90 lbs. to lose- support/ accountability friends needed ;)

Mjg2016 Posts: 27 Member
I've just hopped aboard the MFP weight loss train.
I'm 58 years old. I have 90 whopping lbs. to lose. Today is day 5 for me on MFP.
I need all of the support that I can get in order to stay on track throughout this weight loss journey so if you need another support person for an accountability friend~
;) Add me as a friend!


  • DorothyConway
    DorothyConway Posts: 2 Member
    I too just started but I have made it 4 days. I am 55 work full time in a stressful job and tend to be an emotional water. Drinking lots of water to keep me full. Started a new book 52 weeks to a healthier happy you First week was increasing water intake. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can do this together. I have set my goal at 20 pounds..........then another 20 X 4.
  • DorothyConway
    DorothyConway Posts: 2 Member
    Ok not emotional water but emotional eater
  • jenandroxie
    jenandroxie Posts: 17 Member
    I am 58, can relate to above posts! Old patterns more ingrained so struggle feels insurmountable.
    But I am here and determined to look and more importantly feel better.
    We can overcome to a healthy life
  • nmcknny
    nmcknny Posts: 479 Member
    I've been on mfp for a long time but I'm new to this group. I've found the most useful help is logging my food but lately I'm not logging on weekends. I've put back on some of the weight I lost, so I'm working at it again. We can do it.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Hi, anyone can feel free to add me. Good luck on your plans
  • Rancie2239
    Rancie2239 Posts: 17 Member
    Mjg2016 wrote: »
    I've just hopped aboard the MFP weight loss train.
    I'm 58 years old. I have 90 whopping lbs. to lose. Today is day 5 for me on MFP.
    I need all of the support that I can get in order to stay on track throughout this weight loss journey so if you need another support person for an accountability friend~
    ;) Add me as a friend!

    Mig2016, It seems we have a lot in common. While I can't imagine myself actually dropping 90 lbs. that would be a great weight for me. I am also 58 years old. I just started MFP today but have been a member for a couple of years, just have been off the radar for 2 years and put back all of the weight I lost.
  • valj55
    valj55 Posts: 9 Member
    Add me please , 55 years old and trying to lose some weight
  • puddles1450
    puddles1450 Posts: 95 Member
    I too just joined MFP. I have 60 pounds to loose and I have the metabolism of a snail. Thank you menopause. haha!! Would love to add friends with the same struggles. We can do this together!!
  • puddles1450
    puddles1450 Posts: 95 Member
    now could only figure out how to add friends. haha!
  • mick102760
    mick102760 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in board! :)
  • FitMeBetter
    FitMeBetter Posts: 64 Member
    now could only figure out how to add friends. haha!

    I just learned how to add friends. You can either accept a request from someone, or you can ask to friend someone by clicking on their profile pic, then clicking again on their name when it comes up. You can either send a message or add a friend.
    Best of luck to you!
  • puddles1450
    puddles1450 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks FitMeBetter!!