Sleep and hormones and age

Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member

I've just turned 43 and am starting to notice changes happening.

For the last year or so my cycle has lengthened to about 6 weeks (last one was 8 weeks). They've never been regular since I was a teenager. i took the combined pill through most of my 20's and early 30's which was heaven as I could set my watch by the bleeds. I had to stop taking it as I was getting migraines with aura. After a time of more irregularity they eventually settled into around 27-30 day cycles after I took agnus cactus. But then last year it's gone haywire the herbal remedies haven't made a difference this time.
This change did coincide with a step up in my training but I'm thinking its more likely age related.

On top of this for the last few weeks my sleep quality has declined. I'm waking 3 or 4 times a night and then am wide awake really early. Today I was up at 5.30!!

I'm thinking these are peri menopause symptoms. I've asked my mum what age she started but she can't remember. She was also a smoker which would have affected her.

Can the doctor confirm? Or is it just a get on with it situation?

Has anyone got any suggestions on lifestyle changes that may help?


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    I am 42,, feeling the same way.
  • LaureeSolberg
    LaureeSolberg Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds like peri-menopause. You can have your FSH (follicle stimulating hormones) tested to see where your numbers fall. I've heard peri-m can last 10 years so you could easily be in the beginning stages.
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    Just wait till the hot flashes start !! Those are fun.... I'm 47 and all my wacky stuff started 1 1/2 years ago. I just take each day as it comes. I never know what to expect. Cycle shows up (sort of) for a day then nothing for a couple months (that's when the hot flashes start). It's a crap shoot !!! I try to eat as clean as possible (processed foods contain chemicals that produce phyto-estrogens in the body) and who needs that screwing with an already unbalanced system. :noway: