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  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    Has anyone tried spaghetti squash as a hash brown substitute? I'd think you'd need to add long strips of thinly sliced onions or garlic salt tho. Worth a try.
    TaraTall wrote: »
    OH MY WORD. Excellent find. I love love spaghetti squash!

    Those look awesome!! I love Spaghetti Squash too. We just had it two nights ago with meatsauce and fresh grated Parmesan cheese. I will definitely look into these. Hashbrowns are one of the foods I miss the most.
  • TaraTall
    TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
    You all are truly inspirational. Thank you for your stories.
    Husband is out hunting right now and we usually grocery shop together so I'm going to wait until he's home and giver.

    Do you make your own broths?
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    I know there are several on here who do. I don't yet, but it is one thing I am looking forward to trying. There is a crockpot recipe out there I'm trying to nail down. Throw things in, let them go all day, then strain it out.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Options has several broth recipes even for the crockpot .....I haven't tried them
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    TaraTall wrote: »
    OH MY WORD. Excellent find. I love love spaghetti squash!

    There's a spaghetti squash casserole dish in the recipes section. It's awesome and pretty simple to make (albeit a bit time consuming, since you have to do two bakes). Definitely check it out.
    TaraTall wrote: »
    Do you make your own broths?

    I can't speak for anyone else, of course, but I do. I'm sipping some homemade chicken broth right now, in fact. Just save up the bones from various meals until you have enough to toss in a crock pot or stock pot. Add enough water to cover, a splash of vinegar, and let simmer for 24-48 hours, adding water as necessary to keep the bones covered. Strain out the liquid into containers of your choice (I put them in ice cube trays and freeze them into cubes; once frozen, I break them out and put them into a storage container for easy access later), and enjoy!

    As for your original questions -- I came to low carb by way of Mark Sisson's The Primal Blueprint. That dropped me down to 100g of carbs for a while and helped me learn the ins and outs of lower carb eating, and helped me break the root of the problem I was having in reducing my carbs by getting the grains out of the picture entirely.

    After that, I kind of dove head-first into the really low carb. I tried stepping down, but 75g a day was the lowest I could consistently go. Then, one day, when I got fed up with the lack of results and creeping backward movement, I went all-in to carnivore ("zero carb"), just to see if I could do it. Strangely enough, my body basically rejoiced in this and embraced it 100%. So, minus a bit of a setback due to major life stress and negative reaction to a medication, I've been on that ever since.
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    Options has several broth recipes even for the crockpot .....I haven't tried them

    Hmm, maybe I should get a pinterest account. Lots of people reference recipes and info from there.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited January 2016
    TaraTall wrote: »
    You all are truly inspirational. Thank you for your stories.
    Husband is out hunting right now and we usually grocery shop together so I'm going to wait until he's home and giver.

    Do you make your own broths?

    Yep. I'm pretty budget conscious (I'm a homeschool mom, so we have one income). I roast a chicken or turkey every week and then use the carcass for bone broth once the meat is gone..., and I add my veggie scraps too. In fact I have a chicken bone broth going in the crock pot right now that I started when I woke up this am. Not much simpler. This one has water, a chicken, onion, rosemary, and splash of apple cider vinegar in it. I'll cook it all day, drain it tonight and use it the next few days.

    Edit: oh and lots of salt and pepper. I leave more meat and skin on chicken than on turkey just cause it's so much smaller.
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    I came to low carb by the way of paleo, where I came by the way of getting really ticked at my doctor for telling me all my inflammation, depression, aches and pains were normal, and I should probably should give up running (I was 23). I finally convinced him to test me for gluten allergies, and sure enough, I have them. At that point, I went full paleo, and doctor-free. I lost 40 lb after going paleo, then gained about 20lb back because fruit is delicious, and then I found the 21-day sugar detox and keto. Keto not only helps with my weight issue, it helps me increase my performance in almost all areas of my life (physical fitness, brain function, overall health, mental health, etc).