2.5 weeks in and gaining?

Tanya1551 Posts: 20 Member
I was hoping some seasoned ketoers can provide some insight here.
I started jan 4 and am down 10 lbs.
Im in ketosis everyday and eat around 1000-1300 cals/ around 40-50 carb grams (not net) .
The scale has actually gone up in the past few days by 2 lbs.
Im one that needs to see the numbers go down to stay on track and encouraged so this is frustrating.
I have approx 80 left to lose and am feeling great so far, no cravings after the first week.
The only changes ive made in the last few days was adding in avocadoes, chicken sausage and turkey bacon - i also switched to whipping cream
For my coffee rather than half and half.

Sorry for the long winded vent here!
I would really appreciate what worked for you to continue the steady loss.
Thank you!!!


  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Steady loss, on any woe, almost never happens (men, and very few women will have a ski slope type of weight loss). Mine has been a rollercoaster ride (not even the stair step type loss I've heard described)! It's not fun to see this, but it happens, even when you're doing everything right! Remember, it's not a true stall until you don't see weight loss for four weeks (with some increases on the scale too!)!

    I consider these to be "Healing Pauses", because I always feel better physically after its done! Imo, this is a time when the body pauses to fix something, thereby holding on to water to do it with, showing scale increases (that really mess with our heads!!!)! They're part of the process!

    Try to hang in there! Continuing to do what you know to be right will lead to success!
  • Tanya1551
    Tanya1551 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you so much for the feedback and encouragement :)
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    It is extremely typical for someone to experience a stall or slight gain a week or two after starting. This is so common it even has its own name "PISS" (Post-Induction Stall Syndrome). You are right in the window for this to happen.

    But, you should also remember that this won't be a steady weight loss. There's no such thing. I have a graph, somewhere, of my first year on low-carb. If you look at the year, it looks very steady and like I was constantly losing. When you zoom in on any week, you'll see ups and down and stalls. Even on 2-3 week blocks, you'll see times when it looks like nothing is happening at all. And, I am a man. So, my weight loss is 10 times steadier than most women's loss.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Here's my weight over the last month.
    It's ALWAYS like this. Up and up then down a little and back up and finally down a little more.
    You cannot let the scale rule.
    But if you're like me, I would suggest using an app like Happy Scale or Libra that will help you see your average weight and learn to concentrate on that instead of daily weight.
  • BalmyD
    BalmyD Posts: 237 Member
    This happened to me about ten days in and it turned out it was that time of the month. Once that was over, I was back to losing as expected. Also, I figured out my scale was weighing a little bit different depending on where on the floor it sits, and that it also weighs a little higher the first time I step on it (for some strange reason).
  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member
    Agree with everything said so far, but I would caution eating below 1200 calories ever..unless you're a child. 1200 is considered a bare min unless you're under 5ft tall and already small. If you're undereating by too much your body can start doing wonky things and hold onto fat.
  • Tanya1551
    Tanya1551 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you all! For the support- your feedback is super appreciated
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I agree with the others. Weight can really fluctuate day to day, especially as you settle into the diet. It could just be slow digestion, extra water, or a number of factors. My weight can fluctuate a couple of pounds each day but the overall trend is what I look at.

    Like @Sunny_Bunny_ I chart my weight, but I do it old school with a piece of graph paper. ;)

    I also agree that 1000 kcal might be a bit low for many in the long term. Most on a low carb diet don't need to lower calories that much.

    Good luck!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited January 2016
    You know, it's honestly too early to say, but some of us seem to have more consistency at 30g total or less. With that said, that's what I do and I still have all the fluctuations you see. There's sooooooooooooooooooooo much more than body fat that affects your daily weight. As a matter of fact, daily weight is significantly less affected by actual body fat than anything else. Even when you see a nice loss one day, the amount of it that's actually from fat loss is less than you think. So the same would be true for any "gain" too. It's the long term and trends that will reveal fat loss.
    And as we like to say here,
    Keep calm and Keto on! :smile:
  • mountainrun73
    mountainrun73 Posts: 155 Member
    I second what @BalmyD said about weight during that time of the month. Like 5 pounds every time! I don't even bother weighing myself then. Then again, I rarely weigh myself, I go by how my clothes feel - which are currently a little tight after falling off the wagon and indulging in pasta, crackers, and bread over the holidays :)
  • janekocanpayne
    janekocanpayne Posts: 17 Member
    I was so relieved to find this discussion! I joined this group today as having stepped on the scales this morning on day 15 of a keto diet, I find I haven't lost any weight at all in the last week. I know I lost quite a bit of weight in the first, as I was back to my pre-Christmas weight as of last Monday (I don't know how much exactly).
    My calorie count is set to 1400. I aim for less than 20g of carbs per day (not always successful, but I'm still learning!), with the goal to get 75% of my calories from fat. I am also training for a marathon, so my protein is set to the highest recommended level (by Dr. Volek et al) at 1g per lb of lean body mass. Given all of the above I was really disheartened to see no change on the scales this morning, but learning about PISS (what an unfortunate acronym) has given me hope again.
    Thank you to the original poster and all of the guys who commented :)
  • MerryOne00
    MerryOne00 Posts: 58 Member
    I have a similar story. Week 1, I lost 8 lbs. Weeks 2&3 were stable-no loss but no gains! That was my monthly visit during that time too. My calories were up so I am thrilled to just maintain! I am hopeful to see some loss this week. I am cutting out the cheese for a while. I think I eat too much but I need to find some fat to balance my macros.
  • sault_girl
    sault_girl Posts: 219 Member
    MerryOne00 wrote: »
    I have a similar story. Week 1, I lost 8 lbs. Weeks 2&3 were stable-no loss but no gains! That was my monthly visit during that time too. My calories were up so I am thrilled to just maintain! I am hopeful to see some loss this week. I am cutting out the cheese for a while. I think I eat too much but I need to find some fat to balance my macros.

    Keep in mind, your body will use YOUR fat if it needs some, so not really necessary to go out of your way to add it (unless you need the calories).
  • MerryOne00
    MerryOne00 Posts: 58 Member
    thanks sault_girl! Yes, that's the whole point!
  • Andee2000
    Andee2000 Posts: 31 Member
    Tanya1551 wrote: »
    I was hoping some seasoned ketoers can provide some insight here.
    I started jan 4 and am down 10 lbs.
    Im in ketosis everyday and eat around 1000-1300 cals/ around 40-50 carb grams (not net) .
    The scale has actually gone up in the past few days by 2 lbs.
    Im one that needs to see the numbers go down to stay on track and encouraged so this is frustrating.
    I have approx 80 left to lose and am feeling great so far, no cravings after the first week.
    The only changes ive made in the last few days was adding in avocadoes, chicken sausage and turkey bacon - i also switched to whipping cream
    For my coffee rather than half and half.

    Sorry for the long winded vent here!
    I would really appreciate what worked for you to continue the steady loss.
    Thank you!!!

    I was about to come in here and post something very similar. On Wednesday I was down 2.5 pounds and on Saturday I hopped on the scale hoping to see a downward movement and I went up 3 pounds. I got discouraged, because I've been on point with my eating/tracking and walking 4 days a week for 2.5 miles. Normally, this would upset me and make me say forget it and stop, but I decided to keep going in hopes of some progress. I'm only 2 weeks in and I have around 80 to lose. It is frustrating.
  • KristyBPharmD
    KristyBPharmD Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in the same boat; have been doing keto for a few months, but lapsed during the holidays. Was back down to my "pre-holiday" weight within a few days back on this WOE, and down a few more lbs after that, but now have been pretty stagnant for almost 2 weeks. Target 1400-1500 kcal/day, <25 net carbs (though admittedly sometimes up to 35), protein 0.8 g/lb LBM, and rest fat. Drinking a LOT of water. Doing ~60 minutes of light cardio/day (>10,000 steps with my sedentary day job). Feeling good, but would like the scale (and measuring tape) to move more to keep up the motivation. I know it's more than CICO, because according to that math, I should be losing 1/2 lb a day (and I have been measuring all my food, so I'm not underestimating intake). Will stay the course, but hoping this PISS will pass soon!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I lost 8 lbs in the first 2 weeks (started Nov. 2, 18 lbs from goal) and then stalled for almost a month. During that time the scale would go up and down a little. I was getting antsy b/c I had never plateaued that early and then went on to start losing again. But it worked and I'm now down 17 lbs. Weight loss has been up and down, sometimes a plateau for a while and then it starts dropping every day for a week. Funny how it works but with the encouragement of the others here I've gotten more patient with the process. ;)

    I aim for 1350 cals/day (sometimes higher, sometimes lower) and similar carb level to you (I try to stay under 20-30 net; total is usually mid-20s to mid-40s).
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Oh and I also use Libra. I agree it's helpful how it emphasizes your trend line and not just your daily ups and downs.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I would consider not exercising too much either. Going overboard ends up being counter productive. It creates stress, which produces cortisol, and a while chain reaction of hormones that can set you back. Think of the exercise as an enhancement and not what actually created the weight loss. You also get inflammation and water retention from sore muscles and too much time spent each day can really trigger hunger that negates any benefit you would've gotten in the first place.
    I think it's generally suggested to do a HIIT type workout that only takes like 10-15 minutes a couple times a week. Like twice.. Not 4 or 5 times. Or cardio in 20-30 minute sessions 2-3 times a week. Of course, anyone that is more fit and has been at it longer can generally do more if they want to.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited January 2016
    KCKO, y'all. The scale gets lazy and slow sometimes. It will catch up. In the meantime, Keep Calm and Keto On.

    Or LC On. Whatever applies. Nothing ever happens in an instant. Time has to pass. Fruit doesn't grow on trees in the snap of the fingers. If you want your efforts to bear you massive fruit, the days have to march on.

    So if you want to look at it this way: you want time to pass so you can lose weight.

    Consistency, and persistence, over time. Trust the process. If you are doing what you are supposed to consistently, don't get fussed about it. You have the consistency locked in. You just need time to pass. The scale can't fight you forever. Are you losing inches? Are your clothes growing? Look for those signs. IMO, they mean more than the digits on your scale.