Ja-new-ary(ou) in the making: Workout Check-in



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2016
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Goblet squats-3X7X 30
    Kettle bell swing-22X9X 30

    This is the second day of doing the increased weight of 30 pounds and I am feeling it in my left knee and hip. If that continues I will deload down to 25 pounds and work my way back up.

    I am also going to compete in a challenge of 10X10X negative pull-ups. I am hoping that one day I can do them like Canadianlbs can.
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 588 Member
    Is there going to be a new thread created for February?
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Is there going to be a new thread created for February?

    yup. whoever thinks up a pun first gets to make it. krok usually wins :D
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @Sumiblue - Thanks. :blush:

    Alright, so update time. The lifts were in January so I'll do the post here.

    Saturday was good despite being super tired, at least the morning stuff. I drove out to a gym in an industrial area to watch a powerlifting meet. It took a long time to get through everyone and I had work that afternoon, so only got to see squats and some of the first group benching. Still fun to see. Also, found it interesting that everyone had lifting belts and 90%+ had knee wraps or sleeves. I am considering competing but have a few things to figure out first, like if I might move this year or not. Still, considering competition and extra motivation to get that bench, squat and deadlift up.

    I was super tired and ended up eating mostly protein bars (well a muffin thing that was more like a pancake in a cup) and some gummy worms. Went over in calories a little bit yet had it stretched over longer day than normal and down on sleep led to a not great upper power session at new gym. Already, I don't like benching in the cage. It's still too high so I lose some of the form by unracking but there is no one there to help give a lift of either.

    66 - Upper Power

    bench press 1x2 @ 110 - terrible and failed. Tried using the cage for the first time and it's either have it set too tall so I lose the set up some in order to unrack (common problem of mine) or two close to body which is harder to get the bar up from. Safeties were okay at least. Also, their plates are rounded and have holes that make grabbing them easier but didn't work so well for using to attempt some leg drive.
    2x3 @ 105 - barely, gave up after second set cause just was a struggle.

    paused bench 3x8 @ 75 - did this instead of dumbbell incline because I don't have much of a pause when I bench so couldn't hurt to work on that some.

    bicep curls with ez curl bar for fun in between paused bench sets, cause I usually skip curls but hadn't used the preacher curl spot before

    OHP 1x1 @ 85 and 1x4, 1x3 @ 80 - blah. Tried increase as I'd done 80 for a few weeks but no go.

    lat pulldown 1x6 @ 90 and 2x8 @ 80 - I have to stand on the seat to reach the bar and at 90 it kept trying to pull me off the seat...

    overhead tricep extension with rope 3x8 @ 50 - awkward with the rope attachment they have, the ends kept hitting my head

    Considered doing rows with smith machine, too awkward and gave up instead of trying to figure out if the one attachment handle for seated row would work in trying tbar rows.

    Cardio - 5 minute walk, 30 minute jog, 5 minute walk on treadmill

    Sunday was a little better even though I had less food before lifting. I worked afternoon so slept in until like noon cause why not. Only thing to bother that was getting up when the cat wanted something, which was 6 am. He had food just wanted me to wake up so he could eat some of it. I also ate regular foods at work instead of microwave protein snack, which probably helped. Went to big gym as have about 2 weeks left of that membership and going to enjoy the things they have that the other doesn't while I can. Last night was sauna, I might try steam room next time.

    67 - Lower Power

    squat 3x4 @ 185 - it did go better. Last rep on last set was a super grind but it's because I dipped a little lower than planned and paused more too so it was questionable if I'd get back up but I managed.
    deadlift 3x4 @ 205 and 1x3 @ 230 with straps - first time trying above 225, with straps but still. Working my way up towards my year goal of 2xBW.
    leg press 3x8 @ 230
    leg curl 3x10 @ 80
    calves 3x10 @ 105 - bothered my right foot a little doing these
    hip thrust 3x10 @ 115 - getting better and still feel it. Takes time for set up and finding what I need. Small gym is nice cause no people but they don't have a bar padding. Need to ask them about getting a few items, or bring some in myself.

    10 minutes or so in the sauna afterwards.

    Going to try and get the courage to go to a yoga class tonight. I've only tried yoga by watching a tv show. Never gone to an actual class. Coworker was supposed to go with me but has family and bf stuff going on so can't make it yet and I don't wanna wait around for a convenient time, so will go by myself. Maybe some other time she'll go with me. Should be interesting, either way. Too bad I can't film just me somehow attempting this class. Might make for some good clips for instagram. hehe
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    I forgot to check in my last two workouts, derp

    Deadlift - 150lbs x12 (reps to failure)
    Front Squat - 3x10 65lbs. These are the culprit in tweaking my wrists. I think I will axe them until I got the arm flexibility back again

    OHP - 70lbs x10 (reps to failure)
    Kettlebell swings 5x15 35lbs

    it's feb, new month!