
fitissexiest Posts: 34 Member
edited January 2016 in Social Groups
Let's get to know each other!

Hey Everyone!

My name is Mia. I did my first whole 30 December 2014 and I lost 20 pounds in 40 days! I slacked off after in both eating and exercise but now I'm back and more motivated than ever! I am getting married in December 2016 and that is a huge motivator for me! I have 45 pounds I want to lose by then and up to 60 pounds I want to lose total!


  • potterpj
    potterpj Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all - My name is Pam. I've been unable to lose weight ever since I had a hysterectomy 9 years ago (no matter what diet I tried... I just kept gaining!). Just recently saw a new doc who told me I have a low-functioning thyroid. now on thyroid med, and the doc recommended whole 30 to see how certain foods impact me. I did it before the holidays...lost no weight, but felt a whole bunch better, so want to do it again (this time, with thyroid meds!). Probably more info than you want
  • jaimekbee1219
    jaimekbee1219 Posts: 96 Member
    Hello! I'm Jaime. This is my third attempt at a Whole30! I made it to Day 15 back in October, but got some kind of stomach bug and gave up. I had tried all kinds of paleo/W30 remedies, but nothing has helped. So far I am on Day 2 :smile: My husband and a coworker are both doing it so I have a lot of support! We're all doing it for health reasons - I have PCOS & high insulin, my husband had NAFLD, and my coworker is over weight and has high blood pressure. I need to get as healthy as possible so that I can get pregnant if we choose to have kids. My plan is to continue eating paleo after 30 days, but allow for some exceptions.

    So far my favorite thing is that it's really helped with my desire to cook! I used to love cooking, but my schedule is crazy and eating out/ordering in is just easier. It's my worst habit!

  • allyapple406
    allyapple406 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Ally! I started Whole 30 two days ago with my roommate and another co-worker. I have a lot of weight to loose, but I'm most excited to just see if I feel better, gain energy, and have the will power to stick with it! We are allowing for some exceptions, but mostly following the plan. Needing encouragement for sure!!!
  • takethatTM
    takethatTM Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Deb. I suffer from a neurological condition called transverse myelitis (kind of like multiple sclerosis but thankfully stable). My neuropathy and fatigue is affected by inflammation, so in January & February 2015 I did my first Whole 30. I then proceeded to eat mostly Paleo for the rest of the year, which went completely out the window in December. The Whole30 really helped with my inflammation and as a result my neuropathy all but disappeared and my energy levels really improved. I think I lost around 30 lbs during those two months, and I went on to lose another 15 or so the rest of the year eating mostly paleo. Another awesome side effect was that I was able to get off the two blood pressure meds that I have been on for about a decade.

    After eating crap like sugar and drinking way too much in December, my neuropathy has come back and I gained nearly 10 lbs. So on January 4, I decided to do another Whole 30 to get my health back in check. I already feel better, and it's only been a few days. I'd love to work with the rest of you on improving our health with clean eating. Please feel free to contact me if you need support, as it's not an easy program.
  • potterpj
    potterpj Posts: 11 Member
    Deb! You said "The Whole30 really helped with my inflammation"... I'm glad to know its not just in my head. That's why I'm back on after the holidays. Thanks for your post.

  • takethatTM
    takethatTM Posts: 29 Member
    No problem, Pam. I really feel so much better and it's only been a few days. I know you aren't supposed to weigh yourself on W30, but I did this morning (I do every Friday), and I took off all the weight I gained in December. Feels great!
  • mitzhogue
    mitzhogue Posts: 132 Member
    Hi I'm Misty! I am starting the whole 30 on Friday the 15th. Losing a few pounds would be nice but mainly I just want to see what happens to me by cleansing myself of dairy and sugar. Feel free to add me!
  • jenmun15
    jenmun15 Posts: 3 Member
    I started Whole 30 on the 4th of January. I have Chronic lyme disease so eating paleo or gluten free at least has helped me in the past but I have had trouble sticking to it and during the holidays I did not do well. It will be good to see what totally giving up sugar will do for my health.Thanks for including me. :)
  • takethatTM
    takethatTM Posts: 29 Member
    jenmun15 wrote: »
    I started Whole 30 on the 4th of January. I have Chronic lyme disease so eating paleo or gluten free at least has helped me in the past but I have had trouble sticking to it and during the holidays I did not do well. It will be good to see what totally giving up sugar will do for my health.Thanks for including me. :)
    I started Jan 4 as well. What a difference it makes for chronic illness. At least it has been a life saver for me. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want support. :)

  • ashmaro
    ashmaro Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there!

    Started on January 4 also! I typically fail at diets by now (yup, 10 days in), but I think we all of the great options to eat I am doing well. My strategy is planning ahead all of my meals. It also works wonders for my wallet to plan ahead. Feel free to add!
  • DonnaS0327
    DonnaS0327 Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello Whole 30ers! My 98 year old mother and I are all prepped to start our Whole 30 in the morning, and she's looking forward to this journey as much as I am! It's never too late to start eating healthy! :)

    Shopped yesterday and, for the first time in my 63 years, I actually read the ingredients listed on canned tuna packed in water. And I was thinking "How silly of me to bother reading the label on a can of tuna fish. It's just tuna, water and maybe salt, right?" Wrong! Turns out that Bumble Bee, Chicken of the Sea and Publix store brands all contain soy.

    Many of you were probably already aware of this. Just a heads up for those who weren't. :)
  • RaeRaeLeddFoot
    RaeRaeLeddFoot Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! My name is Rachelle and I am starting Whole 30 tomorrow, Monday, and I'm really excited! I've never really lost weight, just gained. I have hypothyroidism and a bad case of lfastfood binging that I'm hoping to break. Feel free to add me!
  • bittybooh
    bittybooh Posts: 21 Member
    Good morning,
    I am day 2 into whole 30. My sister in law has done this and was an inspiration for me to try. So far so good! Milk in my coffee was my worry but I am using coconut cream and I find that it isn't much different. Feel free to add me.
  • doosalily15
    doosalily15 Posts: 316 Member
    Beginning whole 30 today! Any & all suggestions would be helpful!
  • antoniakla
    antoniakla Posts: 3 Member
    Starting whole 30 today! Did it once before last year for 20 days but due to morning sickness from pregnancy couldnt handle it. So here i go again, in it for the long haul! Lent starts today so will be doing the whole 45 for lent!
  • melissa44
    melissa44 Posts: 57 Member
    Is this group still active? I just completed my 30 days and lost 15 pounds :)
  • angharadaj
    angharadaj Posts: 1 Member
    Let's get to know each other!

    Hey Everyone!

    My name is Mia. I did my first whole 30 December 2014 and I lost 20 pounds in 40 days! I slacked off after in both eating and exercise but now I'm back and more motivated than ever! I am getting married in December 2016 and that is a huge motivator for me! I have 45 pounds I want to lose by then and up to 60 pounds I want to lose total!

    Hi! I am getting married in 7 1/2 weeks and really need motivation! I did my first whole 30 last June and lost 9 lbs and my second in Jan 2016. I mainly eat paleo/whole30 but I have fallen off the bandwagon a few times!

    How are you doing?
  • Schweitzerra
    Schweitzerra Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, just told by my Dr to try whole 30, so here I go.
  • Preservation_Gal
    Preservation_Gal Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Katie and I've done Whole 30 in the past and really enjoyed it. I want to feel good again and am embarking on a new journey, this time with my mom and best friend.

    What are some of your favorite Whole 30 friendly recipes?
  • jaimekbee1219
    jaimekbee1219 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Katie!

    My go to meal is chicken fajita - minus the wrap, cheese, and sour cream! I put chicken breast in the crock pot on low for 4 hours with onions, peppers, garlic, and either two cans of crushed or diced tomatoes (or one can of each) plus various seasonings. Then I like to shred the chicken when it's done. I just eat it in a bowl with a fork. Since I haven't started W30 yet, I plan on putting it in a wrap when I eat it tonight for dinner.

    Some others:
    Beef or turkey chili
    Nom Nom Paleo's cracklin' chicken thighs (I think that's what they're called - I'm obsessed)
    Sweet potato hash for a breakfast side or mid-morning snack
    Roasted veggies
    My Nonna's red sauce with beef
    Spiralized zucchini (really good with some red pepper flakes)
    Various compliant chicken sausage with veggies

    I also like to get a spaghetti squash from Trader Joe's (cheapest I've found) and then I add either the chili or red sauce on top.

    I do a lot in the crock pot (shredded chicken dishes, chili, soup) on the weekend because it's just easier for me. I can get other things done. I typically have a smoothies for breakfast and a lot of snacks during the work week. I know these are both mostly frowned upon, but I have long days with long commutes so I just do what works best for me - which usually involves eating A LOT of olives! :blush:

    I should note that I have yet to successfully complete a Whole30, but these are some meals that I learned to make when I tried W30 last fall. I'm starting again officially on September 1st, but I'm starting to make a lot of changes now so that I kinda ease into it. That worked really well last October and I know I would've completed it if I hadn't gotten sick (unrelated to W30)!

    Good luck!