Rock Your Resolution: January Challenge, Week 2 (1/8-1/14)



  • provitasemper
    provitasemper Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2016
    SW 183.5 1/5/16 (Started HFLC)
    CW 176.9 1/11/16
    GW 144 3/21/16
    GW 130 6/1/16
    Daily Carb: 20-30 grams
    My goals this year are to lose my baby weight (my youngest of four babies is now 8 and in third grade-hah!), to break my sugar habit. I want to do this firstly for Holy God, who gave me stewardship over my body and wants me to treat it with love and respect, for my dear husband who loves me no matter what, and last but not least my precious kids who need Mom to be healthy and a good example to them.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting Weight: 138.2 lbs on 1/1
    Overall Scale Goal: 125 lbs (hoping by late Spring)

    Sunday, Jan 11:
    [√] Write
    [√] Hydrate: 74.1/67
    [ ] Step goals: 3,279/5,000
    [√] Activity: Just going outside to breathe. Breathing is somewhat important, I understand.
    [√] Logging: Weight (139.2), Macros C/F/P (6%/75%/19%)
    [√] Daily NSV: I dreamed about a nice rare steak. I think my brain is tired of all these fancy meals, it just wants some fuel and not to spend a lot of time on it. So while I'm dreaming about steaks, yeah, I feel like I'm totally "over" food.

    My weight spiked after the weekend, and while I'm not in a rush to get to my goal weight, I don't like seeing myself go backward because I'm overeating all these flavors. Today I'm returning to "simple" for as many meals as I can control. Yes, it's ironic that I'm the cook for everyone and I don't feel in control. :P I am making full recipes for dinner to keep the people who rely on me for their Keto diet interested, because they're so certain they don't want to just eat eggs and steak. So breakfast and lunch will be on my terms, and I'll try to move the dinners closer to what I'd like (I'm thinking more ground beef, cheese, and bacon).
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member

    SW: 150.0
    CW: didn't weigh in this am.
    GW for January: 5 pounds
    Calories Goal Met: Yes
    Carbs, Macros Met: YES!
    Exercise. Worked out for an hour + Cardio. Yea.

    I've got this!

    @elize7 Love, love hitting a new low, so awesome. I've got 3 more pounds to get back to where I was before December, then back to hitting new lows again!
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Goal #1: brush my teeth after each meal at least 5 times a week.
    Goal #2: work out twice a day at least 3 days a week
    Goal #3: save money
    Goal #4: avoid dairy

    Miserably failing on all fronts.
    Goal 1: it's been so hectic I just fall into bed exhausted at night.
    Goal 2: no. just once on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, and today maybe not even that.
    Goal 3: I'm doing ok there, being too busy to actually spend money.
    Goal 4: *As I'm drinking coffee with HWC* nope. But at least I'm not eating a giant block of cheese a day.
  • disaberry
    disaberry Posts: 34 Member
    edited January 2016
    OK.. New to the group and committed to the lifestyle... joining in the challenge!
    I've been mostly paleo for the last year but weekends and friday night "date night" tend to undo my doing.
    Can I have a couple of gin and seltzers instead of wine on Friday night date night?? Skip the muchos nacho's (easily)...
    Weekdays No alcohol.. strength train consistently... eating lowish carb.. around 125 for a while...
    NOW it's time to finish what I started in May of 2014.
    I lost 30lbs and 10% BF. My weight at that time was 170 lbs and 38% body fat.
    In July 2015 I touched 136 lbs! My goal is 125. and I got down to 27.2% body fat.
    Today- "weigh in wednesday" I weighed in at 144.8... seriously depressed. :'(
    My body fat is now gone up 1% too.
    I reset (again) my macros to what the Nowegian guy, Sten Sture Skalderman, said in his book, "Lose Weight by Eating," (thanks for the recommendation LCHF) to:
    Carbs 10% 34g
    Protein 35% 119g
    Fat 55% 83g
    Total calories 1355
    I am fighting a genetic line of diabetes, heart disease and RA.
    I have arthritis and I am 56 years old. So far I am the only one who is not obese and diabetic in my family.
    I sure hope the LCHF works. I have tried everything from vegan, high carb low fat, to adjusting my macros, if it fits within my macros, etc., all over the map. I am worried about the higher fat intake.
    I REALLY want to get to 125 lbs and 18-20% Body fat. THIS YEAR.
    Big challenge.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    disaberry wrote: »
    OK.. New to the group and committed to the lifestyle... joining in the challenge!
    I've been mostly paleo for the last year but weekends and friday night "date night" tend to undo my doing.
    Can I have a couple of gin and seltzers instead of wine on Friday night date night?? Skip the muchos nacho's (easily)...
    Weekdays No alcohol.. strength train consistently... eating lowish carb.. around 125 for a while...
    NOW it's time to finish what I started in May of 2014.
    I lost 30lbs and 10% BF. My weight at that time was 170 lbs and 38% body fat.
    In July 2015 I touched 136 lbs! My goal is 125. and I got down to 27.2% body fat.
    Today- "weigh in wednesday" I weighed in at 144.8... seriously depressed. :'(
    My body fat is now gone up 1% too.
    I reset (again) my macros to what the Nowegian guy, Sten Sture Skalderman, said in his book, "Lose Weight by Eating," (thanks for the recommendation LCHF) to:
    Carbs 10% 34g
    Protein 35% 119g
    Fat 55% 83g
    Total calories 1355
    I am fighting a genetic line of diabetes, heart disease and RA.
    I have arthritis and I am 56 years old. So far I am the only one who is not obese and diabetic in my family.
    I sure hope the LCHF works. I have tried everything from vegan, high carb low fat, to adjusting my macros, if it fits within my macros, etc., all over the map. I am worried about the higher fat intake.
    I REALLY want to get to 125 lbs and 18-20% Body fat. THIS YEAR.
    Big challenge.

    Hold onto that determination. You can do this!
  • disaberry
    disaberry Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you @baconslave for the support.
    I will!
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    January goals:
    1) Eat <20g net carbs a day.
    2) Weigh weekly on Wednesday.
    3) Lose 5 pounds this month.
    4) No alcohol

    1) On track since January 2! (not tracking on weekends, just avoiding sweets, starches, and alcohol)
    2) 222, down from 226.2 last Wednesday (1/6)!
    3) 7 pounds lost, exceeded my January goal!
    4) On track since January 2!

    Starting to get more productive at work and home. Loving that I don't have to deal with that afternoon slump. Hosted a small get-together last night with a few carby snacks and it was a little tough to deal with the cravings but sipped on some La Croix water and that helped me stay on track.

    Was happy to see a four pound loss and exceeding my January goal! I was kinda hoping for a little more of a loss since I'm heavier than in the past, but also facing facts that I am nearing 30 and it's not going to be as easy as it used to be. :( I'm seeing if I can cut back on dairy this week and this morning I made bulletproof coffee! I forgot how much I missed it!

    Nicely done, everyone! I love this thread!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    CW: 153.8 again
    Still sick. Blah.

    Tues 1/13:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calories: :+1:
    Carbs: :+1:
    Exercise: Too tired. Rest day. Sigh...
    Prelogged next day: :+1:


  • disaberry
    disaberry Posts: 34 Member
    Sorry to hear you are sick!
    Hope you feel better soon!
  • bitxbit
    bitxbit Posts: 1,465 Member
    edited January 2016
    bitxbit wrote: »
    Oh!!... This past one was a tough week! Weigh-in is Wednesday, so I'm anxious to see any progress!!
    [ ] drop 10# in January (I have a lot to lose & this is the goal, set by my Dr.)
    [ √ ] stay at 1200 calorie / 30 carb limits
    [ √ ] keep H²O at 64oz or more p/day
    [ √ ] log all food, everyday
    [ √ ] stick to personal Bible reading goal (1/11 = day 9)
    [ √ ] be busy about some area of my home, everyday
    [ ] squats & medicine ball (Tues, Thurs, Sat)
    TODAY = 5/5 :-)
    [ ] stay at 1200 calorie / 30 carb limits
    [ ] keep H²O at 64oz or more p/day
    [ √ ] log all food, everyday
    [ √ ] stick to personal Bible reading goal (1/12 = day 10)
    [ √ ] be busy about some area of my home, everyday
    [ ] squats & medicine ball (Tues, Thurs, Sat)
    TODAY = 3/6 :neutral:

    [ √ ] stay at 1200 calorie / 30 carb limits (+7)
    [ √ ] keep H²O at 64oz or more p/day
    [ √ ] log all food, everyday
    [ √ ] stick to personal Bible reading goal (1/13 = day 11)
    [ √ ] be busy about some area of my home, everyday
    [ ] squats & medicine ball (Tues, Thurs, Sat)
    TODAY = 5/5 :+1:

    Had a loss of 1.5#, takes my January total to 4.25# lost of 10# January goal! :+1:
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    JAN 13

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 228.2 (Jan 1)
    CW: 223.2
    GW for January: 220 (new) (was 224)
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 20: yes
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Jan 13
    SW for keto 11/2: 150.6
    CW: 134.2 (new low!)
    GW: 132-133?
    Calories: under goal
    Carbs: 20gm net
    Exercise: Nope.

    Also, I did measurements today and compared to when I was 131 in 2013. My waist and belly button level measurements have gotten to about that point (yay!!) but interestingly my hips and butt are still 1.25" and 1" bigger than that time (which explains why some of my pants don't fit again yet). I've tended to be an apple shape; it's interesting to see how the weight's coming off differently this time!

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I'm finding my midsection is a few inches bigger this time around and that my skin is not snapping back much. Getting older. I'm still in a losing state, but my cuurent weight is less than it has been for 25 years. Trying to mentally adjust to the aging process, gracefully. I'm still feeling pretty good about my looks and health at the moment.
    Finding that i am just too wiped out after work to be successful at decluttering projects. So rather than beat myself up about it, i will plan to focus on those goals on my Sundays off. Tuesdays are for errands and chilling.
    Eating goals are on track and Im feeling good about progress. Seems I'm slowly trending downwards, even though having a couple drinks and socializing on Fridays does slow me down. Still, after a year of strict keto, losing 130 pounds, and many, many years of isolation - this is a trade off I can live with. New mantra is: slow and steady wins the race.
    My natural activity levels are still increased due to job demands. I added a pedometer app to my phone and seeing the proof is pretty cool and motivating. Between that and weekly dance night I am satisfied with progress in that area. I have never been able to succeed at a routine exercise scedule. Basically, whenever possible I choose "couch potato!"
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member

    SW: 150.0
    CW: 8888 - scale at the gym is broken.
    GW for January: 5 pounds
    Calories Goal Met: Yes
    Carbs, Macros Met: YES!
    Exercise. Worked out for an hour + Cardio. 3 miles last night, 2 miles this morning. Planked for a minute! It's a lot harder than I thought it would be.

    I haven't had a chance to get home and weigh in. Can't wait to weigh in tomorrow morning. I think I do better just weighing once a week, but it's hard not to do it.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting Weight: 138.2 lbs on 1/1
    Overall Scale Goal: 125 lbs (hoping by late Spring)

    Wednesday, Jan 13:
    [√] Write - barely, but I sat down twice to do it!
    [√] Hydrate: 110.2/67
    [ ] Step goals: 4,127/5,000
    [√] Activity: Parking far away (even in the COLD). Going outside to breathe. Breathing is somewhat important, I understand.
    [√] Logging: Weight (139.0), Macros C/F/P (4%/68%/27%)
    [√] Daily NSV: Husband has been making an effort to cook all these meals with me, rather than just coming to the table when it's ready. He said sharing the WoE with my parents made it feel less like "ours" and I'm happy to see he seems like he's taking steps to make cooking something we do together, rather than getting grumpier about it. Very happy about that, and to spend more time with him (even though that means I can't watch Deep Space 9 while I cook :P)

    It was SO COLD yesterday I couldn't resist my lunchtime Americano with Steamed Heavy Cream and Kerrygold from Starbucks. I feel like this Venti snack, in addition to lunch, is keeping me from dropping this current upswing weight. But we'll see! It's hard to care if it takes me an extra couple of weeks to get to my goal in the summer when it's SO COLD now.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    edited January 2016
    CW: 152.8

    Wed 1/13:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calories: :+1:
    Carbs: :+1:
    Exercise: Kettlebells :+1:
    Prelogged next day: :+1:


    glossbones wrote: »
    Starting Weight: 138.2 lbs on 1/1
    Overall Scale Goal: 125 lbs (hoping by late Spring)

    Wednesday, Jan 13:
    [√] Write - barely, but I sat down twice to do it!
    [√] Hydrate: 110.2/67
    [ ] Step goals: 4,127/5,000
    [√] Activity: Parking far away (even in the COLD). Going outside to breathe. Breathing is somewhat important, I understand.
    [√] Logging: Weight (139.0), Macros C/F/P (4%/68%/27%)
    [√] Daily NSV: Husband has been making an effort to cook all these meals with me, rather than just coming to the table when it's ready. He said sharing the WoE with my parents made it feel less like "ours" and I'm happy to see he seems like he's taking steps to make cooking something we do together, rather than getting grumpier about it. Very happy about that, and to spend more time with him (even though that means I can't watch Deep Space 9 while I cook :P)

    It was SO COLD yesterday I couldn't resist my lunchtime Americano with Steamed Heavy Cream and Kerrygold from Starbucks. I feel like this Venti snack, in addition to lunch, is keeping me from dropping this current upswing weight. But we'll see! It's hard to care if it takes me an extra couple of weeks to get to my goal in the summer when it's SO COLD now.

    Can't blame you. It sounds like heaven. Of course, in this weather drinking lava might feel just as good. Brrrrrr!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    baconslave wrote: »

    Can't blame you. It sounds like heaven. Of course, in this weather drinking lava might feel just as good. Brrrrrr!

    Oh, it is. Come on over, I'll buy you one!

    Actually I'm going at lunch to buy my Ninja Coffee Bar. Dunno if Kohl's will leave me with any time to pick up coffee on my way back. I may have to decide between picking up food or getting that americano.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    What? Ninja coffee bar?? I'm intrigued. What is this magic you speak of?
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I'm totally sucking at this right now. Too much "winging it" and not enough deliberate action. Plus shark week is impending and I just want to eat everything in sight (which, this week, included an entire jar of peanut butter and a 70% cocoa chocolate bar, on top of my usual foods.) However, I am doing a dairy-free trial to see if it's a problem for me, and I am now on day 10 without a single bite of cheese or splash of heavy cream. (I am allowing myself butter, though.) This week my kids are all sick again. The baby's cough was troubling, so I took him to the pediatrician on Monday. Come to find out, he has RSV, so that threw a serious wrench in my week. I took off Monday and Tuesday, have an appointment for him next Tuesday morning I'll have to take off for, and have just been working hard to try to keep him reasonably happy and comfortable. Sleep is elusive. But on my extra two days off, I caught up on laundry, so that's a plus! :)

    Carbs Under 40: Only 3 days so far (hopefully today will make it 4 out of 7).
    8,000 Steps: No, not even once.
    Workout: Now I'm really feeling like a failure. No workouts in the past week.
    Technology-Free Evenings: Still better but still not perfect.
    Communicating with Loved Ones: I phoned my bestie on my drive home yesterday, but she didn't answer. :disappointed:
    Mindfulness: Does prayer count? Life just keeps piling the ish on this winter...
    Meal Planning/Shopping: I'm still rocking this one. :)
    Prof Dev: Still listening to the trauma audiobook. I was going to attend a lecture at a local hospital this week for a few free CEUs, but then I had to take two days off earlier this week due to my baby boy coming down with RSV, so I can't afford the time away from the office next week.

    I jumped back up to 176 a few days ago, and here I sit.
    SW: 174.8
    1/7/16: 173.8
    1/14/16: 176.0