What adjustments do you need to make???

SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
Hello All!!

What adjustments do you need to make to see results for your next weighin?

Post any successes and/or failures you encountered this week along with any adjustments you feel you need to make. What worked for you??? What didn't work??? Did you use the suggested food items??? Did you use the workout dvd???


  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    Successes: Lost 4.2 lbs; I feel great; Didn't have junk food (my weakness!!:)): Didn't yield to temptations!!!
    Failures: Didn't get adjusted to the program until mid week; Attempted to replace white sugar with artificial sugar....epic fail :) DON'T LIKE ARTIFICIAL SUGAR!!

    Adjustments for Week 2: Only worked out 3 days for week 1. Plan to work out 5 days for week 2.