Weekly Post 02.01. - 09.01.2016

flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
edited January 2016 in Social Groups
So here it is...on my first fast day of 2016, I went back to the 'books'. I am pretty much where I was at the beginning of 2014 (63kg) and 5-6kg over my stable low of 57-58kg. All of my measurements are up too. Maintainance kind of got away from me mid spring last year with a slight upward trend since then. Surprise, surprise....guess why my little black dress was too tight on New Year's Eve. That sucked (sorry) but also woke me up.

I am recommitting today to good fast days and non fast days within reason. There are no more sweets in the house except for 85% cacao chocolate. As I can not trust myself with anything else atm. I have 3 fast days planned for next week. A B2B Mo/Tu and another one on Th as I have a party on Friday. That should get rid of the 1-2kg of water I'm carrying around and allow me to start nibbling on the fat I have gained. I know the ropes....just need to hang on to them. I want to get back to about 60kg before my vacation in February. Thus I will be doing 3 fasts / week when possible. My second 'mini' goal is 57kg again and then the ultimate goal....reach 54-55kg and maintain there.

All aboard...next stop 60kg :p


Today I am thankful for what I have achieved and ready to get back to what worked for me.

Have a good day and a great week!


  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    That's the hope in this plan, Flumi! The confidence that you will get back to where you want to be!! I don't feel the same sense of panic, urgency, and impatience I used to feel when trying to lose weight. Some of that, I think, comes from uncertainty that it won't work (which it probably won't...most plans have a horrible success rate). But with 5:2, there isn't that sinking uncertainty. I have a few more pounds of like to lose, but I'm ok with taking my time because I know it will work and I'll get there! I'll look forward to reading your updates chronicling how you successfully reached your goals!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited January 2016
    Thanks Flossy! And you are absolutely right. 5:2 is a tool and if used 'correctly' (ie not overeating on non fast days) it works well. That's why for me, it is a way of life.

    I was at 62.0kg this morning after my fast and with 1kg water off my abs, they feel better. TOM arrived too, so that was another reason I was bloated.

    Another long walk with the horse today and the sun was shining. So nice to be greeted like that in the morning. And on day 4 of the squat/push up/leg lift challenge. Back to work tomorrow...
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Flumi, your stats are pretty similar to mine! I'm aiming for 60kg too, and am also planning a B2B for Mon- Tuesday.

    Monday's meal with be a swordfish steak, with zero noodles and mushrooms. Tuesday I have a sachet of "look what we found" chilli con carne - will have with cauliflower mash.

    Exercise will be:
    Mon gym at lunchtime, core class in the evening
    Tuesday dance class, maybe lunch time gym as well
    Wednesday running training
    Thursday dance class
    Friday rest
    Saturday parkrun
    Sunday long run.

    Also daily dose of 2x20 press-ups and squats
  • boombalatty123
    boombalatty123 Posts: 116 Member
    I just got back from a long holiday visit with family that turned into a weird, expensive, confrontational nightmare, but which had a hopeful ending. Will need to follow up to make sure the relative stays on a positive track, but we're hopeful. Diet-wise, I think I gained a pound, but I wasn't fasting at all, and considering we managed to eat at every single one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants in Las Vegas (highly recommend!), only one pound is good. We split a lot of meals 2 or 3 ways and did a lot of walking, so we never felt like we were too excessive.

    My husband and I are very happy to be home, where we can cook our own food in our own kitchen, and we're even looking forward to fasting (which is something I never thought I'd write :D ).
  • elaine8505
    elaine8505 Posts: 33 Member
    Very happy to have made it through my first-ever fast day with 480 calories yesterday. This just might be the plan I've been looking for forever. Thank you for all the tips you have posted - a number of them helped me through day 1!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    I had a successful fast Friday and was able to squeeze one in today. My typical days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Tonight's fare is gnocchi with homemade marinara, salad, brussell sprouts, and I'm making french bread. It sounds like a lot of calories, but I pre-plan and am able to have a bit of everything. I walk everyday for about 50 minutes and have a 75 minute dance class on Tuesdays and Fridays. I've just started adding light weights for my upper body and a circuit of high-intensity intervals for my lower body. I love how motivated we all are. I've never been a consistent member of an online group, but I find this one to be very supportive. Have a great week, everyone!!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    First fast day of 2016 for me and official day back at tracking everything. So far so good, two teas and at 60 cals. I nearly went off track when my food scale needed batteries (any excuse right), but I preserved and after several attempts of flipping the batteries around got it to work and I was up and running again.

    Yesterday's weight tipped at 172.2lbs (highest for a long time). However I was looking in a drawer yesterday and found some pictures from 2009 and I was 214lbs back then, so I can't forget were I've been. My main goal will be to get within the 140s. First to get back to my lowest 164.2lbs.

    Have a great week everyone. :)
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    Fasted on Friday ot too bad at 640 cals, but have moved tomorrows fast to today as I am cycling on Wednesday and need a bit of carbo loading. 2015 was a good year as I lost a load of weight that I have carried around forever. Still have some more to lose, after I lose the holiday gains. So back to logging every day.

    2016 I am planning on cycling a lot more and to keep the circuit training going through the year.

    Have a good week/year everyone
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Fast day is in the box. Was a breeze as I was very busy...first day back at work with a new group of apprentices. Copy pasted the meals to tomorrow for my B2B. I think, the 'black dress shock' reset my mind to losing mode :p

    Good luck on your fasts!!
  • dryheatfitness
    dryheatfitness Posts: 97 Member
    Fast Day-1 is done and smashed! Stepped out of comfort Zone and went into Vegetarian for dinner. I made black bean burger from All recipes website. It ran 300 calories, but my one-meal-a-day plan gives me flexibility. FD 2 will be Thursday this week. Doing it on Wednesday seems to pile up too many days of accumulated bad habits so I need more structure.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Monday done - made a really tasty swordfish with tom-yum slim-noodles for dinner.

    I had a great nights sleep, and am in good form to push on with this back-to-back. I will have a lunch and dinner, though, as I have a dance class tonight. Lunch is a packet chilli, as our office fridge isn't working at the minute. Dinner will be grilled tuna with some tomato and lettuce dressed with lemon juice.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Yesterday's fast didn't go so well :( Ended at 1087cals (836cals with exercise). But it was a good low calorie day. Will try again on Wednesday. Today I started with two Weetabix and tea. Had a brisk walk for about a mile and had a skinny tiramisu latte. Total so far just over 400cals. Lunch looks like a chicken bagel sandwich and a tea.
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm back. 1st fast was Sunday and went well, going to have my 2nd fast for this week tomorrow. I usually fast Sunday and Thursday, but I have a meal out on Thursday so I'm changing my day for this week to Wednesday. That's what I like about 5:2 you can move the days around depending on what's going on.
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Another fast today! Sunday's was not so successful. I find whenever I try to get too ambitious (like adding an extra FD), I can't follow through. Once again, slow, steady, and simple prevails. I stepped on the scale yesterday and had an "uh oh" moment. Things got a little out of control with kids out of school and LOTS of eating out. Our routine goes back to normal starting today, so ill be able to get back into my groove and lose the pounds I gained and continue moving in a downward manner. I go to dance today, so I'll have a gu energy gel before class, then I'll either to a veggie stir fry or soup. Either one will be heavy on vegetables. Have a great day, guys!!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Low days are good, Snaps.
    Another fast today! Sunday's was not so successful. I find whenever I try to get too ambitious (like adding an extra FD), I can't follow through. Once again, slow, steady, and simple prevails.

    Totally what happens to me ;-) Still trying to fast a bit more in the first half of January. Won't beat myself up, if I get in 2 and a low day instead of three. But I'm riding my momentum at the moment.

    B2B fast is in the box. Veggie soup with and egg for lunch, veggie chicken chili for dinner and a non fat greek yogurt with chia seeds and rasberries for dessert. Who said, your tastebuds have to suffer on a fast day :p

  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    I think over the holidays I forgot to drink lots of water so I'm back trying to drink lots and log it too. It sure helps curb some cravings for me! Successful fast today and even scarfed down one piece of veggie pizza (that son of mine bringing home the orders gone wrong again!), but I was low on cals and one piece was 200 cals so I choose the smallest piece, logged it and came in at 534 cals. So not bad! Getting back into the swing of things now that I've polished off all the Christmas baking!! :s
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Very happy this morning...Since Saturday 3 good fasts and 2kg lighter. It's mostly water, but it's the water that bloats my abs and lets me feel my scars the most. Not painful but not a nice feeling either. Looked at my data, I haven't been at 61.1kg since mid December. So definitely a win. Normal day today and tomorrow is my next ride on the fast Train. I will slow down with the fasts in the second half of January, but right now, I'm on a mission ;-)
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    2nd Fast day for me today. Drinking lots of water, I do try to get at least 2 litres in during work, which I find not too bad as I just sip it all day long. I've decided having a very light lunch and a decent evening meal works best for me, though I am having some fruit as a snack this afternoon. I've planned exactly what I'm going to eat today, so hopefully that helps as well. :)
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    A bit of a carb overload today...Three King's Day cake...omg was it yummy. I wasn't king, but the bread was so lovely.

    Now off the kitchen to cook some fast day chicken veggie chili for the freezer and some spaghetti sauces for Friday's invite.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    debbie389 wrote: »
    2nd Fast day for me today. Drinking lots of water, I do try to get at least 2 litres in during work, which I find not too bad as I just sip it all day long. I've decided having a very light lunch and a decent evening meal works best for me, though I am having some fruit as a snack this afternoon. I've planned exactly what I'm going to eat today, so hopefully that helps as well. :)

    Well done Debbie! Yes I'm the same, must have something light for a lunch too. I found a great soup from my store that's more homemade (sold in a tub) and is 60 cals for 1 cup! I've now made a list of ingredients to try and duplicate it with less sodium! I also like 1/2 cup 1% cottage cheese and a full Roma tomato chopped on top with lots of pepper which really fills me up! What are you liking for lunch?