how's it going with the egg fast?

    I'm in day 3. I have to say, despite adhering to this fast, I'm not getting the stellar results I was expecting. I'm down .8 after the first 2 days.

    Any thoughts?

    1. Nearly a pound in two days is actually quite good. Don't discount that.
    2. Your choice of cheeses might be holding you back. Try using cream cheese as the primary one instead, forego cheese entirely, or reduce your overall cheese intake and see if that affects anything.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    CMYKRGB wrote: »
    @CrewZen how's it going with the egg fast?

    I'm in day 3. I have to say, despite adhering to this fast, I'm not getting the stellar results I was expecting. I'm down .8 after the first 2 days.

    Any thoughts?

    1. Nearly a pound in two days is actually quite good. Don't discount that.
    2. Your choice of cheeses might be holding you back. Try using cream cheese as the primary one instead, forego cheese entirely, or reduce your overall cheese intake and see if that affects anything.

    This is true. I used to belong to a group specifically dedicated to the egg fast, and one of the first recommendations was always to drop or reduce hard cheese.
    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    Thx @Christine_72 and @Dragonwolf I've got plenty of cream cheese and will either eliminate cheese entirely, or swap it out for cream cheese. =)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    CMYKRGB wrote: »
    Thx @Christine_72 and @Dragonwolf I've got plenty of cream cheese and will either eliminate cheese entirely, or swap it out for cream cheese. =)

    I hope it works for you. keep us updated :flowerforyou:
    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    Will do!
  • CrewZen
    CrewZen Posts: 26 Member
    Hey! I'm also a little disappointed with results so far. I'll adjust my cheese intake - and plan to adhere more closely to the plan today and for the next couple of days. I didn't think it would be so hard to stick to it even though I was out of town - but when my sweet father (recently widowed) cooked for me, I couldn't bear to say no to the entire meal - so I one meal on each of the last two days where I ate LCHF but not egg-fat only. I am maybe a pound down.

    Thanks for sharing the youtube-egg thing....
    And all the thoughts/results/etc...
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    Do you mean the Alfredo? I haven't tried it yet but I did buy everything to make it! Maybe I will tonight. I did make the buffalo omelet with blue cheese...that is good! Snickerdoodle crepes...they were ok. Good for a sweet craving but not my favorite.
    Thanks for the reviews! - have yet to try any of this! How did the Alfredo turn out?

    I personally didn't like the "frosting" for the Caramel Machiatto Cheesecakes.... too sweet.... prefer them plain.

    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    I'm going to finish today (day 3), and going to do this again in a few days without cheese. I kinda miss bacon right now =)
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I'm not doing an egg fast now, but when I did it before, I didn't see the majority of loss until the last day and even a day or two afterward. I am close to goal so I didn't lose a lot but I also used it to get me out of a stall. So losing anything at all was my goal at that time.
    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    How many days did you do it @Sunny_Bunny_

    I'm glad to have a 1 pound loss, but I can't say it's any more than I would have had if I'd been eating my regular way (VLCHF).
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    CMYKRGB wrote: »
    How many days did you do it @Sunny_Bunny_

    I'm glad to have a 1 pound loss, but I can't say it's any more than I would have had if I'd been eating my regular way (VLCHF).

    3 days and I did have some meat at dinner on the second and third nights. Maybe 2oz chicken??? Can't remember. Also can't remember exactly what I lost, but I hadn't lost in over 5 weeks when I did it and I did lose at least a pound that stayed off from the fast. Just not necessarily all of it during the 3 days itself. I also stuck to very, very low carb for a couple days after the fast. Like 10 or less.
  • msfvillalobos
    msfvillalobos Posts: 8 Member
    I am going to try the egg fast starting on Sunday. My young nieces are visiting until then and want to get my body back into ketosis. I didn't do too bad over the last 2 weeks on vacation but time to get back on track.
    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    edited December 2015
    Morning of Day 4 and I'm down almost another pound. I'll stick with the fast until tonight where I'll be at a NYE party. I won't drink, but I have no idea what will be on the buffet.

    I was planning on only a 3-day fast. My total loss after 3 full days is 1.8 lbs, which is roughly what my weekly weight loss has been eating VLCHF, anyway. A normal day of carbs is 15-20. On this fast, it's been 1-3.

    I plan to do another Egg Fast soon, only without hard cheese. So maybe I'll join you on Sunday @msfvillalobos
  • msfvillalobos
    msfvillalobos Posts: 8 Member
    CMYKRGB wrote: »

    I plan to do another Egg Fast soon, only without hard cheese. So maybe I'll join you on Sunday @msfvillalobos

    Sounds great @CMYKRGB! I have a couple friends that will be doing it too! It is nice to know people eating the same type of food since so many do not understand it!

    Happy New Year everyone!
  • daisysmamu
    daisysmamu Posts: 29 Member
    For the past year or so, my weight has slowly been creeping up, despite nothing changing diet-wise. So naturally, I gave up tracking anything. Really helps, huh? So the day after Christmas when my weight Really shot up, I ran across the Egg Fast, and started immediately. That was Saturday, this is Thursday, and as of today I've dropped 6 lbs. Believe me, this is astonishing because I don't lose weight that easily (and I'm a Baby Boomer - that's all I'll say about age!). No real change in calorie count. I did have to make a few adjustments to the diet though. My stomach really can't handle all the butter, so I had to cut back on that. I am going to start slowly adding "real" foods again, meats for example, and lc veggies. I've been on Atkins - more or less - for years, so lc is nothing new to me, and I did the formal Induction phase back then. This is similar, but for me, easier.

    LC is the only way I can lose weight - I'm too much of an addict! up until Saturday, I was eating more and more carbs and sweets (pecan pie for Christmas, anyone?), and always hungry and thinking about food! I haven't really been hungry since I started this. This was a great Kick start, and kind of a "cleanse" from all the carbs.

    I'm kind of rambling here, not sure what my point is. Just wanted to add my "testimonial" to the Egg Fast.
    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    That's awesome @daisysmamu ! I think results will vary depending on where you are in ketosis. I'm still glad I did it, and it's a great way to move beyond a plateau.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited December 2015
    CMYKRGB wrote: »
    That's awesome @daisysmamu ! I think results will vary depending on where you are in ketosis. I'm still glad I did it, and it's a great way to move beyond a plateau.

    I wonder if people who are not in ketosis would lose more weight than those who are already adapted??
  • daisysmamu
    daisysmamu Posts: 29 Member
    Don't know if I'm in ketosis. I know may scale says my fat % is going UP, not down.

    I agree it sounds like a great way to break a plateau (or make up for a special event/overindulgence?).
    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member

    I wonder if people who are not in ketosis would lose more weight than those who are already adapted??

    That's what I wonder, too @Christine_72
  • CrewZen
    CrewZen Posts: 26 Member
    Congrats daisysmamu!
    I may be back on egg fast Sunday too - I've had a hard time really sticking to it the last five days - but probably had 3 full on Egg fast days.... and 2 where I ate just the meat and green veggies at a dinner with family. I believe cycling on and off may be good for me.

    I certainly don't consider myself keto adapted.... but I have been in ketosis for a week or more before this egg fast. One thing that may contribute to quicker/more weight loss with someone who's been eating more high carb in the days prior would be loosing glycogen? stores that apparently take water weight along with when you first enter ketosis?
  • daisysmamu
    daisysmamu Posts: 29 Member
    CrewZen wrote: »
    Congrats daisysmamu!
    I may be back on egg fast Sunday too - I've had a hard time really sticking to it the last five days - but probably had 3 full on Egg fast days.... and 2 where I ate just the meat and green veggies at a dinner with family. I believe cycling on and off may be good for me.

    I certainly don't consider myself keto adapted.... but I have been in ketosis for a week or more before this egg fast. One thing that may contribute to quicker/more weight loss with someone who's been eating more high carb in the days prior would be loosing glycogen? stores that apparently take water weight along with when you first enter ketosis?

    Boy, you got me there. I remember when I first started Atkins, I got the ketosticks and everything. I never saw anything on them! Maybe I should get some more and try again.