2016 Goals-A-Gogo!



  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited January 2016
    2016 Health/Fitness Goals

    Strength Training: Form, 2x to 3x a week
    Cardio: 1x to 2x a week
    Body Fat %: -7%
    Scale Weight: -10 lbs
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    Lose those damn 2 lbs to hit First Goal
    Get Bodpod test"

    Lost those damn 2 lbs & reached my goal weight-woohoo!!

    I'm going to call about the Bodpod today

    Look at you go!!! Congrats @Sumiblue!!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Ok, ok, I know I jumped ships to the NROLFW group (following the "new" book Strong), but I can't resist posting some goals!

    - Follow all 9 stages of Strong. This would take me ~ 9 months with no time off, so realistically hoping to complete by the end of October/early November
    - Squat: Bodyweight (I got 70kg on 3 x 5, hopefully lowering bodyweight plus increased strength will get me there!)
    - Deadlift: 100kg (I have no clue if that is realistic, but it sounds awesome, so lets go with it)
    - Bench: 50kg

    - Lose fat and inches, currently sitting at a very alarming 208lbs, I would very much like to be back in the 170's at some point this year, ideally dropping lower than that too.

    - Do some

    Nutrition/ health
    - For the first 3 months of the year I have a 90 day nutrition plan, follow it
    - After that I really have to work on keeping carbs down (suspected PCOS), and fat and protein up
    - Take 4g inositol every day as well as multivitamins
    - Use proactiv everyday (my skin is horrible, but greatly improved when I stick to using proactiv morning and night)

    - Qualify as an Actuary. I have one exam left (out of 15) and I just failed it by less than 2 marks (annoyingly you don't find out your mark or the pass mark, just a fail grade indicating how far away you are). The next exam is in April and my name will be appearing on the pass list in June!
    - Pay off our credit cards - they are not too serious, but we do need to pay them off
    - Save up with the intention of selling our house and buying a new one in a year or two - we have a 3 bed house right now, but not in a good area for schools, and we would like to have another baby in a couple of years and would like to own a bigger house by then!

    - Be more present

    And this is the year I turn 30, so get through that without too much depression!

  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    2016 Goals:

    - Keep doing 5x5 through end of April, then reassess.
    - Squat: 120 lb 5x5
    - Bench: 65 lb 5x5
    - DL: 165 lb 5x5
    - No idea if these are realistic, undershooting, overshooting... oh well.

    Weight and Body:
    - Lose 10 lb from today's weight and maintain within a 4-lb window.
    - Take measurements once per month.

    - Finish C25K at any point in 2016
    - Run 5K at least 5 times (not official races, just anywhere).

    Other fitness:
    - Hike Wheeler Peak and beat last year's time :)
    - Ride my longboard (skateboard) at least once/week once the weather warms up.
    - Ride my bike at least once/week once the weather warms up.
    - Run 2x per week.
    - Volleyball 2x per week. Once weather warms up, that will be 3x per week.

    - Knit something that's an actual THING. Like with a pattern.
    - Take a watercolor class with my dad.
    - Go fishing a lot with my whole family.
    - Do a fiscal fast for 3 months out of the year, instead of my normal 1 month per year.
    - Pay off credit card.
    - Go for an awesome vacation. Either Camp Grounded in N. California, or AWP (writer's conference) in Los Angeles, and/or New Orleans, Key West, Hawaii, ...or wherever. Haven't decided yet. :) Also go for several mini-vacays nearby... Pagosa Springs, Durango, Santa Fe, Taos, Grand Canyon, etc. Maybe 3 during 2016.

    best of luck, all! :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    BethAnnieT wrote: »
    - Knit something that's an actual THING. Like with a pattern.

    oh how i feel you. oh my.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Few weeks in so update time and bump so I don't forget about these goals already since still have a lot of year left, though it's going by way too fast.

    Squat 1.5x body weight
    Deadlift 2x body weight
    Bench 125 - Check. I got 125 Saturday and posted video on bodybuilding.com. I have a better video and might post in this group at some point. I do have a youtube channel though not much on it yet.
    Try new things (yoga class, barre, kayak, *see list for details*) - So far I've tried the rower machine, new gym stuff including a dance class and plan to do yoga on Monday (Feb 1).
    Run in a half-marathon.
    Continue lifting weights cause it's awesome - easy

    Fitness comments: Won't test deadlift and squat for a couple of months probably as the bench press was a random thing for a little competition. 185 is challenging on squat but think the goal will be manageable in the year. 225 is heavy on deadlift and need to work on lock out part of the lift. Still waiting for sign up options for half marathon or might have to pick a different one.

    Blog every month at least twice - january got 2 so far, yay
    Finish North West and Boys Read Romance
    Submit novel query to agents
    Either edit a novel or start Aeon Fading rewrite
    No new novels until November - good so far as I'm just working on NW

    Writing comments: Working on North West and almost done with chapter 17. About to the part with the drag queens, so that is fun. Haven't worked on anything else though.

    Life, etc.
    Monthly goals (try to gear some to help with year goals) - in progress, january post
    Take one day off work for rest and me focused stuff. - ish, I have days off from work but usually it's grocery shop and such. Last week I had only the one day off.
    Get out of comfort zone (fitness and more) - in progress, see yoga attempt coming up, maybe I can film a little of it, lol. Posting youtube video was a bit out of comfort zone too though, so that was good. Even if had a bad video, eh, still did something.
    Work on career either in company or elsewhere.
    Try to make payment on a student loan (pay off small one, in particular)
    Enjoy life

    Lift Comments: These lacking some. I'm trying to work on them but at the same time adulting and sleeping get in the way at times. Okay and maybe spending too much time on forums too, just a little. Things to work on for sure.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Squat 200 lbs
    Deadlift 300 lbs
    OHP 100 lbs
    Bench 135 lbs
    All are 1rm goals. I think they are all achievable (squats might be questionable)

    Other Athletic Things
    Obstacle course in June. I just want to complete and have fun.
    One damn pull-up
    Run more

    Get to my 130 lbs goal weight
    Keep my control on my binging

    Make $2000 on photography services (I have about $1000 worth booked already)
    Finish my 365 photo a day (on day 32 right now)
    Rush less
    Check on my yearly goals before December 2016

    Well my January flew by.
    I am moving along with lifts but I haven't done any testing so I really can't pinpoint where I am, but I have made improvements this month.
    I need to get running sooner rather than later, but ugh I just don't wanna
    My cut has been progressing so yay.
    Life stuff is going on as planned, I have been booking the odd half hour session and portrait work here and there. Not a whole lot of pay but I get to enjoy my art and get a bit of spending money.
    Photo a day continues on
    I need to work on not rushing everything all the time. It is a work in progress on that one.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    end of jan status check:

    weight: 138 lbs. agh. now 135.5
    squat: 75lb. not applicable
    bench: 70lb. now 75
    ohp: 50lb. now 55
    rows: 65lb. now . . . inconclusive
    dl: 120lb. now 140.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2016
    Stronglifts Goals 2016. January Check In

    Squats- 150+. Slow progress on all lifts
    Sumo Squats 135+
    BP - 105+
    BR - 110+
    OHP - 80+
    DL - 175+

    Goblet squats- 45+ increase to 30
    Russian swings- 45+ increase to 30

    Walk 5 miles/day, 5x/week too cold

    SW - 200+
    CW - 147
    GW - 125. Starting a cut
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »

    Get stronger and stay relatively injury free.
    Workout consistently, taking breaks only for holidays and when absolutely needed. Don't make excuses for not working out.
    Increase weight on all lifts
    Work on good form
    Don't get stressed if it seems that I'm not improving quick enough
    Don't give up.

    Get my in-tray cleared by Friday each week.
    Organise my diary at work better
    Generally get my head down

    Eat relatively healthily most of the time. Enjoy food, but don't stress about it. Be aware of what I am eating but without obsessing over it.
    Drink more water and less caffeine
    Enjoy time with my husband, children and friends.
    Look after skin, nails, etc better - create a routine!
    Declutter at home - sort out wardrobe, cupboards etc. Ditch what doesn't "work" anymore!
    Stay happy, smile lots, be confident in who I am.

    Workout new household budgets that are workable.
    End the year owing less than I do now.
    End the year with more in savings than I do now.
    Ok, so one month down. I lifted consistently in January and added in some cardio by way of spin classes.
    I'm lifting heavier weights and have introduced kettlebells on stronglift rest days.
    I'm not giving up.

    Work...I'm getting better at managing my workload and ploughing through each week. I'm tired, but that's the nature of the job. I should be used to it after 20+ years!

    Food - I'm much more aware of what I am eating and when, and how it makes me feel, both physically and emotionally. I'm doing alright here.

    I'm drinking more water but not less caffeine yet.

    I've not even started declutter yet.

    Plenty still to work on but doing okay!

  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    sucampbeN wrote: »

    Reach a healthy BMI, which means losing 12 lbs (doesn't sound like much but I struggle)
    Reduce body fat percentage to under 30% (currently 35%)

    Down 2.6 lbs so far and 1.3% BF. Good start!
    sucampbeN wrote: »
    Continue to log every day
    Try harder to stick to calories and macros

    Still logging every day. I've been a bit better with calories and macros but still a lot of room for improvement here.

    sucampbeN wrote: »
    Continue to lift 3 times a week
    100kg 1RM sumo deadlift (currently doing 70kg for 5 reps so around 80kg 1RM)
    1 unassisted chin up (I am doing negatives and band-assisted)
    10 push ups (I can do one just now)
    Learn to squat with proper form (ugh, my squat sucks)

    Still on track with lifting 3 times a week.
    Up to 5x75kg on sumo deadlift, so on track
    Still working with negatives and band-assisted and seeing progress
    I got my 10 push up goal! Yay! Working towards 3 sets of 10 now.
    Still a bit of a struggle with squats but getting better.
    sucampbeN wrote: »
    Finish my MSc
    Stop wasting so much time online

    Lots of room for improvement here! :neutral:
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Goals for 2016
    - increase DL to 85kg for at least 1RM Still working on it
    - increase bench to 50kg Up to 2x2 40kg
    - increase front squat to 70kg with good depth Still only half way there at 35kg (15reps) but getting goodish depth
    - drop bf to below 20% I wish.....weight has gone up about 1 kg over last 3 or so weeks so its either water weight or maybe even a bit of muscle, eating at maintenance and recomping. I can understand why people run Cut and Bulks/b]
    - find a bikini for next summer and wear it Just about at the end of this Summer so still plenty of time to do this. Mind you the weather for last week been cold and wet and we've needed a fire on.

  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    edited February 2016
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    Lifting goals-
    work on better formBeen working on it and it's better
    keep up PHUL scheduleyes
    6 chin ups-currently can do 4-5 I'm at 4 sets of 4-5

    Do some? -Once a week
    Try to get my step count up-I'm at 10,000 almost every day

    Journal-not as good here

    Finish my art commission-I'm almost done!
    Go out more-with husband and girlfriends-Fail

    Lose those damn 2 lbs to hit First Goal-achieved. I'm under goal
    Get Bodpod test
    - 23%bf