Substitutions that work and substitutions that don't

BalmyD Posts: 237 Member
edited January 2016 in Social Groups
Zoodles- thumbs up, lightly sautéed, kept their bite even after reheated in the microwave. Tried with both Alfredo and tomato-based sauce.
Cream cheese plus egg pancakes- thumbs up! Hubby and baby even liked them.
Cauliflower pizza crust- meh. I'd rather just eat the toppings off a real pizza.
Eggplant wrappers for enchiladas- tasted okay, but thumbs down because it was a lot of work. Trying collard green wrappers for enchiladas tomorrow.


  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited January 2016
    Cream cheese pancakes - I agree, good, but messy and hard to get picture perfect. Or maybe I just need more practice. Edit: I wanted to add these make really good "noodles" for lasagna. They hold up great! Chicken enchiladas, too.

    Black bean brownies - DISGUSTING

    Lettuce wrapped burgers - too messy and they drip. Just put it in a leaf and use a fork or better yet, have a side salad and a naked cheeseburger (and a fork)

    Almond flour crust - excellent. Crispy and holds together great. You don't need to sweeten it. Just use melted butter and press it into place. Don't overbake! I've used it for pies and cheesecakes. Hmmm, I should try a chicken pot pie. Lightning just hit my brain. ;)

    PB cookies (the egg, PB, Splenda recipe) - great, even if they are dry. Even better, add almond extract. I literally have these in the oven right now! They are pretty good with Carb Smart vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two, if you can budget the carbs. I always mean to try making and freezing premade sandwiches, but I always forget.

    Cauliflower "potatoes" anything - YUCK. I get that ppl like them. I've tried many times cause I really wanted to like them. Maybe I like potatoes too much? All I taste is that cabbagey flavor.

    Almond crusted fried chicken (dipped in egg and crushed almonds) - soooo good! I would have this every day if it wasn't so much work

  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Have you tried cauliflower tots?
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I love zoodles! Where I live, we have "Cincinnati Chili", which is a thin chili that doesn't taste like any other chili you've ever had. You either love it or hate it. It's served on top of hot dogs, (cheese coneys), or spaghetti (3, 4 or 5 ways they are called) and topped with a good mound of cheddar cheese. I hadn't had a 3 way in almost a year and decided to try it with zoodles... It's a win! They just seem to take on the flavor of whatever you put on it.
    I like the cream cheese pancakes but found them to be a mess and hard to cook until I tried them on a pancake maker that my daughter got. It's called Baby Cakes. It makes them the perfect size each time and prevents them from spreading out too thin and the maker flips over so you don't have to try and flip the pancake. It made it incredibly easy and they looked exactly like regular pancakes.
    I haven't made any other substitute foods. I don't think it would serve me well to try and fit those kinds of foods in.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    Have you tried cauliflower tots?

    I haven't. I am gonna try tho spaghetti squash hash browns soon tho.
  • AshleyC1023
    AshleyC1023 Posts: 272 Member
    What was wrong with the cauliflower pizza crust? I had planned on making that tomorrow night. Not enough crisp to it?
  • rdgfreshstart2016
    rdgfreshstart2016 Posts: 75 Member
    Zoodles are great.
    My kids love tacos and I replace the shells with iceberg lettuce - a little messy but tastes great.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    I think that many of these are a matter of personal taste. We live zoodles in my house and we love cauliflower crust pizza. I am sure that we love the cauli one better than the fathead one or various almond of flax meal pizzas.

    I use the tea towel method to squeeze out the water. It is possible to get a crispier crust that is not soggy. I also add seasonings like oregano to the crust and make sure I put enough cheese right in the crust.

    With cauliflower so expensive right now, I won't be making it anytime soon though!
  • BalmyD
    BalmyD Posts: 237 Member
    What was wrong with the cauliflower pizza crust? I had planned on making that tomorrow night. Not enough crisp to it?

    Don't get me wrong it's not terrible. It's just that when I do a sub, I don't want it to taste like a sub. I want my food to be delicious if I'm going to go through the effort to cook it and the cauliflower crust was not as delicious as the effort it took to make it (for me).

  • AshleyC1023
    AshleyC1023 Posts: 272 Member
    Ah ok, we were going to give it a shot, as I used to make my own dough anyway (a yeast dough with 5 million carbs no doubt). The recipe I found said to really drain it out well, and since I make cheeses and yogurt I have all the stuff to do that with.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited January 2016
    Cauliflower pizza crust= healthy and tasty. A lot of work
    Zucchini pizza crust=easier, as tasty, holds together better
    blackbean brownies=YUM, still fairly high in carbs, although better due to the fiber
    black SOYbean brownies=YUM. Depends on your view of soybeans. has a great nutrition profile
    cauliflower rice=PERFECT for my needs

    Blanched collard greens as a wrap=YES

    I see that all of my go to subs swap out starchy carbs with vegetables. :smile:
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    What was wrong with the cauliflower pizza crust? I had planned on making that tomorrow night. Not enough crisp to it?

    Mine was floppy. And eggy.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited January 2016
    What was wrong with the cauliflower pizza crust? I had planned on making that tomorrow night. Not enough crisp to it?

    Mine was floppy. And eggy.
    FWIW, I prefer zucchini pizza crust. MUCH easier, and holds together better.
  • AshleyC1023
    AshleyC1023 Posts: 272 Member
    Makes sense, since you can sweat zucchini with salt like you can tomatoes, onions, etc. I make tomatoes, onion, and pickle "relish" for subs and sweat it with salt then add olive oil. I put that in with hard salami and cheese and don't need any other veggies.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    I've actually given up on the crust idea. Too much work for not enough payoff for me. Instead I've been making hot dog crusts. I.e.: halving hot dogs and then grilling them, and using them as a pizza base. I'll enclose a photo I took of my pizza supreme (sausage, pepperoni, green peppers, onions, sauce and lots of cheese baked over the hot dogs. Sorry, I cut them up before I thought to take a picture. It's a good pizza supreme taste. jt1beltczxdh.jpeg
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    What are Zoodles?
    I LOVE mashed cauilflower! I made sheppherds pie and my hubby and kids had no clue it wasn't potatoes. I really whip them good and add cheese butter and heavy cream....delicious! And the pizza crust is good but it is a lot of work! I might try the zucchini one.
    I love making cheese "crackers" on parchment paper until crisp inth a microwave. Dipped salsa and sour cream....yum!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @JessicaLCHF what black bean brownie recipe did you try? ChocolateCoveredKatie's is REALLY good. I haven't made anything from her blog since I started keto though. It's all relatively healthy but not sure how keto-friendly most of her recipes are.

    I love zoodles, and mashed cauliflower.
    I really need to try cream cheese pancakes and the cheese "crackers."
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    @JessicaLCHF what black bean brownie recipe did you try? ChocolateCoveredKatie's is REALLY good. I haven't made anything from her blog since I started keto though. It's all relatively healthy but not sure how keto-friendly most of her recipes are.

    I love zoodles, and mashed cauliflower.
    I really need to try cream cheese pancakes and the cheese "crackers."

    Sorry, no clue. It was a year ago prolly.
  • natalialikescookies
    I must be the odd one out, I think zoodles are ok but not great.
    But I looooove spaghetti squash!
    Cauli rice - amazing!
    Shirataki noodles - most disgusting food I've ever tried
    Ricotta pancakes- yummy

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @esaucier17, noodles are zucchini made into noodles with a potato peeler, or a kitchen gadget that's made for the purpose, and use in place of noodles. I've never tried them.
  • WVAnne
    WVAnne Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2016
    I tried spaghetti squash as a replacement for pasta last week. Surprisingly good with butter, garlic and crumbled bacon. A low carbonara pasta :)