Jump Start January challenge...



  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Oh my gosh, ladies. I gained almost 15 lbs in a week and a half. I know some is water weight, but not alllll :( I feel enormous since I haven't been this weight since like early last year! So bummed. I have been out of control. Ravenous and binging all over the place. All I can say is thank goodness that I will be able to look back on my skinny wedding pictures because I am not going to be looking good on our honeymoon next week! :( Oh well. Trying to ease back into it.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Jill-It happens to the best (and you're one of the best!). You are tiny and like you said, a good chunk of that will be water weight. I'm sure you will look fabulous on your honeymoon. Ease back into it and get back on track. You know what you have to do and you've done it before. It's always discouraging when you fall back, but you get up and keep pushing forward. Hang in there lady!

    Jools-congrats on the AMAZING loss. Even with it being lots of water (hopefully), that's still amazing progress. Glad to see the extra holiday pounds are coming off quickly for you.

    Since I'm here: 215/1200 minutes. Haven't gotten as long of workouts as I would have liked, but it's something. Now the trick is to keep it going for the rest of the week.
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    Noo Jill, I promis, I was up 14lbs supposedly after 10 days off, you can look at my diary I haven't starved myself but lost at least 6 in the first week, half way through second week I'm down 8 so only 6 real pounds gained! I know what you mean though.

    Thanks for the encouragement Sarah! The trainer at my gym recommends a short series of 40second exercises when you don't have time and they're still effective for speeding up your metabolism all day. So body squats, plank, jump lunges and burped for example with 20 secs in between.
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    SW 125.0
    W1 133.8
    W2 141.0

    Yep. For real. I am REALLY struggling and am feeling so ashamed and embarrassed about this. I am scared if I don't get it under control soon, people are going to notice this rapid gain.
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    fitfor30th wrote: »
    Noo Jill, I promis, I was up 14lbs supposedly after 10 days off, you can look at my diary I haven't starved myself but lost at least 6 in the first week, half way through second week I'm down 8 so only 6 real pounds gained! I know what you mean though.
    This is encouraging but I have been having the hardest time stopping! I know it's both physical and mental...and feeling badly about myself is only making it worse.

  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    brisingr86 wrote: »
    Base goal is to be under 159 by January 28 (avg 1 lb/week loss). Aggressive goal is to be back under 155 by the end of the month.

    Week 1, January 7: 162.0
    Week 2, January 14: 160.8 -1.2

    May not meet my exercise goal (lazy last night so still at 215/1200), but looking promising for scale goal.

    You can do this Jill. Forgive yourself and start fresh. Maybe quit thinking of it as regain and try to approach it brand new. This is your weight. You want to weigh less, so take the steps you need to accomplish that. You have done it before and you can do it again. Learn from it to remind yourself that while we're all kind of focused on looking our best for the big day, it is a lifetime we're trying to change. After the big day, we still want to look our best and so we keep fighting to attain/maintain that. You're human, you can't be perfect all the time and you needed the break. Now you are ready to get back to work. It's tough to get back into those habits after not thinking about it for a couple weeks, but YOU CAN DO IT! Good luck.
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    We're about half way through the month - how's everyone doing with their goals? Im doing well with the walking and the very small deficit, not sp great with tge workouts. I'll try to do a bit more running this week.
    On the topic of big weight changes, I use weightgrapher.com to track my weight. It averages your weight to create a smoother line and stop you stressing about the water weight gains.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    I feel you guys about the water weight. My weight is yo-yoing. I'm back up to 153 this morning after being 149 two days ago. I'm not gonna log it until it settles down. I started a new fitness routine, got a membership with Planet Fitness. The elliptical has been great. But working out is making me hungry and I'm eating more. I'm sore from muscles that haven't worked much in a long time. I also tried out the tanning beds...I burnt myself to a crisp first time! Haha, now it hurts to move. The last time I used one was in 2000 for my prom. I guess these beds are a lot more powerful than they were 16 years ago! Ten minutes was way too much! (Fiance thinks I'm hilarious.) Once my routine settles down, I know my weight will start moving in the right direction again. I just gotta make myself go to the gym and be consistent.

    Good luck with the second half of the month, everyone!
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    Yes! As of this morning, I have hit the lowest weight of my adult lifetime!!! 2016 is going to be a good year!
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    Sw 170 :neutral:
    W1 163 :)
    w2 161 getting there!
  • clairice2
    clairice2 Posts: 11 Member
    Congratulations @samlovesthesnow that's an excellent achievement.
    Excellent weight loss too @fitfor30th how do you find adapting to the increased protein in your diet?

    My status so far: lost 4 pounds (nearly all Christmas weight), down to 140.6 as of yesterday.
    Exercise 815 minutes so far this month, a mix of badminton, walks/jog & gym.
    I've un-synced my fitbit, as I don't always wear it and it feels a little too over controlling logging on the fitbit & MFP.
    I don't think 3500 net calories is achievable per week but will work to ensure I've some net calories every week.
    Overall a good sustainable start to the year and certainly my jeans don't feel as tight.
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    A aargh, protein I think is making me constipated sorry tmi, I went for an interview on Friday and don't get it, and since then I have consumed lots of peanut m and ms and chocolate chip cookies :(. Still did lots of exercise though so hopefully I can save January tomorrow! As an excuse, apparently this is the crappest Monday for the world, January blues....
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Congrats Sam on the new low weight!
    Way to go Jools getting that holiday weight off fast! Sorry to hear the interview didn't go your way. Those peanut butter m&ms are dangerous! I hope the end of January gets better and less than 2 weeks to February for a fresh start.
    Great job to Claire on the loss and awesome exercise minutes. I have a vivofit (Garmin equivalent of fitbit) and unsynced it from MFP pretty early after getting it too. I just didn't trust what it was logging and when vs. knowing exactly where extra calories were coming from or not double counting additions if I'm the only one updating MFP. Glad you're feeling results in your clothes; that's always the fun part for me.

    Waiting until Thursday for my weigh in, but a little worried I did too much snacking this weekend and wiped out some progress based on scale this morning. Hopefully lots of water and good workouts the next couple days will get me back on track to register under 160 on Thursday (continue target loss of 1lb/week).

    On the exercise 270/1200. I'm always good early in the week and then it falls apart. Gotta keep going.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Missed my Cardio Boxing class before I left because my hairdresser was able to squeeze me in before I went to Vegas/Seattle and although I did TONS of walking and it's quite the workout trying on a gazillion dresses I'm only counting the actively working out minutes and I had 5-20 minute sessions while on Vacay so I'm now at...


    this means today and for the next 12 days I will need to work out 75 minutes each day...it's do able so I'm going to Go for it and all I'm gonna remember is that I found a dress that fits me PERFECTLY right now...I'd rather have to take it in or at the very least cinch in the corset back by the time of the wedding so here's to my NEW incentive! :wink:
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited January 2016
    Ok just caught up on what I missed while I was gone...sorry it's so hard to maintain some sort of consistency when traveling because everything is jumbled and go-go-go!

    @CostaRica120 I hope you are having a fabulous time on your honeymoon and I'm sure a LOT of that weight will fall right off of ya!
    @samlovesthesnow WTG!
    @fitfor30th hope the protein is balancing out and if you didn't get the job it just means something better is coming for you! I LOVE anything peanut butter so I totally get that! At least you worked it off and I hope the rest of your week is getting better!
    @brisingr86 I hear ya on waiting to get on the scale! I don't want to do it this week because I'm so afraid what it's gonna say after this past week of eating everything! Not to mention the empty calories in all the martini's I consumed in Las Vegas! I'll do my best to keep at it throughout the week with you! "JUST KEEP GOING!" :wink:
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    625/1500 did a long workout tonight...it was FABULOUS!
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    brisingr86 wrote: »
    Base goal is to be under 159 by January 28 (avg 1 lb/week loss). Aggressive goal is to be back under 155 by the end of the month.

    Week 1, January 7: 162.0
    Week 2, January 14: 160.8 -1.2
    Week 3, January 21: 161.8 +1.0

    Exercise: 330/1200

    So...weekend snacking plus high sodium and late night snacking (including too many peanut butter M&Ms) did not make the scale happy. I'm hoping since I was pretty high on the sodium that I can be down 3 lbs next week to still meet my goal of under 159 (without doing something unhealthy). I've been really struggling lately between feeling like the wedding is just around the corner (little over 6 months away) and I really need to buckle down and get in the workouts and be good for my diet, but at the same time I'm constantly stressed with work and then wedding stuff and all the house stuff I should be taking care of. There are times I really want to just throw my hands up and say forget the wedding, we'll just do courthouse and be married. Thanks for listening. Just have to keep moving forward... :/
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    Had a baaaaaaaaaaaad week. Reckon I can pull it back together next week, starting Monday. I'm realy no good at getting back on the wagon over the weekend so realistically it will be Monday. Starting to panic as it is only 4 months to the wedding, plus I realised everyone invited is skinny and will be wearing bikinis! Time to get my *kitten* in gear.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    @brisingr86 Sounds like you need to find a distressing outlet...don't throw those hands up, you have the right attitude--keep moving forward, it will all work out in the end. BREATHE and as always vent away that's part of the reason you created this group and it helps us all to know we aren't alone in our stress! Huggles!

    @fitfor30th I hear ya on the weekend thing...I REALLY have to focus on sticking to plan when it comes to weekends! I think you can do it, I have just under 8 months to go and I'm also thinking it's gonna get here WAY quicker than I want it to! AAHHHH!!

    Get those gear shifters a crankin' ladies! :wink:

    Got 60 minutes in last night so still a ways behind but making forward progress...

  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    Keep at it marla with the workouts! I'm fitting workouts in as usual, just sabotaging it with diet :(