Over 60?

CaroleH15 Posts: 23 Member
Hi, I am 62 and looking for others to connect with within the Primal/Paleo community. That said, I welcome friends of all ages, but there are unique challenges while aging (at least there is for me!) so I thought it might be fun to see if there are others out there. I definitely feel my best on this path. Best wishes to all of you in 2016!


  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    Well, I'm an over-60 geezer. Feel free to add me if you wish. I don't post a lot, but I'm always available if you have questions, etc.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I'm only in my 40s but when I don't eat correctly it's like I am 80. Welcome to our community. I've had many struggles lately but I never give up. Due to my health challenges I lean towards a more carnivorous version of this lifestyle but whatever works for each person, that's the "right" way to do it.
  • CaroleH15
    CaroleH15 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you guys! Akimajuktuq - you and I were friends under my former name, Primal Remedy. Somehow you dropped off my friend list. I will resend it (and understand if you don't want to be again. I am fine with whatever you decide. Monkeydharma - your name made me LOL. I will send you a friend request.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I clean out my list quite often... But I'd be happy to have you back. :)
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    I clean out my list quite often... But I'd be happy to have you back. :)

    Same here. People don't log in for a month - I clear them.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I lean toward the Paleo side of LCHF, and am more carnivore, as the above poster! I'm 48, and post menopausal, so I'm sure some frustrations are shared! I haven't kept my diary, daily, for months, but am always open to new friends and support! Feel free to add me if you like! :smiley: