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  • rbluyz4
    rbluyz4 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks EauRouge1! So I won't be offended if you nod off while reading my (often long winded) posts. :#:)
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    Ah, I'm better at reading. You can take breaks to go and make a cuppa and no one gets upset.
  • rbluyz4
    rbluyz4 Posts: 35 Member
    edited January 2016
    Wow...made a huge mistake yesterday. My daughter was having a rough day so we went to have some girl time. It was lunch time and she requested Arby's! Ugh!!! Never again. What was I thinking! :s Curly fries? Really! A BIG A@@ white bun filled with salty beef??? Gross!!! This morning I feel disgusting.
    My pledge to myself and the world...never again!!! :(
    ...And today is a new day!! o:)
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    Yep, today is a new day. Don't worry about the odd slip, we can't live like monks. :)
  • marcelo225
    marcelo225 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi - My name is Marcelo I am a 52 year old male and I am diabetic. Feels like I have had it forever - 26 years!. When I was first diagnosed I was on it. Exercised all the time, ate the right things and I even gave up beer :'( . Then it happened, kids! We had our first and my schedule changed and then we had our second. A couple of life events and before I knew it 10 years passed since the last time I exercised. Beer, the second, okay the fourth love of my life was back in my life and I wasn't taking care of myself.
    As of recent I have started to notice some of the complications of this disease and I need to take care of myself before it does. My goal is to get down to my fighting weight so I can continue to enjoy my life and beautiful family. I currently tip the scale at 233 - lost 2 pounds this week - and I want to get down to 175-180.
    I am happy to give and receive support and share my journey with the group. I am a pretty darn good cook and I am open to exchanging recipes.
    Thats all I can think of for now -
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi Marcelo :) It is definitely harder to look after yourself when you have kids. And sleep deprivation does not make me crave salad!

    How's everyone else doing? I'm not doing too badly, although low carbing made me feel awful. I know people say it passes but I couldn't cope with the dizziness, it was leaving me too close to meltdown and I have to drive most days so I don't have time to feel like that. So I do have bread sometimes, but with quite a lot of meals I am still leaving out starchy carbs which is a really easy way to cut calories.

    My weight seems to fluctuate like crazy so not sure how much I've actually lost. I will weigh in tomorrow and see.
  • Qu1ckerMe
    Qu1ckerMe Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. This is my first visit to this group. I have IBD (Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis. I had surgery in November (like Glenn Frey of the Eagles about the same time as he did) My doctors want me on low residue and my stomach almost demands it. Loosing weight can be difficult when you have to live on carbs. My weight does not give an accurate picture of me. I am disproportionate with a large stomach and relatively small long arms and legs. Many things upset my stomach and I cannot have raw vegetables or even fruit...canned or cooked only. I eat about 6 to 8 times a day and have to fill in with "snacks" which are really mini meals. Anyone else out there dealing with these gastro issues?
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    Hello, welcome to the group! I'm no help, I'm afraid, but I hope you manage to figure out a way to lose weight that doesn't upset your stomach.
  • lag1694
    lag1694 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! My name is Lindsey, and I'm a type1 diabetic. I am currently a SAHM to a 15 month old little boy, but also looking to start working part time. We live in Texas :smiley: I wear an insulin pump called the Omnipod and I do have a Fitbit :smile: My husband is a "fit freak" and had always been extremely fit, athletic, and toned. I have recently started doing p90x3 with him and we are on block 3 of the classic schedule. Almost done! My biggest goal is to lower my A1c, and lose this "baby pooch" I have. That seems to be impossible though :neutral: Any tips are welcome!
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Hi I am on risperidone for psychosis. Low dose now so hoping to lose weight...ideally would like to lose 22lb
  • Canetoad_Qld
    Canetoad_Qld Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I am about to turn 55 and have Metastatic Prostrate cancer trying to lose some weight and gain some muscle mass the hormone replacement therapy caused.
  • debbielkp
    debbielkp Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, my name is Debbie and I am 45. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in 2013 and it metastasized to my lung last year which moved me into stage 4. I am married (25 years) with 2 boys or men now I should say.... ages 24 and 19. I work a full time desk job and have really always been overweight. I am right between Birmingham and Huntsville Alabama so we are known for that good ole southern fried food. These last 3 years though have been very hard on my body. Two rounds of chemo and several surgeries and radiation had left me feeling really rough. I am beginning to get my life back now my husband and I bought a little RV and trying out the local campgrounds. I have started swimming again and I just bought a bike too. I recently did a detox and have found some new super foods that I have included into my diet. I want to live as long as I can and I realize diet and exercise plays a huge role in that goal.People without chronic illness might not fully understand the challenges of just trying the energy to cook healthy and exercise but weight loss under these circumstances is a GREAT accomplishment. I commend you all and hope that you would pray for and encourage me.
  • debbielkp
    debbielkp Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, My thoughts and prayers are with you. The therapies really do prove that old saying "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger" right? Someday they will be able to eradicate or at least treat cancer without these deadly chemicals. Maybe our great grandchildren will learn about cancer the same way we did about smallpox. Just a disease that used to kill people, but no longer exists.
  • nvlynnae
    nvlynnae Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I just joined a gym last Sunday night (4 days ago) and am excited for this new journey. I don't have a fitbit (at least not yet). I turned 50 this last February and live in northern Nevada. I have several chronic illnesses: an atypical Parkinson's (some of the same issues, but not necessarily progressive), AGHD, pseudo Cushings, BPPV, Fibromialgia, a slight tendency to atrial flutter (and therefore on Warfarin), and border line diabetes. I also homeschool my son who is now 17 (and he is on the Autism Spectrum.... basically has Asperger's). I also have a 30 year old daughter. I have struggled with my weight most of my life, but certainly from my first pregnancy on. I just got the pseudo Cushings and AGHD diagnoses in about the last year, but doctor pinpointed it down to when I had one of my several concussions at the age of 19 (that's when everything started and an injured pituitary gland is involved). All other doctors throughout the years and several states all basically said everything is in my head until this doctor. I now take a shot daily for the AGHD (Adult Growth Hormone Disorder) since my number was literally the lowest he had ever seen. He said this could and should have really been an issue with my weight.... along with the psuedo Cushings (which is officially named psuedo since it's the same symptoms, but has some unknown cause). I did lose a little weight just going on the shots, but now I need to help it along to go further. At least now I know that I should have success when I put my efforts in. ;) So, I have gone to the gym the last 3 days and am excited. Thanks for this group!