Just started a ketogenic diet and feeling overwhelmed cause there is nothing to eat



  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    I've heard recommended to start slow with the coconut oil! Bathroom issues can be induced by too much, at first!

    OP, if you go with the amounts I initially suggested for a low calorie goal, like mine, that would be a good amount and be considered a slow start in adding coconut oil as @Karlottap suggested. It is a good suggestion too. I've heard of some saying it seemed to "clean them out quick" if they went all in with consuming coconut oil. However, when I very first started, I was following the recipe I found online that was a whole tablespoon of each CO and butter per cup and was having two cups and it didn't bother even my sensitive IBS-D belly. So this varies widely from person to person. The only reason I cut the amounts back was because it was using up too many of my daily calories! Left me practically nothing for the rest of the day.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I started eating low carb because it makes me feel better. After a month or so I stopped counting calories because once I settled into a routine with eating I was seeing that most of the time I was under my calorie goal. I have lost 22 pounds.

    What I normally eat:

    Breakfast: A protein shake, or bacon & eggs
    Lunch: A salad with grilled chicken
    Dinner: Some kind of meat and veggies with butter

    Snack ideas: nuts, or pepperoni & cheese, boiled eggs, deviled eggs, tuna, veggies with cream cheese, etc.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    I like to keep things simple, too, and basically eat the same thing every day. I usually have the last meal no later than 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I drink lots of water and tea.

    Meal 1: Keto tea (black tea, butter coconut oil, cream, sweetener) 2 boiled eggs
    Meal 2: cheese or pepperoni or both
    Meal 3: big salad, a steamed veggie with butter, meat, poultry, or fish
    Meal 4: bacon rinds or sf jello w/HWC

    My macros are set to 75/20/5 and calories run from 1200-1500..usually eat more cals on days I workout.

    You have to find what works for you and your tastes. The fat will keep you satisfied and you will not be "hangry"! ;)
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    While it's very hard to break old habits, once you wrap your mind around this woe and start researching and trying new things, you are going to be blown away by all your yummy food choices! I am just coming back to keto after a holiday hiatus and some of my go to foods (which I try to have on hand always) are:

    Cheese (slices, sticks, wedges or blocks that I chip away at)
    Coconut Oil
    Deli meats
    Eggs (boiled and wrapped well, they are great on the go)
    Ground Beef
    Sour Cream

    I'm not big on trying keto-adapted recipes, and I hate Fake food products, so meals are usually a fatty meat and veg for me, the family has a side of pasta, potato, rice or whatever.

    Like any change, the more you know and the more you actually do it, the easier it becomes and the better you get at it.

    Being brand new, pimples, keto breath and leg cramps are going to be nuisances. Just know that most withdrawal symptoms will end once you are adapted.

    Best of luck, this is a great woe for health!
  • vilenski193
    vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you all so much for your imput! I HAVE FINISHED MY FIRST WEEK AND SURVIVED !!!!! Not gotten on the scale yet ( worried if I didn't loose weight I would give up ) giving myself another week. Clothes do feel a little better
  • vilenski193
    vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member
    Question: I'm gonna start working out. Does the ketogenic diet effect that at all? Do I have to do different excercise? Any diet changes ? Please advise thanks Aviva
  • vilenski193
    vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member
    One more question : does anyone have a hard time falling asleep with this diet. I occasionally did before but now I feel like I can't sleep
    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    My diary is open. I stick to about 15-20 carbs a day and 1200 calories a day.

    There's so much food that's keto friendly. The hard part is getting around the concept that fat is beneficial when you limit carbs. This is the easiest WOE in my opinion, because you can go anywhere, eat anywhere and still make good food choices.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    OP: working out is a personal choice. As long as you feel good, it's fine, but, if you feel weakness or fatigue, you may need to up the sodium, and wait the couple of weeks, or so, until fully adapted. So, go with how you feel. Sleep, ugh, is another electrolyte issue that I've struggled with. Magnesium citrate supplements (Epsom salt baths, topical sprays...) before bedtime can help. Again, keeping the sodium between 3000-5000 mg daily helps tremendously along with the magnesium. Electrolyte depletion occurs in ketogenic diets because ketones take them out with our urine. Without replacement you will eventually feel terrible, thinking you need carbs and that keto doesn't work for you. Find a way to keep the electrolytes up and it will help! :smiley:
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    I've found that sometimes I do have a harder time falling asleep, but that's because I have more energy while eating a ketogenic diet than if I eat a SAD diet. With a SAD diet, I often felt sluggish and slow. It was easy to fall asleep. It is more difficult while eating ketogenically. I've never tried anything like @Karlottap suggested, but that's a good idea to try. Supplements or something with electrolytes (but not sugar full Gatorade) might do the trick.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    It's my opinion that you're better off to supplement potassium than try to get it from diet sports drinks. They really don't have very much so you'd have to drink several a day just to get what you could from a few shakes of NuSalt in a small cup of broth, and that doesn't come with aspartame... If you're concerned about msg in boullion, you can make your own broth or just use some NuSalt on foods and take s sodium tablet instead. If you get in the habit of supplementing, you'll have consistent levels. I think that's less likely to happen just by trying to get it in food. Especially when you're talking about magnesium. You'd have to eat a lot of dark green vegetables, grown specifically on land where the soil is treated properly. Much easier to take a mag citrate (or any of the "-ates" version of magnesium) tablet.
    As far as exercise, you can do whatever type you want. If you're not already in any routine, you're not likely to notice weather or not you have any less energy from adaptation. There wouldn't be anything to compare it against. But, if you ever feel lightheaded or just suddenly exhausted more than you think is expected from the amount of effort you're putting forth, then usually, sodium is the answer.
    Some things to know about adding exercise are that anytime you work your muscles, you can have some water retention due to the inflammation for a few days that is likely to add a few pounds. But it's just temporary water for your muscles to heal. Don't let that deter you at all. And, exercising extensively, really isn't going to create any more weight loss than a 30 minutes a coupe times a week routine would. Somewhere it was posted that showed exercise beyond about 30 minutes didn't produce more loss because, it typically triggered more hunger.
    I know I also listened to a couple podcasts on this subject. Check out Jimmy Moore's website if you want to look for that.
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member

    Anyway, you put your coffee, CO and butter into a large cup and blend with an immersion blender or use a nutri bullet type blender to break up and mix in the fats and it produces a delicious, frothy cup of heaven that will have you feeling full and energized til lunch time.

    Hmm, any reason I couldn't try Keto tea? I'd even put a splash of HWC in it for some creaminess. I'll have to try that this weekend.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    lowjax75 wrote: »

    Anyway, you put your coffee, CO and butter into a large cup and blend with an immersion blender or use a nutri bullet type blender to break up and mix in the fats and it produces a delicious, frothy cup of heaven that will have you feeling full and energized til lunch time.

    Hmm, any reason I couldn't try Keto tea? I'd even put a splash of HWC in it for some creaminess. I'll have to try that this weekend.
    Sure! Tea is another great option for a "bulletproof" beverage. So is broth or hot cocoa.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    lowjax75 wrote: »

    Anyway, you put your coffee, CO and butter into a large cup and blend with an immersion blender or use a nutri bullet type blender to break up and mix in the fats and it produces a delicious, frothy cup of heaven that will have you feeling full and energized til lunch time.

    Hmm, any reason I couldn't try Keto tea? I'd even put a splash of HWC in it for some creaminess. I'll have to try that this weekend.

    Definitely. I drink tea, have never drunk coffee. Or you could replace tea with protein powder, I use chocolate or peanut butter, so delicious!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    lowjax75 wrote: »

    Anyway, you put your coffee, CO and butter into a large cup and blend with an immersion blender or use a nutri bullet type blender to break up and mix in the fats and it produces a delicious, frothy cup of heaven that will have you feeling full and energized til lunch time.

    Hmm, any reason I couldn't try Keto tea? I'd even put a splash of HWC in it for some creaminess. I'll have to try that this weekend.

    I do all my stuff with tea. Here are some blogs I wrote about it last year. Trying an egg in it (hot enough to kill the bacteria, but makes the egg creamy like custard) is awesome for an option, too...


  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    Awesome! Thanks so much!!