Let's call them GOALS not RESOLUTIONS ;-)

flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
Tomorrow is New Year's Eve...What did you achieve in 2015 and where will you be next year?

had my corrective tummy surgery, all went well, 1kg skin came off, but scar needs to be corrected in 2016
Had a tough year in many aspects. Solved some very old issues, working on the rest. Kept up with 5:2 even though many fasts were less than perfect.
Gained 4kg, but stayed active and did alot of running with my care horse since October
Doing better since October psychologically and food wise.

Get my scar corrected (first appointment on Jan 12th)
Starting a bit of strength training again (Squat / push up / leg lift Challenge for January)
Lose 5-7kg in 2016 by eating in a more controlled manner on non fast days.
Enjoy the polar lights in Iceland in February :):)

....first fast planned for Jan 2nd.

In case anyone wants to join :p



  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Wow! @flumi_f you have gone through so much with that surgery! Good luck on your first appoint in January! I'm sure 2016 will be a wonderful year of new achievements for you!! (Are you going to Iceland? Visiting ? Or live there? Either way shall be spectacular! Have always wanted to visit there!)

    I'll post a little later heading out shopping with the daughter!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thanks Mamainthekitchen. The surgery was actually the easy part. But difficult situations are always learning experiences...I learned alot this year :D and grew inside and out. Thankful for the inside growth and will work on reducing the outside growth in 2016.

    I live in Switzerland, but Iceland is the home of my heart and soul :) . It will be my fourth trip to Iceland, but the first one in winter. Going snow shoe hiking in the highland with high hopes to see the polar lights (the main reason to go in the winter).
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    You're an inspiration Flumester!

    Still gearing up, trying to get motivated...
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    I do push ups and squats three times a week. Your plan is an ambitious one Flumi, but that is how breakthroughs are made. I could only do ten push ups until I did a push up challenge. Now I regularly do a set of twenty conventional push ups. But then I went to an Insanity Workout fundraiser and I could only walk with extreme discomfort for days after due to all the squats and jumps performed in that single hour!
    I also gained a few lbs in 2015, mainly due to overeating on non-fast days but also because I hit my lowest weight with three fast days per week and now with my new work schedule I have only been doing two fast days per week. Highlights of 2015 included going white water rafting and zip lining. I also did a couple great hikes with friends and had a lot of fun on my e-bike.
    In 2016 our family is going to Hawaii and I am looking forward to snorkeling. That trip is a huge expense so beyond that I hope to enjoy low cost activities locally and maybe join a walking club. My hours at work will be increasing so I will need to adjust to that. How exciting to see the Northern Lights in Iceland, and bravo on the strength challenge! Best wishes for a fabulous New Year everyone!
  • dryheatfitness
    dryheatfitness Posts: 97 Member
    2015 was a lost year. I started it with no goals and not surprisingly ended it with little accomplished. Towards August / September I started to get myself together and expect to continue this into the next.

    2016 Goals
    • Get and stay organised (reading the book "The 7 habits of highly effective people" as my guide)
    • Put first things First with my partner, friends, and family
    • find a job where I can excel both professionally and personally (I'm laid off as of tomorrow from what became a dead-end, frustrating job. but at least I have some severance)
    • Lose the weight: 10 lbs a quarter gets me to my goal by Labor Day!
    • Walk / Run six or more 5k or longer races. April will be the Pat Tillman. I want to break 30 minutes by my last one of the year.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Oooh, seeing the Northern Lights is on my bucket list! I've been to Iceland before, but during May.

    Highlights of 2015 - I did quite a bit of travelling, including being in Vienna during Eurovision, visiting Rome during a Med cruise, and seeing my daughter perform in London and Manchester. My exercise was focussed largely on parkruns - I was the first female to run all the Northern Ireland events, and I completed my 100th parkrun on 10-10, and was also first lady finisher at one of the new runs. Fasting was a bit sporadic, though, and I didn't lose any weight overall.

    Plans for 2016 - get into the habit of doing daily squats and push-ups, do Units 1-3 of training as a Scottish Dance teacher, and get back into fasting!
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    I need to get back to logging my food. I have not stopped fasting but the none fast days were a bit OTT so I have gained a bit of weight, that now has to go before I get back to the real task of losing some more. Increase the amount of exercise I take as well. So I now need to get organised to fit it all into the day.
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Things to accomplish for 2016: continue 2x/week fasting to reach goal (10 lbs to go), once I reach my goal find happy medium to maintain, invest in new wardrobe (I've put this off because my weight keeps changing...I look like a bag lady), commit to learning French, successfully complete online Buddhism course in January, nail the splits (almost there!!), and lastly, I want to be able to successfully complete 5 fouettes, which are 5 continuous turns with the leg whipping you around seen in ballet. I've seen tremendous gains in my dancing (my true love) and I'm planning on continuing on that trajectory. Cheers everyone!! Thanks Fumi for the opportunity to put thought and plans to paper.
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    I think I'll add committing to logging everything into MFP (thanks, Marmite). I've been super slack and only logging in FD to make sure I'm at 500 cals. I believe writing it all down will be key to maintain the weight loss.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    I agree; logging is the key (keeping one's self accountable)..although there are some of us (not me...Foamroller is one) who have achieved the ability to not log. In truth, when you are looking to lose weight I think almost any diet works as long as you log, but there are additional benefits with fasting.

    Anyway, good luck to everyone in the new year...see you then.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Flossyruby, tell me about your dancing?
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    My favorite thing to talk about!!! I took ballet from junior high through college, but quit. After a 20 year break, I was so fortunate to find an adult ballet class that meets during the day. Most classes are offered at night. My husband is a firefighter with a changing schedule, so I knew I would not be able to be consistent. So I have been consistently taking class twice a week for almost 3 years. The class has evolved into a very technically demanding one. My teacher/friend is from Ukraine and very focused on veganova technique. I think both she and I are both amazed at how much one can do even in middle age. I've been able to perform a bit, although I appear to be getting type-casted as "mother", but I don't care. I'll take what I can get. I love, love, love it. It absolutely feeds my soul and I plan to dance for as long as possible. Tell me about your dancing, Melanie!! I'd love to hear about you!!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    I usually don't have goals in January. Maybe that's the reason nothing seems to get done! I do plan on continuing my 5:2 WOE until I lose a bit more weight then do the 6:1 maintenance. I started in October and have lost 4 inches off my waist! I too am waiting to purchase a new wardrobe. Also in October (my birth month) I started walking on my own (without my dog) I quite often get up to 9-10K steps per day and am also taking up some weight training (although only 5lbs) gotta love the free app 'daily workouts'!!
    I'm also recovering from mourning the death of my sister, my only sibling, it will be 4 years in February since her passing and I feel like I'm coming back from being in a fog for several years.... that's how the weight packed on. So I think overall, 2015 has been a year of recognizing I need to look after myself, continue this path of 5:2, walking and learning how to work out!

    If I won a lottery I would visit your country! The mountains look spectacular!

    @flossyruby1 you are inspiring!!

    @dryheatfitness. You have very positive goals and I look forward hearing you've checked each one off your list!

    Cheers to everyone for a happy & healthy New Year!!
  • dryheatfitness
    dryheatfitness Posts: 97 Member
    @mamainthekitchen - thanks! I look forward to it too. I can't understand your loss fully as I have both my siblings and my parents still with me. I can understand the fog - that is much how my 2015 was and I'm determined to not waste another moment I have on this planet.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,542 Member
    You are all so inspiring!!!
    2015 was actually a pretty good year. I am overall down about 10 pounds. I got a bit off track at the end of the year... oops! But I really want to be at my goal by the time I get to a year of logging (that will be in June).
    My goals for this year are to paint my bedroom, completely redo my kitchen and possibly clean out my garage. It sounds weird, but living in a clean, pretty space makes me feel so much better. I have been cleaning out my house for about a year and a half. It totally got away from me when I had kids! But I am on a roll!
    Good luck to you all!!!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    My dancing - did a lot of ballet as a girl, and toyed with the idea of doing it seriously....but my studies came first. So it fell by the wayside when I was at University. I then took up bits and pieces of different styles at evening classes - salsa was fun but you need a partner, line dancing is a laugh but a bit predictable, tap-dancing is great for the legs, and I got to perform a bit with that when I lived abroad. I discovered Scottish Country Dancing 8 years ago, and have been hooked ever since. (It's not highland dancing - no swords or arms up in the air!)

    It's very sociable - you're encouraged to dance each dance with a different partner, there's lots of organised classes near me, I could go out every night of the week if I wanted. There's a whole calendar of events from St Andrews Balls to Burns nights and summer schools. My ballet training has stood me in good stead, and I'm often told that I look very elegant on the floor. But I do have to "un-ballet-fy" a few things :D

    Training as a qualified instructor is quite a long and complicated process, there are 5 separate modules to complete, including a written exam. But it's something I can look forward to doing for another 20 years or more.
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Melanie, I'm so envious of your long and varied dance history!! I've tried tap, but my brain and feet were not able to communicate very well. Not to mention I'm a bit "stiff" when I dance. I don't have the ability to be loose like in hip hop (maybe someday). That's why ballet clicks with me. My feet and brain speak the same language and while it requires the ability to look graceful, there is a lot more "holding things together" than it appears. I'm quickly gaining an appreciation for holding my back and core!! Ballet also satisfies my need to keep perfecting something. One is NEVER perfect in ballet and it appeals to the masochistic side of my personality ;) . Keep dancing as long as possible. I joke with my teacher (also a friend who is in her 40's like me) that she will still be barking out orders while using a walker (with tennis balls) and I'll still be trying to execute moves while strapped with an oxygen tank. We will be roommates at a con home for sure!!!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    edited January 2016
    Wow! I really loved reading everyone's posts.

    2015:. Struggled last year. I had many successful fasts coupled by too many indulgent days. Emotionally trying year as well. With family guilt getting the better of me (aging mom and dad with sisters taking care of them and me in London not able to help). Just feeling bad for not doing enough. Started 2015 @ 168.6lbs ended it at 170.2lbs.

    2016: This year is all about ACCOUNTABILITY! So prepared to get used! I will make myself accountable to all of you, good, bad and ugly. Heck, that is what we are all here for right...support! And all of you have been so great over the years, now it's my turn to be good to me. So here goes:

    1. Accept what I can not control and take hold of what I can (accept that there isn't anything I can do for those across the pond except listen, but I can take care of my kids, my hubby and myself).
    2. Log everything again
    3. Stick to two 500cal fasts
    4. Keep cals low on other days with activities and staying in control
    5. Workout again ( I keep saying this but this year it will happen!)
    6. And staying in contact with all of you, your lifesavers

    2016 will also mark the end to my PhD and start a new chapter in my life (juggling work and kids) Here's to a great new year! Hugs to everyone!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Ruby, 2 of my Scottish teachers are in their 80s and still going strong!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Melanie, LOVE IT!! The director of my studio is in her late 60's-early 70's and she shows no signs of stopping. She is a force to be reckoned with and she still has amazing extension with her developpes. She definitely represents how I want to age. If you are interested, go to you tube and search "adult ballet class in San Francisco". It's about 45 minutes long and shows the range of ability. It's pretty amazing what they can do, but there is one gal who is up there in age who kind of does her own thing (you'll know it when you see her)...that will be me. Just kind of waving my arms around to music, which isn't too different from what I do now (haha). If you can't find the video, let me know and I'll try to paste a link.

    Snaps-guilt and feeling yucky because you feel guilty, or anxious, or sad can paralyze you and decrease your motivation. In those moments, try just telling yourself to pick one thing (that's it...just one thing) you can do that's positive for your health. Maybe it's telling yourself you just have to walk around the block for 10 minutes (you'll likely do more) or you'll eat a salad before you eat your main meal, or you'll do squats during commercial breaks for a half hour show. Whatever. Just one thing and you'll find those small choices, over time, will result in huge gains. Hang in there.