15-20 lbs away from goal?



  • dgoedtel
    dgoedtel Posts: 9 Member
    cessi0909 wrote: »
    Me! I am currently at 159 and want to get to my goal weight of 145.

    I am right with you. A bit heavier at 163 but want to get to 145 as well.
  • caligurl9911
    caligurl9911 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'6 and 2 years ago I began a rigid diet and went from 150 down to 110. But I was under a lot of stress and somehow my strict diet of veggies and lean meat started to turn into binge eating late at night by myself. I'm now back to my original weight. I am not obese but I can feel the extra body fat I have and I hate it. For me the Dukan Diet is actually quite effective. I lost over 7lbs in less than a week but Thanksgiving derailed my plans and I haven't had the energy to think about trying again. I know it's not the most well balanced diet but it's a great kickstarter and I really would like to start seeing change in my body.
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    Just updating to say that I'm now just 10 lbs away from my goal of 120, yay! Intermittent Fasting is amazing for keeping me full and satisfied on 1200 calories.
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    I will update to say that I am now 19 pounds away instead of like 15....Going the wrong direction!
  • yesnomaybee
    yesnomaybee Posts: 1 Member
    I just joined this group today. I am 51 and woke up about 6 weeks ago and said "enough". I have been active and watching my weight my whole life. If I am not careful I gain easily. I have been logging my weight and activity in excel for over 10 years. Whenever I would gain weight i knew I would lose it easily when i put my mind to it. Well once I hit 50 that just wasnt true. I had crept up to 150 lbs by my 50th birthday and right after started logging meals and watching what i eat but nothing happened. For the last year I was very discouraged and put on another 10 lbs. On March 7th I decided that even if I could only lose half a pound a week and it took me a year I was going to get back to 135 lbs. Today I am back to 150! A healthy 1.5 lbs a week and setting up new habits. I am so proud of myself. Back in the day I could lose 10 lbs in 3 weeks but my body and metabolism has changed. Once I accepted that and accepted my age I was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. So to those who use to find it easy and all of a sudden just can't do it I urge you to accept the changes that age brings and find new habits and goal setting ideas that are realistic so that you dont get discouraged. Slow and steady always wins right !!
  • sallen826
    sallen826 Posts: 3 Member
    5'4 and currently weight 145 with quite a bit of muscle. Just need to get rid of the fat covering it :)
  • DanyellMcGinnis
    DanyellMcGinnis Posts: 315 Member
    5'5" and 138 (started the year at 162.4, my heaviest ever). Currently aiming for 120. May reevaluate once I get there. (I am small-boned so lower weights usually look more natural on me.) April was a bit of a struggle; family in town meant a lot of restaurant eating. Even though I kept under my calorie goals and exercised, all that sodium made me retain water and the weight on the scale didn't drop. But now I am moving in the right direction again. But it feels good to have only 18 pounds to go. Seems like such a much smaller number than 42.4.
  • Uru_S
    Uru_S Posts: 6 Member
    Just started on MFP again, 18 lbs away from my goal.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    Update: 7.6 lbs left to go til goal! Slowly but surely, it's coming off. The last stretch seems to take so long...