My Top Ten Keys to Weight Loss - #6: Getting Well

It's been a while since I added to this list. It's been a busy holiday season. I was very fortunate to lose 110 lbs in 2015. So far this year I have lost another 3+ lbs. Need to lose a total of 200 lbs so I have a long way to go yet. When I started at just under 387 lbs, one of my major issues was my various health problems. No doubt if you qualify to be in this group, you have your own list of health issues. My list included edema, venous insufficiency, a particularly stubborn plantar's wart or korn on my foot, elevated blood pressure even with medication, too high a heart rate, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, diabetes, and of course all the problems of being obese. These problems all are part of what made me realize I was going down a path toward an early grave, and that motivated me to finally do this!

A major key to weight loss success is dealing with these problems and getting well. Our physical limitations impact our quality of life but also limit our ability to be active and thus lose weight faster. When I started, I could not walk any significant distance, certainly not more than 10 minutes at best. Therefore, I initially had to primarily focus on diet and eating to lose. As weight came off, things started to dramatically improve, but the point is that I also needed to work with my doctors and other mefical professionals to get well and correct these other problems. It took me a number of appointments with a podiatrist over a few months to get my plantar's wart or korn taken care of so that it was no longer painful to walk. This enabled me to dramatically increase the length of my walks and lose even more. Then I invested in a very good pair of running shoes adapted to me to ensure I had the proper support when I walked, so as not to risk injuries that could limit or stop my ability to walk. The podiatrist wisely pestered me about seeing the vein doctor about my swollen legs. After several treatments for my venous insufficiency, the edema in my legs almost completely disappeared and my circulation improved. This improved my blood pressure and made exercise even easier leading to even more ability to increase my activity which led to a vastly improved heart rate and even more lbs. lost.

The point here is you need to focus on seeing whatever doctors you need to and follow the prescribed treatments. Focusing on getting well will not only make you feel better, but also will dramatically impact your ability to shed more weight. Find a good doctor who will refer you to the right specialists. This is easier said than done. Talk to lots of people about who their doctor(s) are for references. It may take a while to find the right doctor for you. You need to focus on your limiting physical problems. It may temporarily require major life adjustments while getting the treatment you need. For me, this has been an essential key in the effectivenesss of my weight loss quest!

Best of luck on your quest, and get well!
