Just started LCHF...

mfr0125 Posts: 33 Member
Curious as to people's success on plan. I certainly feel satieted throughout day and energized.
I'm over 50 and wondering how others have done on plan.


  • tinaisstillwell
    tinaisstillwell Posts: 58 Member
    I've been LCHF for 2-3 weeks, and am losing steadily. The first week was the fastest weight loss, and was mostly water, but I'm ok with that! I'm going to stick to the plan, and reach my goals! Once the sugar/carb cravings are gone (first 2-3 days for me) I haven't even been tempted to cheat. It's crazy weird, because I have been a food-aholic for 20+ years! Now, I'm hardly even hungry. Love it!
  • ChickaDee2012
    ChickaDee2012 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 52 and have 20 pounds to lose. I've been on LCHF for the past month. Have lost my Christmas belly bloat and very happy about that. I actually like eating fats now! Feel free to add me!
  • klrmlr
    klrmlr Posts: 8 Member
    I started on January 4th. So far, I've lost about 13-14 pounds. My carb cravings are gone, which is amazing. Anyone interested in being MyFitnessPal tracking/accountability buddies?
  • dbhDeb
    dbhDeb Posts: 200 Member
    Me me!!!
  • dbhDeb
    dbhDeb Posts: 200 Member
    I feel sated and am over 50 too! I feel just really good. I have prediabetes I am trying to reverse. A recent health scare threw me into lots of research to this WOE.
  • howiegal
    howiegal Posts: 3 Member
    I had good success with LCHF last summer but fell off the wagon during the holidays... have had ups and downs since then and have just now got motivated to do what I know works (and makes me feel better). I am 50, have fibromyalgia and had a hysterectomy & ovaries removed in 2011 - menopause has wrecked havoc on my metabolism... looking for other LCHF online buddies.
  • Bbiwbkacq
    Bbiwbkacq Posts: 56 Member
    Just starting this WOE. I've been doing Intermittent Fasting with plant based but heard great things about LCHF and weight loss. So here I am. Would love new friends! Please add me ;)
  • Bbiwbkacq
    Bbiwbkacq Posts: 56 Member
    Do you count calories or just carbs?
  • tinaisstillwell
    tinaisstillwell Posts: 58 Member
    I keep track of carbs. I try to stay under 5% or 20 g/day. Bulletproof coffee helps me with Intermittent fasting.