Is this right for me? Looking for some advice!

Hi everyone! I've been reading these discussions and the EM2WL website for weeks, but still haven't taken the plunge. The main reason is I'm not sure if I fall into the category of needing a metabolism reset. Sorry this is a little long winded, hopefully someone will read and give me their opinion.

Here's a little bit about me...

I'm 5'9 and 175lb (goal 155lbs). I've always had to watch my weight and in the past if I needed to lose 10lbs or so I would restrict to 1500 calories and lose the weight. Since having my second baby this doesn't work anymore. Last January (I was 180lbs) I saw a nutritionist and reduced my calories to 1600. I lost 10lbs and then stopped. In the mean time I had started exercising more - 3 HIIT circuit style workouts and week and training for a half marathon. By September last year I had gained back 5lbs and was feeling pretty down about the whole process.

I currently track religiously and eat between 1900 and 2000 calories a day. For the most part I eat very clean and still follow a lot of the nutritionist's meal plans. I do 3 HIIT style workouts and run 3 times a week (training for a 30KM race). I also have been wearing a fitbit charge HR for 5 months and my average daily calorie burn is around 2500 (much higher on the days I do a long run). All this being said I am beyond frustrated that I can't seem to lose any weight.

I don't know what else to do - do you think I need a metabolism reset???

Thanks in advance!!!!


  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Yes, I would do a reset. Find your tdee and then do a smaller cut.

    The gals over at the em2wl forums are really helpful and supportive as well. There is a "journal" section there so you can start your own thread for your journey.
  • rnicoles81
    rnicoles81 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for your response! I'll check out those forums.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    What are you calling HIIT workouts - because the very specific description has been slapped on all number of workouts that aren't really HIIT?

    But even if not real HIIT - 3 intense workouts a week along with running - that's a whole lot of exercise.

    And back when you lowered calories right as you picked up the exercise routine - completely backwards method and time to be increasing your deficit even more.
    Ya - I'd suggest reset too.

    And lighten up the exercise load probably, unless this HIIT is only 10-15 min.
    Un-recovered exercise frequently is also a big stress on the body - and recovery is impaired in a diet - bigger diet worse the repair.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Training for a marathon is a huge stressor on the body. And especially training that long. If you are only eating 2000 cals a day, but are burning far more than that training, your body wont let go of anything.Your high training days are showing a much higher burn. Those are the days you definitely need to be eating far more than 1900 cals. A lot of marathon runners actually have come forward and said weight loss does not happen during training. The body is stressed beyond belief, and more often than not, you are burning far more calories than you are consuming, so the body isnt getting near a TDEE level.

    As others have said, a metabolism reset would be beneficial for you, if for anything, just making sure you are eating well for your training. Also join us over on the EM2WL forums for more advice and suggestions and support. We have all been through it, and are still going through it all. :)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    here is a good article on marathon training and fat loss