kiss and poof

Just because I feel this deserves it's own thread ...
:grumble: I never understand the concept of kissing someone that you're no intention of seeing again?

It's happened to me and I think he must have been pretending all along?

Perhaps someone can explain the 'kiss and poof' phenomenon? :huh:


  • fullofwhimsy
    fullofwhimsy Posts: 218
    You've never been the lucky victim of pure unadulterated lust? That feeling or action of making out with or having sex with someone for that reason alone? I think sometimes it is just pure curiosity as well as the ability to separate emotion from physical action.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I've done that before. At the moment I was into it, but something happened later to make me lose interest. *shrug* it just is what it is.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    You've never been the lucky victim of pure unadulterated lust? That feeling or action of making out with or having sex with someone for that reason alone? I think sometimes it is just pure curiosity as well as the ability to separate emotion from physical action.

    Hmmm! Perhaps on a ONS when I know that it's just a ONS. For whatever reason I know it's never going anywhere and it is what it is.

    I think dates are different though. If I feel lust on a first/second date when I'm in 'date' mode I feel that the non verbal communication going between us means we actually like each other (or not, as the case may be) In other words, I'm communicating that I want to see him again.

    If I have no intention of seeing the guy again, then I wouldnt give off lustful signals. It just confuses the issue. And I wish that guys wouldnt do it especially when they know that the woman is interested in seeing them again! (Obviously this goes both ways.!)
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Just because I feel this deserves it's own thread ...
    :grumble: I never understand the concept of kissing someone that you're no intention of seeing again?

    It's happened to me and I think he must have been pretending all along?

    Perhaps someone can explain the 'kiss and poof' phenomenon? :huh:

    Thanks Raige.....:flowerforyou:
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I've done it before, not proud of it. Sometimes you just get caught up in the moment and it seems like the right thing to do at the time, but then after you've thought about it you just don't see a long term potential with that person. And one time I kissed someone after a date and later that night a long time crush confessed she liked me too, and things went pretty quickly after that.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I must be the only one that doesnt do it then!! :laugh: Alcohol or not, I know if I'm interested in someone, or not :huh:
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I think sometimes, you might feel something when you spend some time with them, give them a kiss good night, and then either you review it and decide you don't like them all that much after all Roadie mentioned, someone from the past pops back up and they take precedence, OR for those that multi date--you meet one guy one night like him, kiss him and then 2 nights later meet "the perfect man" so you poof on the first one--it could happen.
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    I must be the only one that doesnt do it then!! :laugh: Alcohol or not, I know if I'm interested in someone, or not :huh:

    I won't kiss someone I'm not into ... no matter how much I drink lol
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I must be the only one that doesnt do it then!! :laugh: Alcohol or not, I know if I'm interested in someone, or not :huh:

    I won't kiss someone I'm not into ... no matter how much I drink lol

    I am the exact same way. I have had a few different attempts at getting kissed but none have been with a guy I've wanted to kiss. So I'm holding out for someone awesome.
  • Tube_socks
    Tube_socks Posts: 808 Member
    I'll admit. I'm a make out *kitten*. Or was. :)

    I can make out like nobody's business then meh. I just love making out! Of course I have to be attracted to you in the first place. I have been attracted physically to someone without wanting it to lead to more. Definitely.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I must be the only one that doesnt do it then!! :laugh: Alcohol or not, I know if I'm interested in someone, or not :huh:

    I won't kiss someone I'm not into ... no matter how much I drink lol

    Yep! Me neither!

    I get that some ex might pop up and you like them better. That doesnt happen that often tho. It must be more to do with the multi dating scene. And seeing as I can't do that then I'm just into the one guy I'm having a date with.

    @Diana - 'make out *kitten*' made me giggle :laugh:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I'll admit. I'm a make out *kitten*. Or was. :)

    I can make out like nobody's business then meh. I just love making out! Of course I have to be attracted to you in the first place. I have been attracted physically to someone without wanting it to lead to more. Definitely.
    I need to feel attraction however, feelings have to be deeper for it to lead to more than just making out.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I'll admit. I'm a make out *kitten*. Or was. :)

    I can make out like nobody's business then meh. I just love making out! Of course I have to be attracted to you in the first place. I have been attracted physically to someone without wanting it to lead to more. Definitely.

    *raises hand*

    This is me too.. Theres just something so much fun about kissing...The way you feel when its going on. And since I multidate alot kissing you doesn't mean as much as people think it does
  • Tube_socks
    Tube_socks Posts: 808 Member
    I'll admit. I'm a make out *kitten*. Or was. :)

    I can make out like nobody's business then meh. I just love making out! Of course I have to be attracted to you in the first place. I have been attracted physically to someone without wanting it to lead to more. Definitely.

    *raises hand*

    This is me too.. Theres just something so much fun about kissing...The way you feel when its going on. And since I multidate alot kissing you doesn't mean as much as people think it does

    Although I'll admit that when the kissing is super good, I want seconds. I have been guilty of having superb make out session with someone and though I knew they most likely weren't "the one", I accepted a 2nd date just to make out with him again. It was completely worth it.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I'll admit that this isn't me either. I don't give off any good signals when I am not feeling it so for them to think of going in for a kiss repulses me more. To the point I once shrieked out 'please don't kiss me' and fell out of his car.

    That being said it took me awhile to fall for Asia my current boyfriend -- I wasn't sure if I wanted to date or be friends so some could say I made out without that passion. But I did like the guy, and I certainly like him now. He's never repulsed me though.

    What about sex and poof? I dated a guy for a month who promptly 'dumped' me after sex. That stung lol
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    What about sex and poof? I dated a guy for a month who promptly 'dumped' me after sex. That stung lol

    I've definitely done that. Several times.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    What about sex and poof? I dated a guy for a month who promptly 'dumped' me after sex. That stung lol

    I've definitely done that. Several times.

    I think it depends on the premise of the 'relationship' or 'courtship' to date. I was led in a completely different direction and it was a blindside. ONS and FWB are different. But that being said I have panicked before and almost bolted after sex. Hind site I am glad I didn't.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    What about sex and poof? I dated a guy for a month who promptly 'dumped' me after sex. That stung lol

    I've definitely done that. Several times.

    I think it depends on the premise of the 'relationship' or 'courtship' to date. I was led in a completely different direction and it was a blindside. ONS and FWB are different. But that being said I have panicked before and almost bolted after sex. Hind site I am glad I didn't.

    It wasn't a clear ONS situation. It was usually someone I was dating. I don't count FWB or ONS as sex'n'poof
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    What about sex and poof? I dated a guy for a month who promptly 'dumped' me after sex. That stung lol

    I've definitely done that. Several times.

    I think it depends on the premise of the 'relationship' or 'courtship' to date. I was led in a completely different direction and it was a blindside. ONS and FWB are different. But that being said I have panicked before and almost bolted after sex. Hind site I am glad I didn't.

    It wasn't a clear ONS situation. It was usually someone I was dating. I don't count FWB or ONS as sex'n'poof

    1. I would consider a ONS as sex n poof myself but that's me (its like he unspoken permission)

    2. You poof while dating? Like real relationships or just the beginning courtships?