
NeenAtlanta Posts: 6 Member
Hi All,

My name is Jeanine Fleming, I'm married to Joe, who is already a member of this group. I'm not quite 60+ yet, but as Joe tells me, it's the mileage not the years, and I definitely have the mileage!

Joe's success with getting healthy has inspired me to do the same.

I'm not working now, just got approved for SS Disability. I have some serious issues with my spine and other joints, and I developed fibromyalgia as well.

But I am usually a go-getter,over-achiever type, and it has been very hard to be almost bed-bound for the last several years.

My goal here is to exercise gently in order to tone-up muscles long gone unused, and to lose weight, which will help all of my other symptoms.

I love this site and look forward to reading your posts!


  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    Welcome Jeanine!!! Many of us are battling the "ravages" of age. I try to stay patient when things don't go as well as I want them to and remind myself that I didn't get this way over night and I'm not going to undo it all overnight. Slow and steady gets us there!!!
  • carriepbm
    carriepbm Posts: 61 Member
    Don't focus on the mileage. Think of yourself as a classic that just needs a little bit of restoration. :wink:

    Check to see whether you're in range of a Taoist Tai Chi Society branch that offers a class in Health Restoration. Even a regular beginner class can help.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Hi Jeanine,

    Let me add my welcome to the others. Although I don't have anything seriously wrong with me (thank goodness), I can feel my body aging more each day whether I want it to or not. I am a great believer in mild exercising like stretching and walking. Both help to make the muscles and joints in good working order. Not too much effort, just movement.

    Welcome on this journey to a healthier, fitter you.I know you can do it and we're here to encourage you. Good luck!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    What they all just said: ME TOO!

    We are all in this together and one of the wonderful things about being "of a certain age" is that we have a much better handle on what's important and we haven't given up -- no reason to -- giving up doesn't make things better.

    So, welcome!
  • NeenAtlanta
    NeenAtlanta Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes!

    It's great to see so many positive thinkers. I'm a firm believer that it works.

    I look forward to sharing the ups and downs of this challenge.

    Joe tells me often - "Baby steps".
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello Jeanine, so good to have you with us. It sounds as if we both suffer from the same ailments. I do believe Joe mentioned that you had spinal fusion? If so, would you mind private messaging me on the detail? I am getting closer to having to have mine done in the near future.

    I also post a weekly challenge for us all to do, and of course it comes with the disclaimer "we all can't do all of what I ask, so wing it and do what you can". LOL

    Good luck on your journey and I will send you a pal request.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Hey Jeanine ...welcome to the group........ :flowerforyou:

  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Hello! I also am disabled.I have gone from only walking 2 minutes to 60 in the past year.Go at your own pace and add a few minutes every time you walk.You will be amazed t how the minutes add up.Good luck!